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Were some quests retired?


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I've been running back and forth for 3 days trying to get some quests done. OCD, what can I say. Here they are: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Drive_away_the_hungry_hawkeye_griffon_trying_to_steal_charr_cubshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Answer_lore_questions_to_draw_out_a_challenger_from_the_legions_for_a_duel

They show up on this website: http://free.lancer.free.fr/examples/gw2maps-prototype.html

There is no info other than they are super rare and the zone population may trigger them. If they aren't active anymore, please put me out of my misery.

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@"Vorkk.4927" said:I've been running back and forth for 3 days trying to get some quests done. OCD, what can I say. Here they are: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Drive_away_the_hungry_hawkeye_griffon_trying_to_steal_charr_cubs

This one was probably removed from the game as part of the New Player Experience, which affected hearts, events, and gathering in L1-15 zones (the ones available when you exit the racial cities and especially in the 'areas' just outside town). The wiki talk page includes a reliable wiki veteran describing their attempt to get it to spawn last year, without any luck.

It's still in the game's API, which is why it's still in the wiki.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Answer_lore_questions_to_draw_out_a_challenger_from_the_legions_for_a_duelThis one probably got the same treatment, although it's not directly outside BC. The last confirmed sighting was cited on the wiki talk page in 2013.

There is no info other than they are super rare and the zone population may trigger them. If they aren't active anymore, please put me out of my misery.This would make a good question for the upcoming Ask Me Anything.What happened to events that are still in the API but that we never see? Are they still in the game? (points above to examples)

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They where added to the game as an event overflow effect. So if population would be very high in a specific area, it could do with some extra events. This means that at launch, when players flooded into the map without any mega server balancing, at the spawn point, it happened then. Now this has never happened. With the mega servers this is no longer an issue. I know that some of these events are restructured (like the bandits on the bridge in queens dale and the rampaging golems in metrica). It is unknown if these events still trigger if the population requirements are met, or if the events have truly been removed. Functionally it is unlikely you get it to trigger though.

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Thank you all. It's good to know that I'm not crazy (well not that crazy lol). I wish I had posted sooner. I ran for 3 days in a row back and forth between those 2 camps for hours. That is ending tonight. I don't even see achievements for the first part of the game anyways (only starting in heart of Thorns it seems other than maybe a dungeon achievement here and there for the game's beginning zones)

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