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Was druid nerf for spvp needed?


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@artemis.6781 said:

@Yukio blaster.9082 said:Are you kidding me !!! the druid can 1v2 and kill when being unkillable !!!! the pet do all the dmg for you, they need to nerf the druid sustain more because it's the cancer of sPVP for years now.The only reason why a lot of sPVP players don't play druid regardless of the fact that's it's OP and the king of the ring is because it's so boring to play(bunker build).

OP said healing builds and is completely correct. You deal next to nothing in damage. And I can't take you seriously when you advocate that mirage isn't OP.

You don't see condi mesmer now do you? cos the nerfs mad it a trash tier class(nerfing the condition duration and the dmg from confusion) ,all you see now is power mesmers because of the good dmg that the phantasms provide after the rework, and brace the upcoming nerfs to it. so yeah mirage isn't OP on it's own without any significant dmg .Condi mirage dead .Power mirage will die next patch.

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@Yukio blaster.9082 said:You don't see condi mesmer now do you? cos the nerfs mad it a trash tier class(nerfing the condition duration and the dmg from confusion) ,all you see now is power mesmers because of the good dmg that the phantasms provide after the rework, and brace the upcoming nerfs to it. so yeah mirage isn't OP on it's own without any significant dmg .

If power build works (and it works better than before, he still can one shot you in 1 sec if you are engaged in a fight with someone else in both sPVP and WvW) then yes Mesmer it is still OP.

Condi mirage dead .GOOD! Was about time to be nerfed.

Power mirage will die next patch.

Good again! because atm he is too powerful and has too much survivability. Like I said, it is just wrong that a class can kill in 1 sec another class, and then escape even another 2-3 enemies are on him. In the same time his CD seems to be lower than most of the other classes.

Ppl are complaining about Druid, but Druid is very good only in sPVP, because he is very good in holding points. In WvW druid can be killed by 3 enemies, and he didn't kill no one in 1 sec. Mesmer always can go invisible and runaway, come from behind in few sec and again 1 shot in 1 sec.You guys must see the big picture, you must see and ask for general balance between classes ... don't complain about a class who was too OP that now he is nerfed ... try to learn to play like other classes did without having huge damage/evades/invulnerability and invisibility ... 4 in 1 ...

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People forget that Druids have to kite a lot if they want to stay alive. Yes they can survive quite a lot, and yes they have quite some stealth and heals. But you can pressure them off-point quite easily. People who still complain about druid being OP are probably people who try to 2v1 druid all the time. I'd say that warriors and mesmers are currently better point holders than druid, as they dont have to rely on stealth to stay alive. Druid is quite fine I think, but not as OP as people claim it to be.

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@Yukio blaster.9082 said:

@Yukio blaster.9082 said:Are you kidding me !!! the druid can 1v2 and kill when being unkillable !!!! the pet do all the dmg for you, they need to nerf the druid sustain more because it's the cancer of sPVP for years now.The only reason why a lot of sPVP players don't play druid regardless of the fact that's it's OP and the king of the ring is because it's so boring to play(bunker build).

OP said healing builds and is completely correct. You deal next to nothing in damage. And I can't take you seriously when you advocate that mirage isn't OP.

You don't see condi mesmer now do you? cos the nerfs mad it a trash tier class(nerfing the condition duration and the dmg from confusion) ,all you see now is power mesmers because of the good dmg that the phantasms provide after the rework, and brace the upcoming nerfs to it. so yeah mirage isn't OP on it's own without any significant dmg .
Condi mirage dead .
Power mirage will die next patch.

trash tier? I heard from forums that you can get 32k dps with the right build on condi mesmer.32k is extremely good, better than necros current position, which is under the 30k mark, and its support and dps is continuously being trashed in scourge for being "Too op" or at least some say that in spvp.

You forget also rangers have different stuff on spec.I can't speak about the new spec because i am inexperienced in knowledge and i don't have path of fire, but i didn't find druids power spec op, especially since i was told i had to go condi on druid because power was less strong, and the new one is better on power.

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@Axl.8924 you must understand him, @Yukio blaster.9082 is mesmer so ... Mesmers were complaining on their forum about how weak they are even when both condi and power build were OP. In the same time rangers asked that their Druid specialization to be nerf even other 2 vanila ranger and soulbeast wasn't in top ... GOD knows what ppl rly want ...

