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What's up with Burning?


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Used to be so fun to play in PvP but the meta doesn't really allow going full condi on Guardian/Specs which is a shame since the play style was so fun and brought something different to the meta. Sure we have Pistols but only a minority of players use it and you learn quickly that it just doesn't do enough against the meta builds and there's more hard counters to deal with. It would be nice getting a buff on Pistols or even Torch I just feel more fun factor playing condition on Guardian.

Well just a little rant but what do you think is keeping Burn style guard low tier?

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burn guard died for me when Radiant Fire was changed to no longer grant Zealot's Flame

we were told that the change was made to "make the trait less dependent on always having a torch equipped"

but now without a torch the trait now offers pretty much nothing. 😡

all of those extra damage ticks helped proc the burning passive so you could get way more burns against clumped up enemies than you can now.

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Was there ever a time when burn guard wasn't a one trick pony in spvp? Maybe the reason it doesn't work anymore is because most of the pvp playerbase that's left is smart enough to bring at least 1 condi cleanse to deal with guardian's over reliance on burn as its main condition for damage.

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5 hours ago, Kuya.6495 said:

Was there ever a time when burn guard wasn't a one trick pony in spvp? Maybe the reason it doesn't work anymore is because most of the pvp playerbase that's left is smart enough to bring at least 1 condi cleanse to deal with guardian's over reliance on burn as its main condition for damage.

Actually some players started using it in tournys, picking Eternal Armory for spirit weapon burn damage... but it got a swift nerf. Amplified Wrath's damage also got nerfed... I already forgot when that was, but that was the only time burn guardian was actually decent in pvp.

Now it's only a lower tier spec that farms gold1 players. It can technically do well against some classes who you know have 0 condi cleanses.... but any other power WB/DH would still be better 99% of the time.

Edited by Saiyan.1704
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  • 2 weeks later...

The meta never really had burn guard at top tier. It was similar to stealth DH, flamethrower engineer, hambow warrior etc. Obnoxious to play against but easily played around once people got used to it. 

This current meta also promotes high levels of cleanse due to reaper etc farting out every condition under the sun. Burn guard suffers here because it doesn't have the ability to throw out tons of different conditions. 

The only time I remember seeing more than the average was when it was sort of new to use and no one had that much access to condi cleanse.

Also in this meta it's muuuch easier to die than previous, from what I remember burn guard has a sort of ramp up time needed due to how burning stacks and needing to layer other condis over it before a support cleanses it off. 10 stacks of burning is still 1 condition. 

Can't spend so much time on a burst these days as other specs will beat you to the punch in many ways. 

Resolution being available to almost every profession also took the teeth out of burning too. 

Edited by Pyriel.4370
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They just nerfed permeating wrath when.. boonballs already were surviving poor decisions and standing in circles they shouldn't have and getting away with it.

Absolutely smooth brained change.

Especially when adding some other things to the game that are way more busted.

They need to hire someone with a clue.

I'm getting concerned about the games longevity if they keep making decisions on a whim.

Doesn't make much sense unless just want to encourage selling expansions by eliminating the last few viable(ish.. not really... but eh) core builds from WvW.

Pet classes and braindead clears and other hand holdy things had already nerfed that build to the point it required more effort to play than many alternatives, and it was intended (by the old anet that thought things through) as a counter to large groups so smaller groups could have a fighting chance and to discourage stacking and mindless placement. They are effectively solidifying zergs winning by just stacking. I'm baffled by the sheer myopic lack of foresight.


A burn guard should be a threat to a large group and should be something they want to prioritize. That is how it was intended by the people that balanced the game back when it had better balance. Think it through...


I'm genuinely considering writing a breakdown of some of the decisions they have made for various classes that they then had to fix later when they made things worse so that people can see the whole "we introduced rats to the island but the rats have multiplied and then we introduced cats and now several keystone species are dead" type balance that is going on here. Why do you think some of the new stuff from the *shocker* expansion they are selling is so silly broken?

They never go after specs that sell expansions.. they go after stuff thats viable otherwise or is off meta to kill build diversity. They do that because adding so much stuff so fast to the game with barely any thought makes it hard for them to do their job we are paying them for of balancing the game. So yeet build after build so that they can make room for some new expac stuff they rushed. Thats the rub.


Some stuff on guardian probably did need a nerf.. but this surely wasn't it by a longshot. It lays bare the sheer misunderstanding they have of the game they are developing and makes it clear that the foundation is crumbling.

Edited by Lyralia.2945
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