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Official PvP Complaint Thread


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Every day there are multiple new "venting" threads where users vent their frustration into a post to try and get attention of the devs. Unfortunately, the devs know, but they aren't swift in releasing patches.

Because of this I am making this thread to put together everyone's venting, since the complaints seem to be flooding the subforum.

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I hate how Anet turned pvp into p2win.I hate how melee-unfriendly is PoF.I hate how we are constantly lied to and messed with (see "elite specs will be alternative and not better than core", "we want to address burst aspect of condi damage", "UC is OP -> must nerf but EM is OKAY guize" kind of bs).I hate how issue with imbalanced MM and rank gain/loss system that doesn't take MMR of your teammates into account is still in place.I hate no valid path to hope bug.I hate how cheaters/exploiters/afkers/griefers etc. don't get punished outside of these forums.I hate how important information is mostly posted on reddit by Anet and not official forums.

I miss old glory day, when positioning, resource/CD management, timing, trade-off were a thing.I effectively quit GW2 since PoF now, outside of logging in maybe once a week i barely even touch this game. It really saddens me to see the game with such great combat system being completely ruined by greed of certain people.

/rant off

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after spamming rank games for a day and having 25wins over loses (69w 44l) i went from 1680ish to somewhere in the 1530s with 10 loses straight ( majority of the point lost per match were 17-19 points, and each win was 9-12points) after going back and forth with a 8 game win streak i notice that the system was hurting my rating over all MORE if i spammed rank games all day long instead of doing what most high end players do (sit in a spot in rank and play 1 game every 3days). It seem like the best way to truly stay somewhere in the top 30 is to really not spam games all day long and pick and select what time frame is the best to play in. I find this truly annoying and stupid however complaining and getting frustrated by it wasn't helping me at all.

At the moment I'm playing 2-3 times a week for an hour to practice with my team, however I'm slowly moving away from rank Que in this game intill i see some sort of Guild Ranking or Team Ranking in general where matches aren't lopsided or heavy to carry.

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