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Sandswept Isles (Malor's Ranch) Harvesting Node Accidental Respawn?

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Bug Details:

  • Date/Time Observed: 7 and 8 March 2018 in EST (noticed after 3/7/18 patch that went live around 9:30 PM EST, bug continues today)
  • Map: Sandswept Isles around Malor's Ranch POI
  • Character Name: Gai Anja Deux, level 80, Asura, Guardian
  • Group?: No, solo play.

Around this POI there are four separate rows of four (maybe five?) harvesting nodes (cabbage, lentils, cluster of desert herbs, and artichokes). Using unbound magic tools, I have been able to harvest all of these nodes without issue. After leaving this area and either joining an instance, or leaving the map and returning, these four rows of plants will respawn within the same "day" (soon after daily reset in my case). When I attempt to harvest these nodes again, a peculiar and reproducible behavior is observed: I am able to harvest 2/4 nodes again same day. After harvesting 2/4, the remaining 2/4 nodes disappear and you cannot harvest them.

If the behavior of plant harvesting nodes is consistent with other areas of the map, I assume each of the nodes are intended to be harvestable once per day?

Not a bad bug, just wanting to point it out to you because it seems irregular.

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It's not limited to those you said and it's not recent, I experienced with almost every harvesting node in every map, like ancient woods or orichalcum nodes in Auric Basin, I harvested one node and, when I finished, the other one on the minimap disappeared, I don't think it's a bug but I suppose it's intended to prevent people from farming nodes too much in the same map.

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It's not a bug, it is how harvesting nodes work everywhere but you're more likely to actually see it when you hang around the same place for a while, or go to the same area several times a day. It's more apparent when you have lots of the same type of node in a small area. Try going to Southsun Cove a few times in the same day and farm Passiflora plants and you'll see it there too.

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There are several different caps/resets on nodes. In addition to nodes respawning (usually after an hour for standard mats, after 20 hrs + reset for T6), there are also caps. As @"darksome.1697" mentioned, there's a Southsun passiflora node cap (I believe it's still 15 nodes) and a passion flower node cap (4). Less noticeable is an elder wood cap (above a dozen, so most people never hit it).

Besides map-wide caps, there are also local area caps: you can only farm so many of the nodes (regardless of the number of map instances) per day per map. These have been in the game since launch at the so-called node farms: you can harvest 8 per day per map per character at a node farm, regardless of how many instances of the map form.

Sandswept apparently has a similar sort of cap in place, that allows us to farm the farm vegetable gardens 1.5 times.

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