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Kodan events, or: How to treat the player character

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First of all: I don't want to discuss the heart progression system in Janthir. Use this topic for that: Heart progress is ridiculously slow. Instead, I want to talk about how the player character is treated by the event NPC's. 

The idea started with a little discussion I had in my guild about which events are more or less worth your time, especially in terms of heart progression (but like I said: That's a different can of worms). We talked about the usefulness of the events in Autumn's Vale, especially the Flying Fish event and the Drake event right after. Both are pretty good, even though, if you scale the Drake too much it will come as a nasty champion with more knockdown than teeth. This event chain comes with a third event in which you have to prep the fish so it doesn't rot. Players tend to skip this event, because it feels more like busy work. You run from point A to B to C and to D, each with a stunlock at your position for about five seconds. Because the event is next to the waypoint, it scales accordingly. What I really, really, really despise about the event however is how the Kodan treat you. You have to do all the heavy lifting while they are standing there cross-armed and ordering you around to do their busy work. Could say the same about the cabbage vs. Warclaw cubs event. They are doing nothing to fix the situation. Literally. This treatment feels abusive, disrespectful and humiliating. I call that: the ugly.

Then, we have a tiny better examples (but just a tiny bit). These are the events where the Kodan NPC's are asking you from a far to help you. For example: Kill the Champion Basilik or the Champion Warg. Again, it's not that much better, because they order you around doing their job without helping you. But at least you don't have to witness how they are constantly staring at you while they are doing literally nothing. Yet,  have to admit: Barbed Vale with her 2 million one-shot could really lend us a paw in that TItan fight. Could make a huge difference. I call that: the bad.

There are a few positive examples: Hate the material gathering events in Janthir Syntri as much as you want, but at least the NPC's are doing something. It doesn't fill the progression bar, but at least it feels like equality. Other positive examples are the events in south-west of the Lowland Shore with the hunting expedition or the missing spear event. The expedition in Janthir Syntri is also fine. NPC's are actually involved in the event and trying to help (or at least it seems like it): I call that: the good.

For the future: Please create at least the illusion of NPC's helping with events. Don't let them just stand there ordering you around and doing all their busy work for them. 

Edited by Maria Murtor.7253
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6 minutes ago, difens.1326 said:

Also pay attention to what those carebears are saying when you haul piles of warclaw dung to the compost pile...

Well, a hero does need to somehow get by and animal handling is a good honest job (only as someone who grew up with a pack of sled dogs I'd expect more to clean) 😄

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You skip the fish prep event because the flying fish event + the drake event fills your heart fully.  Atleast for me I did every single day. 

Remember to kill all the drakes that spawn, they give a nice amount of progress. 

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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We are the heroes of this story right!? RIGHT!?

Some bear: "Nop. Shut it, and sling more poop!"

Character: "But...but...I'm a Commander, I'm the Wayfinder..."

Bear: "Well, thanks for trying.  Remind me not to call on you for help next time."

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