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Mesmer Identity Crisis


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@Walhalla.5473 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:I honestly think Anet is on the way of just removing condition builds out of the game completely, I don't think anyone will be satisfied here on the forums until the damage type is completely gone.

Basically revert to vanilla times?

Eh since confusion has been around since the beginning of the game. Confusion has been nerfed quite a few times since then as well. Seven Mirror and Osicat both used condi builds for a while. I know Seven used it until it was nerfed then switched to a power phantasm build. I think Pyro had a condi build too....But regardless, players have complained about condition just like they have Mesmer power shatter and thief backstabs.

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@Jace al Thor.6745 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:I honestly think Anet is on the way of just removing condition builds out of the game completely, I don't think anyone will be satisfied here on the forums until the damage type is completely gone.

Basically revert to vanilla times?

Eh since confusion has been around since the beginning of the game. Confusion has been nerfed quite a few times since then as well. Seven Mirror and Osicat both used condi builds for a while. I know Seven used it until it was nerfed then switched to a power phantasm build. I think Pyro had a condi build too....But regardless, players have complained about condition just like they have Mesmer power shatter and thief backstabs.

A lot of the complaints about condi builds come from the fact that they can build tanky as fuck and still deal ridiculous, sustained, damage due to ticking conditions. And with the recent-ish trend of giving condi classes condi bursts for PvE, this made some fo those builds more annoying. You can't do that with power builds. To go tanky you HAVE to sacrifice your damage. Condi does not. That's why people are complaining more about condi than about power.

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@Levetty.1279 said:I'm surprised Necros haven't started using this as proof that Anet hates them.

You sir made me laugh, pretty hard actually^^

@"Oglaf.1074" said:So since the official position seem to be that they are not going to fix Confusion in PvE but rather hap-hazardly filled the "holes" left by the changes with Torment, doesn't that kinda ruin the Mesmer (especially Mirage) identity?

I mean, Confusion with it's pink icon is pretty synonymous with Mesmer.

Now they're just another class pooping out Torment like any Scourge or Revenant out there...

Its not that bad with identity. In the end every class has access to every boon/condi and the frequency us the important part.I mean look at guard. They were the only ones with aegis and now its pretty frequent on mesmer, but guard has still the highest aegis spam.Cry of frustration is a littlebit gutted now on mesmer, because of less stackability. But hey i dont complain if i get 40 stacks torment and 10 stacks confusion and it was kinda vice versa before. They should keep the confusion in small packs all over the place, i kinda like it this way.

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