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Returning after 3 years. Frustrated with pvp. People keep telling me to stop playing Revenant.

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If it makes you feel any better, rev is actually performing better than the balance team intends as there is currently a bug which gives the meta build about 4 secs of quickness on swapping out of shiro and about 7 secs of protection on swapping out of glint (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/39274/roiling-mists-trait-bugged#latest). So if you think it is rough now just wait till you lose the up time on those very strong boons. Oh wait, that shouldn't make you feel better.

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God it's getting so, so, so old with /every game/ being a cluster/handful of Mesmers and Scourges just dominating everything and then maybe a smattering of warriors, guardians, thieves and rangers...and I've seen like 2 Elementalists and 5 Revenants in my life. Is Engineer dead? Does that class exist?

It's getting stale and frustrating. It's like in League of Legends when out of 100's of heroes there's only 3 per role ever seen per season. How many builds are there? I see the same 5 builds and 4 classes every game.

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Problem with rev is the design they designed it and have mentioned by devs that it's weakness should be conditions but that's just a stupid design point in a game where every class can be condi and where it is so prevelent atm, we have no easy condi clears and have to get it through mallyx and it's resistance which just gets corrupted anyway .

More condi clears for rev pls anet, sick of taking 2 sigils just to remove condis.

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Ill give you the 3 best advices I’ve received so far for pvp power build (from a friend who used to main rev but left) Take into account I’m an average player, who’s greatest achievement is almost getting to Plat 2 with rev only a couple of seasons ago.First: Imagine you are a thief, with less burst, less mobility, less way to escape, no stealth, weak against condis, and no “oh crap !!!” button.Second: when you master the first part, learn what else you can do as a rev.Third: turn chat off while you learn, people will just hate you for playing the class since you are “limiting” the team, specially if your getting close, or in to plat.

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People will seek to belittle you when they can. Don't mind it, it's just human nature to want to feel above someone. That being said, this is just a video game, and people who play ranked live in a bubble thinking that they are the best without taking account things such as class balance, matchmaking, and even the fact that they have an entire team behind them. Right now I would say the new meta mesmer that outputs 12 stacks of confusion on you is the number one killer out there.

It's a choice to have to talk to idiots, especially those that choose to demoralize, to tell you to quit your class, and you don't need to listen to them. As for your revenant dilemma I've faced a revenant who killed 3 people (except for me because I knew how to fight against it), but I thought 'Wow! This guy is pretty damn good.' My advice is you stay away from ranked despite the rewards, and dont talk in chat under spvp, just ping, and don't listen to others just do what you wish.

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