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Please stop disableing Adventures for their Race-Events

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Yeap, yesterday I wanted to do the fish adventure, but could not do it because the race was happening. I don't know why would they change this when every other adventure before jw you could do either. 

Edited by corwin.3495
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I ran across this today. The real problem is trying to get gold, and I constantly restart the adventure if I mess up. If the race comes up, you’re forced to do the race to try for gold, and if you mess up, you have to finish the race. Then you have to wait for the race to finish to get the reward. This is a bad experience.

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Disabling adventures for the race/vice versa is super annoying. Why does it even matter if someone wants to double up race/adventure? Just move the NPCs apart so the can't do it.

Edited by Pinkeh.4207
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