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@Dragonzhunter.8506 said:

@Arheundel.6451 said:Ele better support than druid now?...with what Tempest?? Are you kidding me?...are we talking about ele in gw2 or ele from another game?ele better dmg dealer yeah in pve on static golems for certain....

Yes, ele is much better than druid regarding damage in both sPVP and WvW. Ele always was a very good healer, in fact he and guardian was the only healers in GW2 before HoT. I don't know what game are you playing , definitely not GW2 if you don't know these.

I am playing a game where I don't want to cower behind 40+ people while I pew pew with a staff and be on perma ressed duty, if that's your cup of tea..you should go and play ele , which is class you seem to know very little about..otherwise you'd know that any resemblance of dmg comes always at the cost of the entirety of your sustain= one shot KO..but again if that's your style..go and play ele

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@Arheundel.6451 said:I am playing a game where I don't want to cower behind 40+ people while I pew pew with a staff and be on perma ressed duty, if that's your cup of tea..you should go and play ele , which is class you seem to know very little about..otherwise you'd know that any resemblance of dmg comes always at the cost of the entirety of your sustain= one shot KO..but again if that's your style..go and play ele

I played all 3 kind of game PVE, sPVP and WvW. My main was and is ranger, but I played a lot warrior for fractals in PVE when ranger wasn't liked and for guild raids in WvW.I was one of the first warrior on my server who made a build who rly worked and all my guild warriors take it, after the nerf of stability. Also Elementalist was the 3rd class I played in PVE, sPVP and WvW. In sPVP with d/d build among warrior and ranger on the first sPVP season for obtain Legendary title which I gain it and in WvW with staff in guild raids for healing/support. So yes I know what about I am talking and yes I can prove you any time with video, forum posts etc that Ele was the best healer for group party. Druid was just little behind, ofc with other things besides. Do you want me to remember the power of Meteor Shower ? and in the same time the huge amont of healing with staff ?I don't want to argue with you here, but I don't like neither when I see ppl who just talk about something without having any experience ...And for your knowledge , even a bunker ele can do more, more damage than a druid.

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@Dragonzhunter.8506 said:

@Arheundel.6451 said:I am playing a game where I don't want to cower behind 40+ people while I pew pew with a staff and be on perma ressed duty, if that's your cup of tea..you should go and play ele , which is class you seem to know very little about..otherwise you'd know that any resemblance of dmg comes always at the cost of the entirety of your sustain= one shot KO..but again if that's your style..go and play ele

I played all 3 kind of game PVE, sPVP and WvW. My main was and is ranger, but I played a lot warrior for fractals in PVE when ranger wasn't liked and for guild raids in WvW.I was one of the first warrior on my server who made a build who rly worked and all my guild warriors take it, after the nerf of stability. Also Elementalist was the 3rd class I played in PVE, sPVP and WvW. In sPVP with d/d build among warrior and ranger on the first sPVP season for obtain Legendary title which I gain it and in WvW with staff in guild raids for healing/support. So yes I know what about I am talking and yes I can prove you any time with video, forum posts etc that Ele was the best healer for group party. Druid was just little behind, ofc with other things besides. Do you want me to remember the power of Meteor Shower ? and in the same time the huge amont of healing with staff ?I don't want to argue with you here, but I don't like neither when I see ppl who just talk about something without having any experience ...And for your knowledge , even a bunker ele can do more, more damage than a druid.

Why are you HERE? If ele so amazing...go play it!

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@Arheundel.6451 said:Why are you HERE? If ele so amazing...go play it!

I told you that my main is ranger and I play Soulbest. I didn't say ele is so amazing, I said only the truth that Ele do more damage than Druid in sPVP and WvW and also that Ele is better healer than Druid atm. And I can prove you anytime you want. We can go on sPVP or Guild Hall Arena (because I don't think we have any chances to meet in WvW) and do damage or heal ... Also are hundred of video who can prove this. It is simple ... I don't know why you try to argue so hard with something which is obvious.I didn't say (maybe that's why are you so ardent) Ele is better in sPVP than Druid ... because overall Druid is much better in sPVP. Don't mess things ...

