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What would I be missing out on if I skip PoF(sale), if I use this time to level up low-level heroes?

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I am really tempted to go for the 20.99 USD sale for PoF, but I only have one level 80 ranger who I want to retire and instead play low level heroes I've been wanting to level up for awhile. Just for the record, I got it once at the beginning of the sale, refunded it because I didn't find the PoF story all too compelling, but was able to keep the mount. So there's also the guilt that I got to keep something that I didn't really pay for, even though that wasn't my intention to begin with. Beside that, what can I look forward to if let's say, my primary objective is to organically level up one of my low-level heroes (or start a hero from scratch), and stick by them besides the mount (which I already have) and the Elite Specialization, which seems to be a long, long ways. Also, what's important to note is that I had purchased HoT back in 2015, but I never really got that far into it due to it being too hard for me running solo.

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Theres no reason not to buy the expansion if you plan on playing it later. But if for no other reason.... even if you never set foot in Crystal Desert..... "Especs". May as well get the discount now, and then decide when you want to dive in later. Because I'm pretty sure as soon as the sale ends, people will be complaining about how long they'll have to wait for the next sale, and that Anet was being unfair to players who didn't buy the game during the sale.

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I'm sure he's just hedging his bets because yanno if he buys it now and levels up low level heroes and then uses the expansion at THAT time it his refund time is gone. Like man, why even play that game. I'm sure if you do that enough times regardless of whether you had an account before PoF or not they'll just ban you.

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I'm still not sure what you're asking. Why can you not buy PoF and level a low level character? These two things aren't conflicting ideas, unless Fremtid is correct. There is no reason to not buy the expansion because you are playing low level characters. I have PoF and HoT, and I'm leveling a new class right now. I'm confused by your conflict.

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@Klowdy.3126 said:I'm still not sure what you're asking. Why can you not buy PoF and level a low level character? These two things aren't conflicting ideas, unless Fremtid is correct. There is no reason to not buy the expansion because you are playing low level characters. I have PoF and HoT, and I'm leveling a new class right now. I'm confused by your conflict.

Sorry for any confusion. My conflict was with the fact that I might not ever get that far again, seeing as I didn't exactly get very far in HoT's jungle. I think a big part of is that I don't have a stable group to play with so I delved into HoT on my own and just sort of gave up back then. I don't want to see a repeat of that with PoF's new zones, where I play, get overwhelmed, then stop playing.

That's why I was asking if there is anything relevant to me (other than the mount that wasn't taken away) for me at low levels if I get the expansion, even if I never get to the PoF zones. Like I said, I am sort on hiatus with my level 80 Ranger for now so likely I will be going through core Tyria again. I've heard there is powerleveling in GW2, but I haven't taken a look into how to do it yet.

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@Fremtid.3528 said:I'm sure he's just hedging his bets because yanno if he buys it now and levels up low level heroes and then uses the expansion at THAT time it his refund time is gone. Like man, why even play that game. I'm sure if you do that enough times regardless of whether you had an account before PoF or not they'll just ban you.

I'm not sure what you're saying exactly but it sounds like you're accusing me of trying to get another refund, is that correct? I usually don't like refunding games because if I buy them I should have to keep them right? In this case, I returned PoF due to the fact that I dropped in PoF's storyline with my level 80 Ranger and the game as a whole felt very unsatisfying, and I can attribute a couple reasons to that:

1) My Ranger is severely underpowered. He doesn't have all the updated gear due to the fact that I like his existing set of gear visually. Therefore, while he does okay in Tyria, I just got beat down by the first mobs in the PoF scenario.2) It was my first time back in over two years. I don't remember the skill sequences or what everything even did so of course my experience was going to be met with clunkiness.

However after this ordeal, I started playing my level 4 Mesmer that I had created the last time I played during HoT and I found myself enjoying the game immensely and perhaps a profession that I'd like to challenge myself with for the time being. However I don't know exaclty how long I will be committing to the game, that's why I ask if there's anything else that I can benefit from buying the expansion, even if it's still going to be a while before I step foot into PoF zones again.

I hope that clears the air up a bit for you.

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While leveling you will only benefit from mounts from PoF.

PoF is far easier content than HoT when it comes to solo play. Most things in PoF can be pretty easily solo’d, including hero points.

Elite specs are usually (but not always) an upgrade over core specs. That may not be how they’re suppose to work but that’s how it works out in game.

If you like the look of your gear but it’s low level or poor quality - just upgrade your gear and then change your gears look back to the old gear. You’ll benefit from better gear/stats but keep the look you enjoy.

PoF is definitely worth having if you enjoy playing the game. Like I said above - It’s far more solo friendly than HoT.

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@Perses.9683 said:While leveling you will only benefit from mounts from PoF.

PoF is far easier content than HoT when it comes to solo play. Most things in PoF can be pretty easily solo’d, including hero points.

Elite specs are usually (but not always) an upgrade over core specs. That may not be how they’re suppose to work but that’s how it works out in game.

If you like the look of your gear but it’s low level or poor quality - just upgrade your gear and then change your gears look back to the old gear. You’ll benefit from better gear/stats but keep the look you enjoy.

PoF is definitely worth having if you enjoy playing the game. Like I said above - It’s far more solo friendly than HoT.

Thanks for your helpful reply! You make me really want to try stick with it. Speaking of soloing...I'd actually really like to get more socially involved, it's just that back in the day, my rl friends all played at different hours than me. What would you say the best avenue to meet new people and get into a guild would be? The official discord server? Through the forums? In-game? Etc....

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@solfizz.5730 said:Thanks for your helpful reply! You make me really want to try stick with it. Speaking of soloing...I'd actually really like to get more socially involved, it's just that back in the day, my rl friends all played at different hours than me. What would you say the best avenue to meet new people and get into a guild would be? The official discord server? Through the forums? In-game? Etc....

I’ve joined 2 active guilds - one that was simply recruiting in map chat and I didn’t have a guild and decided to try it and it’s worked out pretty well. The other I joined after playing with a few of their members. I’ve been in them for several months now.

There’s also a secret guild wars group on Facebook that anyone can join if they play the game. There’s frequently people on there looking for guilds and/or people to play with.

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Good to know the promo is still going. Too bad it doesn't look like the code works on the Ultimate Edition? Was totally willing to drop money on it. Unless someone can tell me why a Lily of the Elon permanent pass is totally worth the let's say $5, I'd rather just get the basic edition and throw another ~$20 at the screen for raw gems and choose my extras that way.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:It's not the VIP passes, but the 4000 Gems that come with Ultimate Editions that bar them from discount sales.You can, of course, choose the Deluxe Editions.

Good luck.

Thanks for the explanation. But I'm still curious if the Lily of Elon pass is worth having? Far as I can tell, these lounges are really just miniature cities/Lion's Arches already located within cities.

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Thanks for the explanation. But I'm still curious if the Lily of Elon pass is worth having? Far as I can tell, these lounges are really just miniature cities/Lion's Arches already located within cities.

Lily of Elon is nice to have mostly because you can use it to get to the crystal desert with alts without needing to go through the story.

If you don’t have any passes it can be convenient too but other passes are much better convenience wise than the Lily.

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@Perses.9683 said:

Thanks for the explanation. But I'm still curious if the Lily of Elon pass is worth having? Far as I can tell, these lounges are really just miniature cities/Lion's Arches already located within cities.

Lily of Elon is nice to have mostly because you can use it to get to the crystal desert with alts without needing to go through the story.

If you don’t have any passes it can be convenient too but other passes are much better convenience wise than the Lily.

Thanks for the explanation.

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