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Is there a possibility that we playing Renegade not the way intended?


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Yes, there is a possibility to play in a way unintended.

Renegade was intended to be an offensive support spec. Instead you get to play as a piece of literal garbage that had it's only redeemable PVE support skill (Soulcleave) nerfed by 50% (which Anet somehow left our of the patch notes. Surprise), and in PVP you are a point pinata with zero defenses, no damage, and no support.

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It's actually a lot better than I thought it'd be, especially outside of a condi spec...

If you're playing power Shiro and drop soul cleave right on the point and somebody actually fights you in it... Oh man are they screwed. It feels like what Shiro should probably have been all about in the first place--mark an area of ground and have insane life steal while fighting within your mark. Also, it (unlike the other idiot spirits) doesn't have a cooldown, so if they leave the area or he gets killed, you can just re-channel him.

Darkrazor is like the ultimate panic button too... Not only do you break stun and get stability, but he just daze bombs the area for 5 seconds; using him offensively to secure a kill is really cheesy too because he handles the interrupts while you focus on bursting.

You can run Invigorating flow to make up the loss of swiftness from Glint and then make up the Might you miss from not having Incensed Response/Shared Empowerment/Facets with Vindication and Nefarious Momentum...

Also, Unrelenting Assault and Surge both proc Wrought-Iron Will, if you're playing for the retaliation.

It actually comes together in a pretty nice little kit.

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