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Now that IC no longer exists


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Yep, i think something now needs to be done, Decoy is WAY too long a cool down at 40seconds long, also now that Phantasms are single use their damage and cool down need to be looked at. Though i would say more likely to get a 20% reduction, some of yours are are little higher, so just making it so they are back at 20% reduction would be fine for cool downs.

Mentioning cool downs, i really wish that Duelists Discipline i wish they would just give it a flat cool down reduction, its NEVER good having cool downs locked behind doing something else. They reverted the Chaotic Dampening trait which also had a reduction that was linked to something else. So would be nice them changing DD as well.

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@OriOri.8724 said:As much as I would like to see MI get a CD reduction, it works as it is. Its 2 clones, stunbreak, and breaks targeting. Definitely not the top of my list for CD reduction.

iDefender and iMage would be at the top, with Decoy next though. Then iWarden

I mean had they made IC baseline then all of them would be in a better place. But seeing they didn’t, I agree MI doesn’t have to have a cd reduction atm.Defender has way too long of a cd but I would put mage and decoy before it.

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@HyperLooser.2698 said:iDuelist is pretty high cd too, even if you could interrupt every time on time

What i dont like is that if you have the trait and interrupt someone using Magic Bullet, it doesnt get a cool down reduction, but if you use iDuelist and then Magic Bullet and interrupt it reduces the iDuelist but STILL not the Magic Bullet :/

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@OriOri.8724 said:As much as I would like to see MI get a CD reduction, it works as it is. Its 2 clones, stunbreak, and breaks targeting. Definitely not the top of my list for CD reduction.

iDefender and iMage would be at the top, with Decoy next though. Then iWarden

Sure MI is just a personal preference but I'm happy with any of the phantasm or clone skills getting built in cooldown reduction.

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