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Little things that annoy you


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@MarshallLaw.9260 said:

It's FFA - literally, anything goes.I can see why this might be annoying but in reality it's probably better to adjust your expectations.

No, I totally get it and expect it, but it just annoys me. It's usually after a long rally, too. ? But, yeah, I've learned to take it with a grain of salt. Maybe get in a hit or two of my own back. ^^v

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@pah.4931 said:

@"Frostmane.9734" said:Last night my queue popped for a ranked match and the map was skyhammer. I loaded in and, as I always do, checked the team rosters. My team was blue with me (engineer), a necro, a mesmer, a guardian, and a thief... Not bad. The other team was red with a ranger, a necro, an engineer, a guardian, and thief.

Time went by and not everyone said they were ready so I checked the roster again and noticed two red players were DC.Guess the kitten what! The red team now had three necros a guardian and the engineer.So I had to buy a new keyboard today because rage.

The playerbase voted to keep class swapping during the lobby portion of PvP matches. So, if you are not willing to participate in that miserable game of chicken, trying to time it so you swap at the very last minute to whatever the other team composition is, you should expect to suffer for it.

IMO, it was a terrible idea, but hey, that is what the players wanted, so that is what they players got.

Developing a game based on voting is the absolute worst decision ever. It's borderline obscene.

Completely? Absolutely true, and part of why I try to gently discourage players from creating polls to support their idea of how things should change, because ANet are thankfully not interested in doing that.

Using a poll to help determine how the community feels over a contentious issue, for a smaller subset of players (eg: ranked PvP players), when selecting between options that ANet think would be equally fine for the game? Not at all unreasonable.

It sounds so cool and democratic. But players, on the large, often times have no idea what they want or how to fix things. And they are notorious for only wanting what benefits them personally and not 1) the game or 2) the majority of players. (many of the same arguments could be said of democratic governments lulz)

I agree. That said, I also agree that there are good reasons for keeping class swapping before the match, including "I don't want to be on the team with three thieves, I'd like to switch", so ... shrug

Anyway, this wasn't "players, vote on what you want", it was "players, here is a specific, concrete choice, we would like to know how the community feel before we make the final decision."

Respecting that is not an unreasonable strategy for ANet.

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@SlippyCheeze.5483 said:

@pah.4931 said:

@"Frostmane.9734" said:Last night my queue popped for a ranked match and the map was skyhammer. I loaded in and, as I always do, checked the team rosters. My team was blue with me (engineer), a necro, a mesmer, a guardian, and a thief... Not bad. The other team was red with a ranger, a necro, an engineer, a guardian, and thief.

Time went by and not everyone said they were ready so I checked the roster again and noticed two red players were DC.Guess the kitten what! The red team now had three necros a guardian and the engineer.So I had to buy a new keyboard today because rage.

The playerbase voted to keep class swapping during the lobby portion of PvP matches. So, if you are not willing to participate in that miserable game of chicken, trying to time it so you swap at the very last minute to whatever the other team composition is, you should expect to suffer for it.

IMO, it was a terrible idea, but hey, that is what the players wanted, so that is what they players got.

Developing a game based on voting is the absolute worst decision ever. It's borderline obscene.

Completely? Absolutely true, and part of why I try to gently discourage players from creating polls to support their idea of how things should change, because ANet are thankfully
interested in doing that.

Using a poll to help determine how the community feels over a contentious issue, for a smaller subset of players (eg: ranked PvP players), when selecting between options that ANet think would be equally fine for the game? Not at all unreasonable.

It sounds so cool and democratic. But players, on the large, often times have no idea what they want or how to fix things. And they are notorious for only wanting what benefits them personally and not 1) the game or 2) the majority of players. (many of the same arguments could be said of democratic governments lulz)

I agree. That said, I also agree that there are good reasons for keeping class swapping before the match, including "I don't want to be on the team with three thieves, I'd like to switch", so ...

Anyway, this wasn't "players, vote on what you want", it was "players, here is a specific, concrete choice, we would like to know how the community feel before we make the final decision."

Respecting that is not an unreasonable strategy for ANet.

Admittedly, I don't know how the vote went down (I was not playing at the time). If the vote happened in game when you logged in or the first PvP match you entered on your account then it's a little more reasonable, I'll agree.

If it was on the forums then it's completely bonkers and not at all smart.

This particular issue is tricky. I would say in a perfect world they could have code that prevents class stacking, but that only works if you have a good spread of players playing each class/spec... which is hard to do even with perfect balance (which GW2 does not have). Plus teams are so small (5v5 in a random-q scenario is not ideal) and conquest requires such specific roles, that team comp matters way more than many larger "battleground" type random queue PvP games.

I was commenting more on the process by which they arrived at the design decision to allow swapping and then the "the community voted" shoulder shrug they do now when someone challenges them on it. Maybe they were going to make that change anyway based on internal data and wanted to make it look like they "listen to players" ... I just don't like the idea of design by committee, even if it leads to good changes some of the time.

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Bags inside bags inside bags inside chest since another chest....

1200 range weapon trying to hit on target almost on melee ranger and pop up "out of range" or simply damage gets eaten by the gorund.

Revenant shield and hibernation root needs some love.

Gameplay arround pvp and WvW being to much dependable of same class stacking, due classes are mostly towards pve players spam gameplay.

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