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Are dungeons being affected?

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As the title suggests, I'm wondering if recent updates have affected dungeons. As I understand it, Anet is not working on dungeons at all. But are they being kept shipshape at the least? I've noticed NPCs glitching through walls here and there or missing a line. I think these are worth looking at but, what is also concerning is if the AI is changing. Has anyone else noticed this? Does the development team have some insight?

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What dungeons and what issues? Let's start with that and afterward, we can worry about whether there are larger systemic issues.

Every change to the game affects... everything in the game. If the devs make changes to "collision detection" or "AI pathing," then that will affect those mechanics in dungeons, too. In theory, ANet runs so-called regression tests to make sure stuff that worked in the last patch is going to work in the next update, but ... it's impractical to believe that any gaming studio can catch all such bugs, not with a 2-4 week release cadence that MMOs have. Stuff will break and sometimes it's easy to fix, sometimes not.

You'll have to be more specific about what you're seeing before anyone can opine about whether it's a bug on the game side, a visual error due to graphics issue on your end, or something else. And whether it's new or old. Heck, might not even be a bug (as turns out more than people think).

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:What dungeons and what issues? Let's start with that and afterward, we can worry about whether there are larger systemic issues.

Every change to the game affects... everything in the game. If the devs make changes to "collision detection" or "AI pathing," then that will affect those mechanics in dungeons, too. In theory, ANet runs so-called regression tests to make sure stuff that worked in the last patch is going to work in the next update, but ... it's impractical to believe that any gaming studio can catch all such bugs, not with a 2-4 week release cadence that MMOs have. Stuff will break and sometimes it's easy to fix, sometimes not.

You'll have to be more specific about what you're seeing before anyone can opine about whether it's a bug on the game side, a visual error due to graphics issue on your end, or something else. And whether it's new or old. Heck, might not even be a bug (as turns out more than people think).

I see. The stuff I've been seeing probably isn't of any significance then and probably not worth ANet's time at the moment.

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@Aldaryn.4376 said:I see. The stuff I've been seeing probably isn't of any significance then and probably not worth ANet's time at the moment.

Well, first, I wouldn't let that stop you from (a) reporting bugs using the in-game /bug reporting tool or (b) describing them here.While ANet has said they don't intend to update dungeons/mechanics, that doesn't mean that they won't look at any issues. It's entirely possible that what you see is a bug and has nothing to do with dungeons per se. Regardless, they can't decide if it's something they want to address if people don't tell them about it.

In other words, what dungeons and what issues? Start describing the 1-2 that bother you the most and we can go from there.

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