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Woad Armor

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4 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I don't know. You come across spiteful enough as a non Spvp/WvW player to put your claim to the test.

Most players which are fine with the armor being implemented the way it is are just that: fine with it.

The majority of vitriol and toxicity seems to be coming from somewhere else, at least if this threads comments are to be believed.

It's 1 armor set (granted with 3 individual looks) and you are writing paragraphs while insulting other players over and over about some injustice as though others were eating babies. Touch some grass I'd say.

Or if the same people were saying the Obsidian armor grind is justifiable and later on spamm message that the grind is too high and people should go for the Raid on , here they are hoping that the majority get uproared and the minority spamm messages that they should be  offered in instances or OW bosses like the Bog queen to keep it alive , orthwise they will blame the company for the lack of the rewards/letting OW (even the last 4th ap meta) content to die .

Then for some reason thjere will mass afkers>people wont do that content > start selling in the lfg with creating groups outside the map to start a new instance >in the same time the minority will spamm mesages that the majority didnt fo the content because it lacked gold .


(what about a solo mission in WvW old gg with a piixies fairy   , in case you play offours or your server is losing ,   that takes you into many sites and fight npcs ad unlcok/steal higher forms like the flaming-bike or fast golem that does less damage on walls and have evasive manuverues ? After 600 hours of gameplay/killed enemies , the HP of those forms reduces .Mor easily digestable for the casuals to love the mode and avoid 1-shot , just before the armor is offered in OW?)

Edit: the "form" can be manually activate/diactivate '> channel while you walk/run 70% and unlcoked 100% of the capabilities of it  , or automatically activate if you drop below 50% hp if you played less than 600 hours , as a survival tool

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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12 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

You are joking right?

1 armor set is a huge chunk is it?

They must not have put out any content at all for pve since wvw/spvp take up infinite money  and there for  all the time aloted to them. 

Oh wait another false statement.

Not only that, but attempting to dub it as "arbitrarily cutting PvE content" is also hilarious in itself.


12 hours ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

I think the saddest, most pathetic part of all this is that the PvP/WvW people here are literally just settling for spite.

How ironic that you're saying this about other people after/while writing what you're writing in this thread. 🤦‍♂️ 

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On 9/3/2024 at 10:10 PM, LadyRhonwyn.2501 said:

If it were only that, I wouldn't mind. I do mind however, that people are actually preventing me from finishing that track. Last sunday, I wanted to finish that GoB track I had active (don't care about that woad armor, I do however want to finish my legendary journey, as I have everything for several legendary weapons, all from the original set, all precursors crafted) but I actually fell back in participation due to people killing me seconds before I managed to kill a guard or captured that point.  Which meant I lost precious minutes (because people seem intent on attacking me when I was downed, instead of finishing, which would have been faster, while I was on my map screen, waiting for the timer to start so I could finally WP out and then I had to find a new veteran again to kill).  And if you don't keep your participation up, you don't get the max reward.

Those essences are the worst PvE can give, I completely agree, but at least dying there doesn't stop me from getting the max reward.

And I don't want to learn how to WvW (or rather AvA apparently, as people from my guild (but the same world) are against me so I can't even play with guildies anymore), as I don't care one bit about it, I only go there to get GoBs.

Well last patch made it so you can literally buy the set with gold from PvE gameplay. So problem solved there I guess.

But as a personal note dying in WvW is a thing, there is no shame to it. Another thing about WvW is that by playing it and looking at fights after you have been in them, you can actually learn and improve drastically.

I know it is tedious (and kinda of a job) but if you record videos of your fights in WvW and then watch the playback at very low speed you can find a ton of obvious mistakes that cost you a fight. If you have the time and you are not bored you may find it an interesting personal project.

Have fun!

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16 hours ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

I think the saddest, most pathetic part of all this is that the PvP/WvW people here are literally just settling for spite.

Nah, the saddest, most pathetic part is that grown up people (Im assuming here but I would be also dissappointed in my children) are crying  and going on a tantrum over some computer game pixels.

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