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"Don't show again for this item" warning/message

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... is close to pointless/useless. It resets daily and the items I DO want to use the "check" on ARE ALSO on a daily reset. So what's the point of it...? Please change it so it remembers our choice and let it reset monthly... or never. Thank you very much. 

Edited by corwin.3495
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I feel like this was introduced in response to community complaints about the tooltips in soo, like there was miscommunication about what exactly ppls were complaining about. There do also seem to be fewer of those annoying tooltips in jw to so idk . . .

I do agree the way this is currently implemented is kind of pointless and while I'm clicking on a lot of them rn out of blind hope I imagine I'll eventually start to ignore them . . .

Meanwhile things I actually want warnings about like 'you know you don't have a glyph in that box right?' or 'you're about to buy this mini twice' or 'you know you just bought all these recipes from that other vendor' or 'there's another vendor that sells this cheaper' are nowhere to be found ; p

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  • 2 weeks later...

This. Please Anet either remove this or just let it stay forever this way and maybe add an option to reset it by right clicking on the item or something like that. It's way too annoying having this option getting reset daily, specially when you buy a specific item daily like fractal keys

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On 9/9/2024 at 3:29 PM, Vavume.8065 said:

Yeah it is annoying, along with the constant tooltip helpboxes for marked for death etc, it often feels like im in combat with the UI itself, I want a way to turn off all "help" options.

Omfg so much this. I go back to some SotO meta, some tooltip blocks a substantial area of the screen to tell me about a mechanic I already know about. I dont remember when this started, but it has been insanely annoying ever since.

I get it, it helps the first time. But there should be an opt out option...

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