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@Dragonzhunter.8506 said:

@Shadelang.3012 said:@Dragonzhunter.8506 Its one of the top 1v1 specs in the game. Both in roaming and in PvP.

Druid is one of the top in 1 vs 1 in roaming ? On what region/server ? Because I play WvW all days and I didn't see any , but any druid who can outperform a mesmer, warrior or soulbeast. Idd he can avoid a lot of damage, ofc he can run around all the time but he is definitely not top in 1 vs 1. I beat any druid I met with my Soulbeast.If in sPVP he is in top because of his survivability and because there he should stay on point and other classes must come to the point and claim it , and becase the fighting area is small, on some maps with pilons etc, in WvW Druid is not even close to top classes. Like I said he can survive more, and he can runaway but he hardly can kill another class. You know about troll daredevil build ? Well for me Druid is almost the same ... he don't die never but almost he can't finish another good player neither (I know I exaggerate a little because in time he can kill, other way troll daredevil thief can't)

heres my thing. If you want to claim druid is a support spec go ahead. Then MAKE IT A SUPPORT SPEC. chip away at its 1v1 potential and increases its healing to OTHER people. Will it need a bodyguard? Yeah but thats normal for support builds.

I don't want to claim something who is obvious. You are the one who want to call a class only from sPVP perspective, and only because you see also sPVP just from 1 vs 1 POV, and this is wrong. Because even in sPVP in a fight 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3 , druid won't be damage dealer or tanky one who absorb damage and sustain himself, but he heal the others, he will provide invisibility, fast resurrection remove condi etc ... (I don't want know to show you what he does for the others because I suppose you already know).

@Axl.8924 I never said druid does ridiculous damage. I said its ridiculously forgiving and it does ENOUGH damage. Enough to kill or wear down whatever it is 1v1ning making htem vulnerable to a +1. It also has very high decap potential. It only really does chip damage. But that chip damage combined with really high poison uptime and the ability to CC lock opponents for short periods when they need to heal is usually all it takes.

If you want a class who has a real damage combined with really CC ability much better than Druid, well then take the Engineer ... he is from far the best damage+cc dealer in the same time. Also he can survive a lot. Don't mess the things ...

PS: are you sure that top class in sPVP (I mean no.1 ) is Druid ? just asking ...

LoL so much hate

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Yukio blaster.9082 said:Are you kidding me !!! the druid can 1v2 and kill when being unkillable !!!! the pet do all the dmg for you, they need to nerf the druid sustain more because it's the cancer of sPVP for years now.The only reason why a lot of sPVP players don't play druid regardless of the fact that's it's OP and the king of the ring is because it's so boring to play(bunker build).

OP said healing builds and is completely correct. You deal next to nothing in damage. And I can't take you seriously when you advocate that mirage isn't OP.

You don't see condi mesmer now do you? cos the nerfs mad it a trash tier class(nerfing the condition duration and the dmg from confusion) ,all you see now is power mesmers because of the good dmg that the phantasms provide after the rework, and brace the upcoming nerfs to it. so yeah mirage isn't OP on it's own without any significant dmg .
Condi mirage dead .
Power mirage will die next patch.

trash tier? I heard from forums that you can get 32k dps with the right build on condi mesmer.32k is extremely good, better than necros current position, which is under the 30k mark, and its support and dps is continuously being trashed in scourge for being "Too op" or at least some say that in spvp.

You forget also rangers have different stuff on spec.I can't speak about the new spec because i am inexperienced in knowledge and i don't have path of fire, but i didn't find druids power spec op, especially since i was told i had to go condi on druid because power was less strong, and the new one is better on power.

@Dragonzhunter.8506 said:@Axl.8924 you must understand him, @Yukio blaster.9082 is mesmer so ... Mesmers were complaining on their forum about how weak they are even when both condi and power build were OP. In the same time rangers asked that their Druid specialization to be nerf even other 2 vanila ranger and soulbeast wasn't in top ... GOD knows what ppl rly want ...

the FA ele can 1 shot too why no one talk about it and the hammer rev can one shot i just died a couple hours from 16k crit from a hammer rev and i screenshot it ill make a post about it LOL.and Axl the 32k dmg build is a pve build and its so stupid you need to play staff/staff and the target should be stable and that's not possible in sPVP.

