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OCX/SEA needs it's own region of fewer tiers

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Please give OCX/SEA it's own region of 2 or 3 tiers. Empty maps during out prime time is no fun. This game mode isn't working for OCX/SEA time zone, cause there are too many empty tiers. We are going to keep bleeding players because it's not working.

Alternative could be adding a 2nd EBG for NA Prime and reset, so that tiers can be reduce for NA. It doesn't work as it is, it's broken and any restructure changes have had zero or negative impact.

Edited by akanibbles.6237
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Question: Are you talking about:
* ANet just setting up a couple of new "servers" on their existing Amazon hosting located in USA, designated for Aus?
* ANet investing into a new data center to host servers in Aus to place a couple of servers there?

Because those two are very big differences in investment of money.


But anyways, you basically want Aus prime time to be full for Aus players, and don't care about off-time ?

If ANet made a couple of own "servers" on the NA hosting, or rather let people mark themselves as Aus somehow on the NA servers, I guess that would "work", though it would generally make all servers feel more empty outside of prime. So pretty sure you'd get a lot of different opinions about that.

I don't think there are any "easy" fixes to this, and real fixes to this would be a lot of work and probably change the way WvW works as a mode.

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I would rather see all servers globally play together rather than start splitting things up. The issue is to get server data to update for players on different mega servers because it is not designed for it so imo it will never happen. We would also need maybe 5 to 6 maps so 2 more king of the hill style maps like EBG and the maps are split into NA and EU hosted maps for better ping. Probably a pipe dream but other games have tried to remove region limits to undo splits of the player base to increase population.

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One single region sounds fantastic, but latency would be an issue for many. In Australia we tend to get 240ms, and that's with FTTP. Some would balk at that as unplayable, I'm sure.

Basically we need populated teams during OCX/SEA prime time. Weeks go by were the game mode feels broken. People who are new to the game ask how to play it cause they don't understand why it's empty. I know several friends who don't play WvW anymore cause they say it failed, like pvp. It could work, if they condensed the OCX/SEA player base to make the game mode viable beyond a few hours at reset.

I realise there are those that prefer it to be GvG and they will push until it gets to that. They are happy to organise open field fights in EOTM. I saw WvW as more about fighting and defending resources on a large scale (something which is severely lacking in our timezone).

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On 8/20/2024 at 4:38 AM, akanibbles.6237 said:

Please give OCX/SEA it's own region of 2 or 3 tiers. Empty maps during out prime time is no fun. This game mode isn't working for OCX/SEA time zone, cause there are too many empty tiers. We are going to keep bleeding players because it's not working.

Alternative could be adding a 2nd EBG for NA Prime and reset, so that tiers can be reduce for NA. It doesn't work as it is, it's broken and any restructure changes have had zero or negative impact.

No, you can't leave us, aNet invest in advertising campaigns targeting OCX/SEA countries to play GW2 so that our non-US friends can continue to poke fun at us during off hours. Make it cheesy. Make it good.


Chee-toh... Chee-tah.

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The problem with game coverage is that there are several regions to the game.  Some version are separate altogether, but for most it's just NA and EU.  We share a trading post but nothing else.  If the game had a single region (NA for example) players would only have that as a choice, latency would suck for a LOT of people, but the coverage issue would vanish.

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I also only have one thing to say about this, 
lower the number cap  in the alliance guild. currently all NA players form their own alliance with NA players, and ocx with ocx players. I should think this isn't intentional, because when you play the game , you log in, you recruit players you meet while you are online. which is normal. if everone stack with their same timezone players there will not be enought to spread around. 
therefore the solutions is lower the number cap and when match making happends spread them around.

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Has this ever been different? I mean the whole OCX stacked on one server before and same is true for SEA. Hasn't changed a bit. The only difference is that there isn't 2000 SEA players on BG, JQ and Kaineng anymore but maybe 300 and all on one realm.

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59 minutes ago, urd.8306 said:

Has this ever been different? I mean the whole OCX stacked on one server before and same is true for SEA. Hasn't changed a bit. The only difference is that there isn't 2000 SEA players on BG, JQ and Kaineng anymore but maybe 300 and all on one realm.

if you check out the NA alliance in Discord, you know they all group up as as a few big alliance guild, therefore all the other smaller sea players will be scattered elsewhere, creating the emptiness because they are all group up. that is why, smaller alliance number is the best way to spread out the players to fill the gap.

