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Chronomancer vs Mirage

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Returning player...used to semi-main a Mesmer, mostly in PVE but also did the living story with her too.

Ive tried watching some vids on both when I have the time. From what I can gather in short: Mirage is an amped up version of core specialization by endless generation of clones and illusions. Chrono has something to do with giving buffs, taking them away from mobs, and granting alacrity (ability recharge)?

Could someone go into a bit more depth ? To be honest, neither seems too interesting to me at first glance because Mirage seems like what core is just amped up, and chrono just seems like 'cute wording' of abilities to make it seem like you are speeding/slowing up time, reversing time etc... (outside of the actual alacrity).

Any feedback on the specs would be appreciated!

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I won't have the best feedback as Mesmer is not my main profession (other than being the alt geared for fractals) and I've barely touched Mirage, but I'll try.

My gut feeling is that Mirage brings the Mesmer a little closer to Thief gameplay in terms of mobility, with the notable exception that you can't dodge. You just evade in place, so dodging is no longer a means of traveling. But your skills hop you all over the place during the fight.

What Chronomancer does to change it up from core is, as you say, tons of boons/conditions that focus on speeding/slowing. It also gets the F5 skill that when pressed lets you have a few scant seconds to do stuff (eg fire off your longest cooldowns) and then bam, you're back at the place you were when you pressed it and your skills are in the same state as when you pressed it. This lets you drop your elite twice in a row very fast, for instance, plus regain lost health (or lose gained health, it is a full reset to the press point). You also get wells, with differing sets of what they do to foes and friends, that you can drop quickly at a target location.

I have felt much stronger as a Chronomancer than base Mesmer. I have felt much less in control of myself as a Mirage, though that's due to lack of practice -- I don't yet have what every button does memorized so it's a bit of button mashing and hoping and getting teleported in ways unpredictable to me due to my noobishness at it.

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As someone who has a chrono and a mirage, I can break it down for you:

Chronomancer has a shield as the elite weapon. At its core, it will provide two things: slow to the targets and alacrity (which speeds up cooldowns, the opposite of chill) to you and your allies. There are a few traits in chrono that allow your phantasms to have another attack (after a 1.25s delay or so), allow your clones to superspeed during shatters, and providing quickness per shatter. Each well also has its own utility. The heal well strips conditions and heals on finish; the elite well does a knockdown, float and pull which does considerable breakbar damage (though not as close as the breakbar damage you can do with the humility signet). It is more effective towards concentration-moderate/heavy classes such as Commander's, but provides options for other power builds.

Mirage, on the other hand, has an axe as the elite weapon. At its core, the mechanic is known as "Mirage Cloak" which gives you (and with a trait, your clones) an 'Ambush' attack that does something depending on the mainhand you use. For example, scepter causes you to launch a barrage of bolts that cause either torment or confusion on hit; greatsword's beam splits to nearby targets. However, the Mirage's dodge is altered that instead of evading in your current direction, it activates the Cloak, which doubles as an evade mechanism. All of Mirage's Deception skills are geared to work around the Cloak, and grant some measure of mobility while staying focused on your target. With the right setup, condition damage-geared Mirages can deal a great amount of torment/bleeding, as well as confusion stacks (this is my setup); however, there are strong power-based setups as well, but requires a bit more skill.

Mirage requires you to remain on the move in order to be effective, because the dodge mechanic has changed. Chronomancer, on the other hand, provides lesser damage options, but your support options are increased and it's a bit easier to handle. You can get a working Chronomancer after the first traits (Adepts) are unlocked, but it requires a few more hero points than working Mirage. HOWEVER: both setups allow for melee and ranged options -- Mirage condi works with staves, and chrono power works with greatswords.

Chrono also has an extra shatter (see Donari's post), but with the new shatter, it gives you a few seconds to spend some heavy cooldowns before you "revert", causing those skills to be useful again. Extremely useful if you're either trying to maximize alacrity, or if you want to double-shot the gravity well.

If you're looking for just dealing raw damage, you can go either way. But I suggest putting some investment in Chrono before your investment in base Mirage, so you have a fallback in case Mirage isn't for you.

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Thanks guys, helpful. Watched another video...I have a better understanding on chrono. Seems like a typical rotation would be to get 3 illusions up, continuum split, pop all big cooldowns, timewarp, etc...when split wears off, you get your cooldowns back. rinse repeat sort of deal? That could be fun.

Curious how it is in a pull to pull basis just roaming then open world PVE. For example, is it easy enough to pull off that rotation quickly and effectively on one pack( Vet + 2 or 3 smaller guys), and then a few seconds later on another?

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@"cesmode.4257" said:Returning player...used to semi-main a Mesmer, mostly in PVE but also did the living story with her too.

Ive tried watching some vids on both when I have the time. From what I can gather in short: Mirage is an amped up version of core specialization by endless generation of clones and illusions. Chrono has something to do with giving buffs, taking them away from mobs, and granting alacrity (ability recharge)?

Could someone go into a bit more depth ? To be honest, neither seems too interesting to me at first glance because Mirage seems like what core is just amped up, and chrono just seems like 'cute wording' of abilities to make it seem like you are speeding/slowing up time, reversing time etc... (outside of the actual alacrity).

Any feedback on the specs would be appreciated!

An amped up version of core mesmer? I guess that's pretty accurate. I mean, Mirage certainly seems to have much stronger offense and defense! But if you haven't actually tried it for yourself yet, it may not yet have clicked with you what some of these abilities allow you to do. I'm not sure it really feels like core mesmer at all, but I was never much of a fan of core mesmer (or chrono!).

  • Mirage Cloak. This is the centerpiece of the Mirage specialization. It allows you to dodge at nearly any time and does not interfere with other actions (e.g. you can dodge while stunned or while performing other attacks). This version of dodge lasts for 1s rather than 3/4s and grants 1s of super speed. It also opens a 1s window which converts the 1 skill to an ambush attack with different and more powerful effects.

With the infinite horizon trait, your clones also gain Mirage Cloak and the ambush attack window whenever you do. A great deal of your damage output with Mirage comes from these ambush attacks, especially with IH. This is why Mirage typically employs Energy Sigils (even in PvE!) as dodging more often is not only good defense, it also increases your damage! Managing endurance and rotating ambushes and other skills while also timing those evades to avoid damage becomes the game.

  • Axe. Axe gives condi mesmers something they lacked before: A condition-based melee weapon. And it's a good one! It deals excellent damage, is plenty survivable for a melee weapon (although it can't touch staff for defense!), and I personally find it a really fun and cool-looking weapon in action!

  • Deceptions. I really love the Deception utilities. They form another pillar of the Mirage playstyle because they add mobility in the form of teleports. Jaunt alone gives you an instant 450 range teleport with 3 ammo and a reasonable cooldown. You can also take other mobility options such as Illusionary Ambush (also an instant teleport!) and Mirage Advance (two teleports in one!). Both axe and staff have instant teleports in their kit as well. So not only can Mirage dodge while stunned or performing other actions, they also have the ability to teleport under the same conditions!

Here's a sample video to give you an idea of how Mirage looks in combat:

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