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@Yukio blaster.9082 said:the FA ele can 1 shot too why no one talk about it and the hammer rev can one shot i just died a couple hours from 16k crit from a hammer rev and i screenshot it ill make a post about it LOL.and Axl the 32k dmg build is a pve build and its so stupid you need to play staff/staff and the target should be stable and that's not possible in sPVP.

You miss a thing ... usual we talk about 1 shot in 1 sec ... that kind of shot who don't give you a chance to dodge or use any defensive skill. Also we don't talk about 16k who will kill a zerk player, but 1 shot in 1 sec who kill player with more than 20k. Still I didn't meet any Revenant or Elementalist who could kill me (even when I am playing with zerk gear and scholar , so glass cannon) in 1 sec , not in sPVP and not in WvW.

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@Dragonzhunter.8506 said:

@Yukio blaster.9082 said:the FA ele can 1 shot too why no one talk about it and the hammer rev can one shot i just died a couple hours from 16k crit from a hammer rev and i screenshot it ill make a post about it LOL.and Axl the 32k dmg build is a pve build and its so stupid you need to play staff/staff and the target should be stable and that's not possible in sPVP.

You miss a thing ... usual we talk about 1 shot in 1 sec ... that kind of shot who don't give you a chance to dodge or use any defensive skill. Also we don't talk about 16k who will kill a zerk player, but 1 shot in 1 sec who kill player with more than 20k. Still I didn't meet any Revenant or Elementalist who could kill me (even when I am playing with zerk gear and scholar , so glass cannon) in 1 sec , not in sPVP and not in WvWWhatever i'm sick of all this hate for nothing mesmer is dead anyway to me.ELE is the new way now sooo much OP you can one shot whit a FA and you have access to many burst skills , you can infinit range crit for 5k dmg.Other ele builds can hold the point and be immortal with a lot of heal and evades.And the funny thing that the Condi ele got a signet that apply's 4 stacks of burning for 12 sec and on 12 sec cooldown and 1200 range if you use viper amulet and baltha rune this is HUG 2k tick dmg for 12sec i can put npcs on the mist to the down stat whit only that skill.The good thing about ELE is being hard to play so even if he is sooo OP you won't see a lot of them around .

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@Yukio blaster.9082 said:

@Yukio blaster.9082 said:the FA ele can 1 shot too why no one talk about it and the hammer rev can one shot i just died a couple hours from 16k crit from a hammer rev and i screenshot it ill make a post about it LOL.and Axl the 32k dmg build is a pve build and its so stupid you need to play staff/staff and the target should be stable and that's not possible in sPVP.

You miss a thing ... usual we talk about 1 shot in 1 sec ... that kind of shot who don't give you a chance to dodge or use any defensive skill. Also we don't talk about 16k who will kill a zerk player, but 1 shot in 1 sec who kill player with more than 20k. Still I didn't meet any Revenant or Elementalist who could kill me (even when I am playing with zerk gear and scholar , so glass cannon) in 1 sec , not in sPVP and not in WvWWhatever i'm sick of all this hate for nothing mesmer is dead anyway to me.ELE is the new way now sooo much OP you can one shot whit a FA and you have access to many burst skills , you can infinit range crit for 5k dmg.Other ele builds can hold the point and be immortal with a lot of heal and evades.And the funny thing that the Condi ele got a signet that apply's 4 stacks of burning for 12 sec and on 12 sec cooldown and 1200 range if you use viper amulet and baltha rune this is HUG 2k tick dmg for 12sec i can put npcs on the mist to the down stat whit only that skill.The good thing about ELE is being hard to play so even if he is sooo OP you won't see a lot of them around .

Dead huh i keep hearing mesmers can insta blow people up with mirage and make images while also being invisible.Sounds pretty op to me.

Also funniest thing ever:mesmers have been called op since forever, and they are always meta in every game mode.Looks to me like there is very little to complain about on mesmers.Sure your image thingy got nerfed, but for a good reason:It was insane, now mirage is going to take a hit or already did in pvp.

How many metas are there of reaper? have you checked? very few, so don't give me that.Also:Chrono is like not only meta on raids, but its desired, and mirage has like more damage than any necro could dream of having.

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