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First legendary gear - What profession - Revenant vs Elementalist


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Hey people! As title states after playing this games on and off for years I finaly managed to get enough WvW tickets to buy my first legendary gear! 

Very excited about it but I have my issues choosing which profession to buy it on. Got the prerequisite Triumphant gear on both.

As about the fun factor I enjoy both classes equaly but I doubt ill have the mental Willpower to farm another set of legendary gear xD
As for the skill level im Equally bad on both classes! 😄 I managed to break into Plat 2 with both classes in PvP and I dont really do much PvE content. 


So any subjective pros and cons are very welcome to help me decide which one to go for!

Appreciate your help xD

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If you truly don't care for the one class more than for the other, look at what gear you will need. Which class benefits more from legendary gear for you?
The class that needs a broader range of stats would benefit from the legendary gear more, as you could more easily swap the stats and runes out.
For the other class, you would need to craft new armor/swap the stats in the mystic forge.

If you already have all the armor you need, consider which class you'd more like to experiment with stats on.

If you don't care about experimenting, just go with the leggy armor that looks better for you I guess?s

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2 hours ago, chaoslordlol.3165 said:

So any subjective pros and cons are very welcome to help me decide which one to go for!

If you're not even sure who to get it for, are you actually gonna make good use of it?

You either get Legendary for the aesthetic (😂) or for the only good reason, stat select. And before you even consider going for Legendary because you can stat select, I say, unless you already have several sets that you swap around, don't bother, the idea that you'll get it so you'll have it for an hypothetical time you might feel like stat swap is a bad idea.

I've seen no shortage of people getting convinced Legendary gear is some amazing QoL so they grind for it only to find themselves setting and forgetting the stats only by then they're burned from the game from all the grind and just wanna quit or do actually quit, and for what? For nothing, they didn't need stat selectable gear in the first place, remember getting even several sets of Exotic and/or Ascended is quicker and easier than going for Legendary, and most people only ever use one set anyway.

In your particular case you already have the tickets, but since you are unsure I'd say sit on them for a while and don't get something just to get something only to regret it later if you ever actually come across a good use case for them.

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1 hour ago, Bleikopf.2491 said:

Which class benefits more from legendary gear for you? The class that needs a broader range of stats would benefit from the legendary gear more, as you could more easily swap the stats and runes out.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the question being asked by the OP?

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15 minutes ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the question being asked by the OP?

I didn't read it that way but may very well be. 

I interpreted it as "what class should I put the new shiny toy on?" as they were asking for subjective pros and cons, seem to play PvP and talk about fun factor. 

That said, I didn't give a very subjective pro and con either lol. 

Subjective Opinion:

I play Ele and did do Rev for a short while in Zerg. I enjoy Ele more. I also suck at Rev. Doing WvW and PvP won't have you short on transmutation charges, but Leggy armor also won't cost those if you want to change your looks. Personally I prefer the look of heavy armor for fashion war purposes. But it does depend on race and gender of your chars.

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6 hours ago, chaoslordlol.3165 said:

Hey people! As title states after playing this games on and off for years I finaly managed to get enough WvW tickets to buy my first legendary gear! 

Very excited about it but I have my issues choosing which profession to buy it on. Got the prerequisite Triumphant gear on both.

As about the fun factor I enjoy both classes equaly but I doubt ill have the mental Willpower to farm another set of legendary gear xD
As for the skill level im Equally bad on both classes! 😄 I managed to break into Plat 2 with both classes in PvP and I dont really do much PvE content. 


So any subjective pros and cons are very welcome to help me decide which one to go for!

Appreciate your help xD

Consider the other professions using the same armor weight.  Are you likely to want to pick up Necro and Mesmer, then Light.  Are you likely to want to pick up Warrior and Guardian, then Heavy.

As mentioned above, but worded differently, whichever Prof between Ele and Rev you make more build changes, swap more Runes and/or armor stats with, would probably benefit from using Legendary Armor.

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  My biased opinion is Rev:

* I like knights, heavy armor and mele fighters over spell casters in light clothes. 

* I think that outside Weaver (which is more complex but has more personality) the Ele specs are a bit too samey.

* I like the background of Revs and the legends arguing amongst them and with the player. I known that the voices aren't real, but sometimes they have amazing ideas...

* Traditionally, Rev have been in a dominant place at the PvP meta. Ele has been strong also, but more inconsistent in time.

* Currently Rev has a stronger presence in PvE, although that can easily change due balance patches.

* I like the motiv of teleporting through the mist and weapon attacks coming from portals.

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As others have said, your choice is broader than just Ele vs Revenant. It's heavy armour (Rev, Warrior, Guardian) vs light armour (Ele, Mesmer, Necro).

Both sets have lots of viable builds. I did WvW heavy armour first and Revenant is my strongest class but I've found Warrior a bit frustrating. I'm doing Raid light armour too now and really enjoying playing Ele and Mesmer (I expect Necro will be good too, I just haven't had a chance really).

I think between the two I would probably choose heavy just because Herald (Revenant) is such a good elite profession when you are learning, the ability to do OK damage while giving out permanent quickness and all those other boons is very strong.

The counter argument is that Mesmer is probably the strongest profession in the whole game right now (between Chrono and Virtuoso) but they are harder to play well than Herald IMO.

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15 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

The counter argument is that Mesmer is probably the strongest profession in the whole game right now (between Chrono and Virtuoso)

That's only true in PvE, and even then, it only has that reputation because cVirt is fully ranged, easy to play and has good DPS. Chrono is good because it can fill boon dps and boon heal and cover either boon by changing a trait. At most, it's the most "convenient" class in the game for those reasons, but by no mean is it the strongest.

Strongest overall across all game modes would go to Guardian and it's not even close, maybe followed by Necro and Ranger who both have been receiving a lot of love lately (no surprise, given who's on the balance team).

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