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ELE SPEAR - WvW buffs - realistic/conservative proposals


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DMG is too low - large scale/zerg fights perspective:


  • FIRE:
    • instant direct strike dmg on top of the current effect
    • Damage reduction reduced to 5% per hit instead of 10%...
  • WATER:
    • dmg buff (~ 30%)
    • buff the healing (no separating between first target and additional targets)
  • AIR:
    • slight dmg buff (~ 10-15%)
    • make it move a bit faster
  • EARTH:
    • give it an immobilize, if needed drop 1 other condition for it
    • dmg buff (~ 30%)


Auto attacks:

  • FIRE:
    • small dmg buff or reduce cast time to 0,5s
  • WATER:
    • make it an aoe splash heal on impact  (even if it didn't hit an enemy)
  • AIR: buff at least 1 or 2 of these:
    • single target dmg has to be way higher, it does less dmg than fire auto...
    • make it a lightning strike (from above) or a chain lightning - so that it is not a projectile anymore (projectile hate in wvw)
    • less cast time (if the dmg stays as low as now... 0,25sec)
  • EARTH:
    • 100% projectile finisher

2-4 skills:

  • FIRE:
    • 2: bigger splash radio + a bit higher trajectory
  • WATER:
    • 3: reduce cooldown (to 12s)
    • 4: reduce cooldown (to 20s)
  • AIR:
    • 3: add a crit dmg modifier on top (like +25% crit dmg) - most power builds have ~ 90-100% crit chance
  • EARTH:
    • 3: reduce after cast
    • 4: dmg buff (~ 30%)

Dual skills: make them all the same cooldown (12-15s)

    • reduce cooldown to 12 or 15s
    • reduce cooldown to 12 or 15s
    • add 2s of resistance
    • reduce after cast


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I like your ideals.

Over all 3/4 is to slow for spear they need to be 1/2 maybe even 1/4 for the longer cd skills. The self buff 3ed skill need to have 0 cast time.

I think water etch should convert condis into boons on use and not just heal.

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What numbers have you guys been getting? Overall I feel the spear does potentially less damage than staff but it hits way faster. On fire I'm getting 8-9k number 2, 12k Meteor, and a some good volcanos that hit up to 7k some hits. On air, im getting 15k on the number 5, on earth I'm getting 12k on the number 5 and water is meh, altough water 2 is a nice 3 hit.

The CC skills could use some love, because they seem to never hit tho.

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15 minutes ago, Kirevey.5079 said:

What numbers have you guys been getting? Overall I feel the spear does potentially less damage than staff but it hits way faster. On fire I'm getting 8-9k number 2, 12k Meteor, and a some good volcanos that hit up to 7k some hits. On air, im getting 15k on the number 5, on earth I'm getting 12k on the number 5 and water is meh, altough water 2 is a nice 3 hit.

The CC skills could use some love, because they seem to never hit tho.

Vs players 1k to 7k  and a few odd ball 10k. Npc seems to take more dmg vs spear i am not sure why 16k - 20k vs wvw npc.


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23 hours ago, Kirevey.5079 said:

What numbers have you guys been getting? Overall I feel the spear does potentially less damage than staff but it hits way faster. On fire I'm getting 8-9k number 2, 12k Meteor, and a some good volcanos that hit up to 7k some hits. On air, im getting 15k on the number 5, on earth I'm getting 12k on the number 5 and water is meh, altough water 2 is a nice 3 hit.

The CC skills could use some love, because they seem to never hit tho.

What build are you using?

I'm not getting those kinds of big hits and finding it hard to have the 5 flip and hit many targets. Are these numbers on pretty static fights (free fire on a boon blob) or highly mobile?

As for roaming. I was hoping that the spear was going to be roaming viable, as that's the range aspect we needed imo with staff already zerg gamestyle. But from giving it a roaming go, it just aint what I had hoped.

I'm not finding it too much faster than weaver staff either. Imo, and this just may be a 'feels' kind of thing, but it feels much slower.

I do find it has potential and the gameplay is pretty fun, but it's a way off for me atm.

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I like a lot of what you suggested. Mostly I think it needs cast time reductions and dmg buffs across the board.

