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condi Mirage gearing?


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Hey, I've been playing with the Mirage for a bit now, really enjoy it for casual open world and the little bit of PVP that I do, however I am very far from properly geared. Before PoF, I mostly played a Power Chrono, which means my gear gives me absolutely no condi damage. The question that I have now is what gear to go for; I am trying to decide between Viper, Trailblazer and Grieving, but I am not sure which one to pick/what combination to choose.

I play with axe/pistol and scepter/focus (might change that to torch though), any suggestions would be appreciated.

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PvE: Viper'sPvP: Doesn't matter you use pvp trinket statWvW: Trailblazer

You don't have enough crit chance to take advantage of grieving. Ideally you'd want a Precision/CondiDamage + Expertise setup (either P+CD as primary on a quad stat or one of them as primary on a tri stat). Those sets don't exist atm, though.

Although in PoF maps you will be a bit squishy so some trailblazers won't be bad, although since you are condi you will get right back up if you've applied proper condi output.

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Trailblazer will perform fine in open world pve, for didcated instanced content it will not work due to:

  • toughness making you a tank
  • less damage stats reducing your effectiveness

For PoF pve full trainblazer is fine but you can also decide to splash some in and run rest vipers. Wvw as mentioned should be traiblazer mostly.

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@MikeL.8260 said:I think Viper is still the best choice for open world condi dmg builds, not sure though how a hybrid(Grieving) Mirage would fare, so far I think only Weavers and Reapers benefit enough to go for Grieving stats.You don't have enough crit chance to utilize the ferocity, unless you have raid buffs.

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In Open world i agree with Esplen and the others that viper + a mix of defensive stats will work best. However in WvW for example, if u want to build aggressive , grieving should outperform Viper , due to condi cleanses, same with PvP, if we ever get grieving there.(we dont need condi duration in Pvp and WvW and grieving simply changes condi duration to ferocity - > no power/condi dmg loss)

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:In Open world i agree with Esplen and the others that viper + a mix of defensive stats will work best. However in WvW for example, if u want to build aggressive , grieving should outperform Viper , due to condi cleanses, same with PvP, if we ever get grieving there.(we dont need condi duration in Pvp and WvW and grieving simply changes condi duration to ferocity - > no power/condi dmg loss)

Nah, if you want high burst, you'd be using Sinister.

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To sum up what people have been saying:

Viper - our baseline "go-to" stat for damage. Best in slot until condition duration caps are hit for pve. Good damage in wvw but squishy and vulnerable to condi cleanse.

Sinister - the hybrid and splash in choice next to viper in pve. Better burst in wvw and less penalised by condi cleanse.

Trailblazer - the jack-of-all non instanced content choice. Far less damage than viper or sinister. Performs well in open world pve and the choice pick for wvw unless you are running a super bursty small scale roaming or 1v1 build.

Grieving - the new possible 4-stat replacement for sinister.

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@Pachimari.2510 said:On the same topic, what skill build should a condi mirage have?

If you mean utilities, you probably want to run Signet of Midnight and Signet of Domination (for condi duration and condi damage passive effects). The heal, last utility and elite are up to your liking.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:To sum up what people have been saying:

Viper - our baseline "go-to" stat for damage. Best in slot until condition duration caps are hit for pve. Good damage in wvw but squishy and vulnerable to condi cleanse.

Sinister - the hybrid and splash in choice next to viper in pve. Better burst in wvw and less penalised by condi cleanse.

Trailblazer - the jack-of-all non instanced content choice. Far less damage than viper or sinister. Performs well in open world pve and the choice pick for wvw unless you are running a super bursty small scale roaming or 1v1 build.

Grieving - the new possible 4-stat replacement for sinister.

How does one acquire grieving stats set?

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@Weerus.3701 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:To sum up what people have been saying:

- our baseline "go-to" stat for damage. Best in slot until condition duration caps are hit for pve. Good damage in wvw but squishy and vulnerable to condi cleanse.

- the hybrid and splash in choice next to viper in pve. Better burst in wvw and less penalised by condi cleanse.

- the jack-of-all non instanced content choice. Far less damage than viper or sinister. Performs well in open world pve and the choice pick for wvw unless you are running a super bursty small scale roaming or 1v1 build.

- the new possible 4-stat replacement for sinister.

How does one acquire grieving stats set?

Not sure where in the story or new maps yet, but legendary and raid ascended items now have the stat available.

Some raid items like trinkets and some weapons were reset with the PoF launch so you can reselect the stats on them.

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@bart.3687 said:

@Pachimari.2510 said:On the same topic, what skill build should a condi mirage have?

If you mean utilities, you probably want to run Signet of Midnight and Signet of Domination (for condi duration and condi damage passive effects). The heal, last utility and elite are up to your liking.

Yes, that's right! Thank you! What weapon sets should I be using?

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@Pachimari.2510 said:Yes, that's right! Thank you! What weapon sets should I be using?

I'm mostly playing open world and at the moment I'm using axe/focus (on non-shatter build) and it does pretty well imo. I used to run scepter, but scepter, while being good vs single target, is pretty bad against groups of mobs (it's also much less entertaining compared to axe, but that's just an opinion).

Talking about offhands:1) Traited pistol is the best against bosses (maintaining pistol phantasms).2) Focus is nice against groups of mobs as you can pull them and cleave/shatter.3) Torch gives you aoe burning and its phantasm applies burning too, so I think it's solid as well.4) Offhand Sword isn't a good option for condi builds.

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@Esplen.3940 said:

@FaboBabo.3581 said:In Open world i agree with Esplen and the others that viper + a mix of defensive stats will work best. However in WvW for example, if u want to build aggressive , grieving should outperform Viper , due to condi cleanses, same with PvP, if we ever get grieving there.(we dont need condi duration in Pvp and WvW and grieving simply changes condi duration to ferocity - > no power/condi dmg loss)

Nah, if you want high burst, you'd be using Sinister.

Not in Wvw - Resistance , clear all condis ....ppl can actually react within 1 second and proc resistance etc, and ur burst is gone. Therefore i advice grieving partwise.

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@Zenith.7301 said:If people are cleansing your condi burst in wvw, then grieving is not going to do anything either considering it's a half assed verisoon of sinister and zerker stats. Most condi weapons and attacks have low base power damage, so it isn't going to dent anyone in wvw.

@Zenith.7301 said:If people are cleansing your condi burst in wvw, then grieving is not going to do anything either considering it's a half assed verisoon of sinister and zerker stats. Most condi weapons and attacks have low base power damage, so it isn't going to dent anyone in wvw.

Grieving has more power as sinister + ferocity . since the condi dmg is enough anyway, u simply add dmg vs cleanse and resistance builds. Mesmer has f1 with decent scaling and Scepter 3 hits hard too (when hitting).

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I don't recommend Grieving at all. I wrote a fairly large description as to why it's bad for bursting, but if you look at damage breakdowns of a Condi Mesmer (and Mirage), the power damage is always very, very minimal. Ideally, the stat combination you want to go for is:Condi Damage, Precision, Expertise.If you have to go for a quad-stat, pick two of them and then add either Power or Ferocity as your last stat.

Of course, none of those sets exist, so Sinister is the best if you want to forego Expertise and Viper's is the best if you don't.

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