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Essentially there's not any GOOD solutions to this.

ANet could setup a bunch of 3 servers/teams earmarked for AUS, and have people on the NA server somehow mark themselves as AUS, and have those people sorted to those specific servers. Those servers would still be located in NA so ping as usual. And then all of NA and AUS would just have that much less coverage, meaning even less activity in each new sub section's off-time. So if you where playing on the New-AUS and ended up playing in the middle of the night, it would likely be just entirely dead.

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7 hours ago, akanibbles.6237 said:

If there are no good solutions to empty maps, that would be a shame. I guess it will be a slow death.

The core design of the WvW mode works against this basically. You'd have to change how WvW actually works to get solutions that actually fills maps, since in order to do that you have to abandon the concept of teams and matches.

The simplest solution to it would be to just add rewards/PIPs to EOTM, and replace the map with EBG. Toss in Glider+Mount. But at that point, it's not WvW any longer.

If the goal is to just fill maps as good as possible at all times, then the WvW 24/7 team based score system is a hinder. So it's more about "What is the goal/most important thing. And what do we throw under the bus to accomplish that goal?".

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On 8/21/2024 at 6:24 PM, MedievalThings.5417 said:

The problem with game coverage is that there are several regions to the game.  Some version are separate altogether, but for most it's just NA and EU.  We share a trading post but nothing else.  If the game had a single region (NA for example) players would only have that as a choice, latency would suck for a LOT of people, but the coverage issue would vanish.

WvW though is designed to not be region lock because if an area goes to sleep there is no one to take over. Now latency is the fair point and I will add that reset being 1 time for all would also not be great but could things be attempted to get around things sure. Would players overall benefit from it. That I am not sure just because it makes sense might not mean it is a good idea. I would like to see more public poles of plans and ideas of WvW to get even get an idea where this game mode is going to give a better response but getting into that would go off topic a bit. Ocx and Sea it is hard to work around because of numbers. If they had their own wvw server it would probably just be the same fights ever week over and over.

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Let's ask this question.

How many OCX alliance guilds are there?

How many stacked themselves up like the old SoS?

Maybe instead of waiting for anet to move everyone into proper worlds, create 12 alliance guilds and spread yourselves out.

You can't overstack 1-3 servers for 12 years and then come back and say there's no one to fight.


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16 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Let's ask this question.

How many OCX alliance guilds are there?

How many stacked themselves up like the old SoS?

Maybe instead of waiting for anet to move everyone into proper worlds, create 12 alliance guilds and spread yourselves out.

You can't overstack 1-3 servers for 12 years and then come back and say there's no one to fight.


They don't want to fight though.  Which is why they map hop back and forth as fast as possible to take things before people can defend.  And, when they lose a couple times in a row, they just hack straight to lord to avoid the fight.

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2 hours ago, joneirikb.7506 said:

What is the goal/most important thing

Friend even in the current state of WR I would like someone to explain it to me. We are playing with a server-based point system while we have made the very concept of server useless. Really let me understand what we are playing, because I just can't understand it.

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Just now, Mabi black.1824 said:

Friend even in the current state of WR I would like someone to explain it to me. We are playing with a server-based point system while we have made the very concept of server useless. Really let me understand what we are playing, because I just can't understand it.

There is no goal.  Anet just wants guilds to run around as blobs taking what they want then log out.  The next guild logs on and repeats.  There is no reason to defend, no point in doing it.  The score is completely useless other than gaming the system to move down to fight smaller groups.

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On 8/22/2024 at 5:54 PM, urd.8306 said:

And that was never different. They still can join these Alliances or create one.

There is just no solution to fix this as long as people tend to stack.

You have to say it in simple words. If you want I can help you: the limit of 500 active players who have searched for each other and grouped on purpose, is too high.

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There is no goal.  Anet just wants guilds to run around as blobs taking what they want then log out.  The next guild logs on and repeats.  There is no reason to defend, no point in doing it.  The score is completely useless other than gaming the system to move down to fight smaller groups.


exact. as if to say completely broken. 

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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