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after you made sure its not a better item as you currently havesalvage all green and bluesell all non exotic sigils at merchantsell all non rare runes at merchantmystic forge rare runes for hope of getting usefull exotic runesmystic forge rare weapons of lvl 72+ for chance of usefull exoticsalvage all rare items of lvl 65+ for chance on ectosuse deposit option in inventory menu to drop crafting items directly into your rescource bank where ever you areyou can always go into pvp lobby to have bank and merchant access from every open world mapjust remember to leave it not via portal but via the menu you got into it so you get back to where you where instead of lions arch

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There are a few exceptions, but most are resolved with the latest material storage update. I do the following.1: Get a basic salvage kit, right click on the kit and salvage all blue and green items. (alternatively you can get a copper fed salvage o matic in the gemstore)2: Get a master salvage kit or mystic salvage kit, right click on the kit and salvage all rare items.3: if you are lucky enough to have any exotics check the price on the tradepost. If below 1g salvage them with a black lion salvage kit (or a master one, but bl is better)4: if the exotic item is above 1g check the runes and sigils. if they are of higher value, salvage using a black lion salvage kit (no other). otherwise, sell.4: Store all materials (with the option in the top right corner.5: sell all the runes and sigils salvaged to the merchant (you can gamble them in the mystic forge, but imo it is too much work for what it is worth).

6: Once every month clean out your material storage by selling everything of value or with 30 or more items in stack, on the trading post

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You may also have luck getting some of the lower level ore/wood that sells well (iron or platinum, hard wood, etc.) and putting that on the TP. That should give you enough money to upgrade those 12 slot bags to 18 slot (20 is way more expensive for a minor gain).

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Most of its been covered but to reiterate some of the key points:

  1. Make sure you are storing everything that can be stored in the bank, material storage space, and wardrobe - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Account_vault#Material_Storage
  2. Salvage or sell gear that you dont need. If you are not sure if its worth keeping, check its price in the Trading Post. Seeing how much it is worth on the market is a good way to know if its crap or something special when you are new to the game.
  3. Make a "mule" - a character that you dont play but is kept near a bank to hold your overflow of items that you might want to use in the future.
  4. If you are keeping items "just in case" you might need them, check the GW2 wiki to see what they are for. This game will constantly load you down with stuff that you dont really need - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Main_Page
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Remember that you have a separate materials storage for crafting items and you can automatically put items into it it by selecting the inventory options (looks like a gear in the top right of the inventory) and click "store all materials" or something like that. You can access them from the bank or crafting tables. You can also "sell all junk" at a a merchant, all that stuff labeled junk is safe to sell. You also have a bank that you can store useful things that you don't need right now, like boosters.

Like everyone else said, pretty much just salvage, sell, or mystic forge everything else.

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You can also get very reasonably priced 18-20 slot Pillager Packs to replace your 12-slot bags, by playing some WvW. If you intend to make a legendary weapon some day, you will probably need to get a Gift of Battle from WvW anyway, so you could get a start on that reward track and earn enough Badges of Honor along the way for the bags. (18 slot costs 75 badges plus 1.5 gold, 20-slot cost 350 badges plus 7 gold, from the Outfitter in WvW.)

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