Air 4 should be changed to function like water 4. The cc should be on the outer aoe circle and the vuln added if they are in the centre (the vuln is so underwhelming though). It's a very very difficult skill to land on a moving target as it currently stands - and not inline with the effect.

Volcano needs to either hit stupidly hard to punish anyone staying in the aoe (especially considering the delay to the dmg ticks amd the very obvious build up via the etching and the animation) or it needs to do a big spike of immediate dmg in addition to the damage ticks afterwards.

Also, please consider making the dual weaver skills work with superior elements. 

Edited by Exzen.2976
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22 hours ago, Santo.2419 said:

What build are you using?

I'm not getting those kinds of big hits and finding it hard to have the 5 flip and hit many targets. Are these numbers on pretty static fights (free fire on a boon blob) or highly mobile?

What I run is pretty much this build. I dropped Fire trait line because i tend to be out of fire more now and keeping persisting flames up is harder. Usually when I leave Fire attunement after dropping my combos I'm at 25 might for a little so I can use that for a nice power up for some other element (Air/Earth).

As for fights, there has a bit of everything really. I get more hits on static targets like boon blobs camping chokes or lords, but I also can charge the etching while moving and then you can cast the final skill outside the ring, so I get good hits from those while moving too. Also, I'm not getting those big numbers on every group out there but I'd say Air 5 and Earth 5 are consistently hitting for around10k each and Volcano is doing from 4k to 7k hits.

For how I play with the build, I try to use the number 3 on spear just before casting the charged etching spell. So I can use the buff from it (so fire 3 will make your entire Volcano hit harder, Energize will make the Air 5 always crit, and the earth 3 will make earth 5 daze for extra memes). Water attunement mostly for running away and utility. I also tend to naturally stack the aura buffs from Catalyst so I end up having high uptime of the 10 stacks of Elemental Power and 2 or 3 stacks of Empowering Auras, so that adds a lot of stats.

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Volcano could deal its small aoe 12 ticks thing, but also spread lava projectiles arround to actually hit something sometimes.
Well yes-no, Volcano should do big spike of damage in center at first, and hit foes with projectiles in 360 or 300 radius.

Derecho : useless. The damage reduction because of "daze" is insane ... but it's a 1 SEC DAZE as your final reward !? At least make it Knockback or Stun, or no CC and pur strike damage.
Plus the width feels incredibly tight.
Considering the whole element is nerfed in pvp/wvw, how #3 is almost useless and no matter the mode how hard it is to hit someone with #2 and #4 : Derecho isn't rewarding for what it costs.

Edited by Zhaid Zhem.6508
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10 hours ago, Zhaid Zhem.6508 said:

Volcano could deal its small aoe 12 ticks thing, but also spread lava projectiles arround to actually hit something sometimes.
Well yes-no, Volcano should do big spike of damage in center at first, and hit foes with projectiles in 360 or 300 radius.

Derecho : useless. The damage reduction because of "daze" is insane ... but it's a 1 SEC DAZE as your final reward !? At least make it Knockback or Stun, or no CC and pur strike damage.
Plus the width feels incredibly tight.
Considering the whole element is nerfed in pvp/wvw, how #3 is almost useless and no matter the mode how hard it is to hit someone with #2 and #4 : Derecho isn't rewarding for what it costs.

A daze i think is the only thing anet will alowe to also hit hard. Your never going to realty pull derecho for stop an skill you want to cc from going off the best you can hope form it is to given you an opening where they are delayed for an time to use an heal skill after you landed a hard hitting Derecho. It could be "you cant use self def and heal effects for x sec" would be an better use for it then an stun but an daze some what covers for this.

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3 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

A daze i think is the only thing anet will alowe to also hit hard. Your never going to realty pull derecho for stop an skill you want to cc from going off the best you can hope form it is to given you an opening where they are delayed for an time to use an heal skill after you landed a hard hitting Derecho. It could be "you cant use self def and heal effects for x sec" would be an better use for it then an stun but an daze some what covers for this.

Or daze + weakness and blind, so you're almost sure to disable the targets in a way.

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