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From the Captain, on Spellbreaker

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My thoughts:

  • I don't want wholesale nerfs, Anet just over does those.
  • I agree, the power budget needs to be moved from Spellbreaker and into other traitlines, but Spellbreaker should be left feeling the same while other builds get lifted up.

First: Fix the CD reduction bug on Full Counter. That needs to happen, and we need to see how it plays with it's true CD reduction before tweaking it further.

Things to MOVE to other traits:

  • Pure Strike reduced to 5%/10% increased damage in PvP/WvW
    • Warrior's Sprint increased to 7% increased damage in PvP/WvW
  • Dispelling Force: Removes 2 boons on CC but has a 5s ICD. CCs that strike multiple foes trigger his on each foe per CD.
    • Destruction of the Empowered: This trait now causes you to remove boons when striking with a Burst attack. Gain a stacking damage modifier (5%/3%) when removing boons for 10s, max 5 stacks. Gaining a stack refreshes all existing stacks. (PvE/Comp)

The first shifts damage from Spellbreaker to everyone else who takes Discipline, with Spell being largely unaffected as a result. The second change slows down the rate of boon ripping on Spellbreaker in exchange for everyone taking Discipline having the ability to rip on all bursts to gain a stacking damage modifier. Berserker might rip more boons per minute than Spellbreaker though then... The new version of that trait may or may not need an CD, but I'd rather see the no CD version in action first to see if it is warranted in any specific game mode.

I'm okay with Magebane Tether being what it is. It is a copy of Spear of Justice essentially and is an example of warrior getting something as good as what other professions have. What I would do is have Full Counter flipover to Magebane Tether for 8s where using it initiates the pull, like Spear of Justice. If Full Counter was used to activate MBT, then the FC CD does not start until MBT expires or is used.

What would the rest of you change? To move some of the power from Spellbreaker to a core traitline or even another espec line?

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I like the intent behind it, but does Discipline really need another reason to be an automatic pick for every single warrior build?

I would like to see Arms reworked, I don't like that it does condi things if you take it on a power build because of how the minor traits function. It should have some direct choices between improving criticals and improving condition damage without being a muddy mix of both when trying to be focused.

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50 minutes ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

I like the intent behind it, but does Discipline really need another reason to be an automatic pick for every single warrior build?

I would like to see Arms reworked, I don't like that it does condi things if you take it on a power build because of how the minor traits function. It should have some direct choices between improving criticals and improving condition damage without being a muddy mix of both when trying to be focused.

My intention there was to move stuff to a traitline that spellbreaker is already taking, so as to not functionally nerf it.

As to Arms, it is the condi line. Most, if not ALL, condition traitlines are also the condi lines. That was Anet trying to force Precision as a required stat for condi builds as well via condi on crit traits. There does need to be some buffs or outright reworks to some of its traits, but it's identity as the condition traitline would need to remain intact. 

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2 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

There does need to be some buffs or outright reworks to some of its traits, but it's identity as the condition traitline would need to remain intact. 

100% agree, but not every trait in that line relates to condi e.g. Unsuspecting Foe, Opportunist, Burst Precision. If you take arms for a fury/crit focus you're stuck with Deep Strikes and Bloodlust on the minor traits. I would move anything related to extending or applying conditions into the major traits and have the minor traits do stuff that is universally applicable. Either that or rework the line to be entirely condi focused, and put the precision stuff elsewhere. The way things are currently makes a lot of things feel very watered down, which is probably a contributing factor in why Discipline goes with pretty much everything, nothing feels as good.

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3 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

100% agree, but not every trait in that line relates to condi e.g. Unsuspecting Foe, Opportunist, Burst Precision. If you take arms for a fury/crit focus you're stuck with Deep Strikes and Bloodlust on the minor traits. I would move anything related to extending or applying conditions into the major traits and have the minor traits do stuff that is universally applicable. Either that or rework the line to be entirely condi focused, and put the precision stuff elsewhere. The way things are currently makes a lot of things feel very watered down, which is probably a contributing factor in why Discipline goes with pretty much everything, nothing feels as good.

Well, at least 6 benefit power builds.

Signet mastery, opportunist, unsuspecting foe, sundering bursts, burst precision, and dual wielding all benefit power, or power and condi equally. Maybe that's the reason core condi builds are so bad...

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4 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

But, could give room to buff T1 bursts or put more burst reset skills and traits into core.

You think ANet would think of adding that compensation? They rarely, if ever, do that for anything on Warrior as is.

Like you said yourself, ANet nerfing anything is largely the riskiest thing they ever do because they over do it by so many degrees and things stay that way for half a year or more. Even when they are doing something to "compensate" for another aspect of a skill being buffed they still over do it and whatever they thought they were buffing wasn't really buffed, or even really changed.

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13 minutes ago, KryTiKaL.3125 said:

You think ANet would think of adding that compensation? They rarely, if ever, do that for anything on Warrior as is.

Like you said yourself, ANet nerfing anything is largely the riskiest thing they ever do because they over do it by so many degrees and things stay that way for half a year or more. Even when they are doing something to "compensate" for another aspect of a skill being buffed they still over do it and whatever they thought they were buffing wasn't really buffed, or even really changed.

Oh, I know. I can still dream of a more perfect world where Anet did not have its horrible balance track record.

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9 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

But, could give room to buff T1 bursts or put more burst reset skills and traits into core.

I'll be honest with you, if I land burst, FC, burst, I'm either in a team fight and I did total 4k dmg cause of perma prot/weakness/random blinds. Or I'm fighting someone who is spamming into my FCs. In the case of the latter, I have 0 sympathy for the player. They fail the matchup; I dont complain when I sit next to the mesmer and eat all the shatters, that I'm perma dazed and/or dead. Or sit in the smoke bomb + cyclone axe and get blind spammed by the thief. Or sit in the DH traps. And so on. You dont know how to fight a spec, you die and that is about it.

The rest of war is garbage not because it doesnt have burst resets, its garbage because FC can eat frequent bursts and let you live. Unlike most dps builds, you cant sit at range and contribute; without FC the moment you go in melee is the moment you get melted.

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