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[Suggestion]: Let us hide chest armour. Please?


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@"Oglaf.1074" said:Yes please. What's the point of picking tattoos and stuff on your Norn when you will never see them? We can already hide both Shoulders and Gloves, so why not Chest, too? I'd love to be able to emulate this look:


Which you can kinda do by not wearing a Chestpiece but we all know that is out of the question:tAoG77e.jpg

"But then everyone would just run around with their female toon's bewbies showing!" I hear you scream. Erhm. Have you taken a look at most female armour (especially Light/Medium) - they're basically just bras (or bras with spikey bits) already so...

hehe...for asura they show off more skin in clothes. than they do without xDasura underwear is wierd.....like they literally take it off to put on clothes

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@"CharterforGw.3149" said:There are multiple mmo's that allow the chest to be hidden in one way or another, I've never seen people run around in their underwear in those games.A good example is Swtor, It has an armor skin that is "invisible", it just hides the armor, barely any people seem to use it (if I ever see anyone these days).

WoW has an item that makes all of your gear invisible. I used to use it all the time in raids and PvP lol.

I really want an invisible chest option so I can make an accurate flame legion charr outfit without it looking awkward with a chest piece.

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