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Jack of All Trades Condi Druid?


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I'm looking to make a Druid that has a nice mix of sustained condition damage/offtankyness/healing for allies. Not looking to be great at any of the three, but just have a well rounded character for events and casual dungeons/wvw. Get all the low hanging fruit from traits/items, etc. and be decently good at soloing content if nobody is around. Was leaning towards using Nature Spirits as they offer a nice variety of bonuses.

Staff + Axe/TorchDruid/Wilderness Survival/Nature MagicApostate/Apothecary/Settler type of armor.

Is this fairly viable to pull off? Are there any runes or sets I should look into? Thanks!

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Looks good to me. Spirits are great in PvE, but I'd use something more useful in WvW. Condi clears and stun breaks, maybe spike trap since you'll be working with allies and your damage will be very low. Soloing PvE will be very slow, but safe.

PvE focus on giving the damage buffs (sun and frost spirits, GoE, https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Druid_-_Support/Healer_Staff), WvW I'd focus more on healing/support/CC and being hard to kill. Might even want warhorn instead of torch in WvW.

Water runes come to mind, without spending any time actually looking over the rune list.

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Spirits are great in all content due to how many targets they can buff, and the effects of their buffs, but keep in mind if you transition into sPvP or WvW you’re going to want like, 2 spirits absolute tops in your build since you give up a LOT of self survivability in order to bring them.

That being said what you’re going for is totally doable, especially for the content you mentioned.

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