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Projectiles Need an Overhaul

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I really don't have much sympathy for this. Projectile reflects are few (absorbers/destroyers/converters even fewer) and tend not to last long and be static. It's a l2p issue- if some guard sticks a massive shiny wall between you, are you really going to use ranger lb#2 into it? You know you can walk around that wall (or feedback bubble) or just wait it out, swap to a different weapon etc. It's called counterplay...

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@Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

@Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:I think if one subset of weapons have projectiles, and said projectiles have up to 4 counters, then other weapon types should have an equal amount of counters of some type as well, in order to balance it. It should be like paper rock scissors instead its like paper and there is no rock or scissors so everyone plays scissors, because who wants to play projectiles and have that huge disadvantage of so many counters.

Every profession has access to non-projectile weapons. You're free to use these if you don't like projectiles. There, problem solved.

so you acknowledge its a disadvantage and your advice is to just not play it lol....

So you acknowledge they have enough advantages to pick them over non-projectiles. Seems balanced to me.

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