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Revenant and Ele


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As an Elementalist main (think I am anyway, made 6 of them).... I don't think we need buffs, mostly just tweaks. It's the current OPness of some builds that have us working a lot harder to be just as effective as the guy spamming 3.Some changes I would like to see: (mostly a Tempest D/D player)

  • Firegrab: Slightly larger cone, you really need to line this skill up perfect in order to hit.
  • Ride The Lightning: Lower CD
  • Updraft: Lower CD
  • Water Overload: Decrease the heal at the end after a full channel by a little bit and put those values into the channel itself.
  • Fire Overload: Make the radius slightly larger, if you blast might like I do, it sorta sucks being forced into such a small little area.
  • Churning Earth: Slightly Faster cast time, I understand the old ways that higher hitting skills had to have a channel but the game is now at a stage where auto attacks hit harder than Churning Earth. This would also fix my blast finishers frustrations from this skill. (PvP split only, don't do this change for WvW or PvE)

As for Rev, playing any class that has condition pressure, yes they need a buff but playing any power focused build against them and I'd say they were fine.... So maybe they need tweaking on the condition removals?

Don't hang me for it, just my opinion.

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@"witcher.3197" said:Ele was broken during vanilla and Rev was broken at HoT release to the point where teams took 3-5 of them at their peak, they are too afraid to go back to those days probably.

Extremely wrong!

-Elementalist was considered absolutely garbage at launch


This was the reality for ele players for couple of months before the water/arcana/earth bunker spec became the defacto ele meta thx to @Daphoenix this should have already raised a huge bloody danger flag for the devs and community alike : a class that was viable in pvp only after they spent 90% of their traits in defense + loads of healing power ( valkyrie amulet old version 2012-2014- then celestial in 2014-2015 and finally mender ) .

From 2012 till June 2015, ele remained competitive and one of the stronger builds in pvp/wvw ...but not the absolute strongest because during that time the nerfs were already pouring on the class at every turn while buffs were given to thief/war/mesmer like candies ( ranger was neglected for years ) ; in 2015 we had the condi rework which catapulted the ele to god status thx to the absurd burning application, so OP that tournament teams were using multiple eles

Remember it was June 2015 and Hot came out Oct 2015 during that time the amount of nerfs given to ele, multiplied tenfold : the fire trait line got gutted with the removal of might on cantrip, ashen blast became useless for a GM trait - then they nerfed earth line - they nerfed arcane skills and by the time Hot came out, ele was only good "barely" as healbot tempest and even that got hugely nerfed with time

Now the class got less than nothing while other professions have received so much sustain/dmg buffs that old d/d ele would pale in comparison and this only show how hypocrite the community in this game is, they cried wolf in the past..but now it's fine to have a pvp situation where you will see the same two professions out of 10 players with every match.

It was not ok for a good ele player to troll not kill multiple people with their healing d/d build...but it's ok having invincible mesmer taking on 3-4 people and killing them or when you need 2-3 people to down any other super bunker class.

This is not fear of buffing...it's clear dev personal bias

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@witcher.3197 said:Ele was broken during vanilla and Rev was broken at HoT release to the point where teams took 3-5 of them at their peak, they are too afraid to go back to those days probably.

Extremely wrong!

-Elementalist was considered absolutely garbage at launch

Who cares about launch? Vanilla means everything pre-HoT. Ele spent the second half of that period dominating everything any everyone to the point where it became a meme.

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@witcher.3197 said:

@witcher.3197 said:Ele was broken during vanilla and Rev was broken at HoT release to the point where teams took 3-5 of them at their peak, they are too afraid to go back to those days probably.

Extremely wrong!

-Elementalist was considered absolutely garbage at launch

Who cares about launch? Vanilla means everything pre-HoT. Ele spent the second half of that period dominating everything any everyone to the point where it became a meme.

half Pre-HoT? that was fucking 7 years ago almost and I fail to remember when ele was used that much in pvp that was banned from tournies or appear to be 6/8 class out of 10 every pvp match and I never seen a wvw 50 man zerg where you'd see 30 eles out of 50.

So accordingly to your "logic" it would be high time to nerf current OP specs to near destruction for the next 4-5 years because they've been OP since HoT launch, how that sound for you?

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@witcher.3197 said:Ele was broken during vanilla and Rev was broken at HoT release to the point where teams took 3-5 of them at their peak, they are too afraid to go back to those days probably.

Extremely wrong!

-Elementalist was considered absolutely garbage at launch

Who cares about launch? Vanilla means everything pre-HoT. Ele spent the second half of that period dominating everything any everyone to the point where it became a meme.

half Pre-HoT? that was kitten 7 years ago almost

HoT released in 2011? Didn't know that!

and I fail to remember when ele was used that much in pvp that was banned from tournies or appear to be 6/8 class out of 10 every pvp match and I never seen a wvw 50 man zerg where you'd see 30 eles out of 50.

Interesting, I'm guessing you weren't around for that 1 entire year when everyone was stacking eles and a 5 D/D ele team actually won an ESL tournament. I think it was because of ele that anti-class stacking rules had to be introduced, or was it rev?

So accordingly to your "logic" it would be high time to nerf current OP specs to near destruction for the next 4-5 years because they've been OP since HoT launch, how that sound for you?

Never said what should be done, merely pointed out that Anet is probably still hesitant to buff certain specs because of what happened in the past.

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@witcher.3197 said:

@witcher.3197 said:Ele was broken during vanilla and Rev was broken at HoT release to the point where teams took 3-5 of them at their peak, they are too afraid to go back to those days probably.

Extremely wrong!

-Elementalist was considered absolutely garbage at launch

Who cares about launch? Vanilla means everything pre-HoT. Ele spent the second half of that period dominating everything any everyone to the point where it became a meme.

half Pre-HoT? that was kitten 7 years ago almost

HoT released in 2011? Didn't know that!

and I fail to remember when ele was used that much in pvp that was banned from tournies or appear to be 6/8 class out of 10 every pvp match and I never seen a wvw 50 man zerg where you'd see 30 eles out of 50.

Interesting, I'm guessing you weren't around for that 1 entire year when everyone was stacking eles and a 5 D/D ele team actually won an ESL tournament. I think it was because of ele that anti-class stacking rules had to be introduced, or was it rev?

So accordingly to your "logic" it would be high time to nerf current OP specs to near destruction for the next 4-5 years because they've been OP since HoT launch, how that sound for you?

Never said what
be done, merely pointed out that Anet is probably still hesitant to buff certain specs because of what happened in the past.

An entire year wow what about necro/warrior/mesmer being stacked everywhere for the last 4 years since HoT launch? and what about the whole year of 6-8 dh per match? I guess you were not around for that but do realise that you're not the only one having a strong bias against a certain class....in the end of the days you're no more right than me because current broken spec do the same as past d/d ele if not more so the whole "the devs are afraid" holds no ground...it's called bias

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@witcher.3197 said:Ele was broken during vanilla and Rev was broken at HoT release to the point where teams took 3-5 of them at their peak, they are too afraid to go back to those days probably.

Extremely wrong!

-Elementalist was considered absolutely garbage at launch

Who cares about launch? Vanilla means everything pre-HoT. Ele spent the second half of that period dominating everything any everyone to the point where it became a meme.

half Pre-HoT? that was kitten 7 years ago almost

HoT released in 2011? Didn't know that!

and I fail to remember when ele was used that much in pvp that was banned from tournies or appear to be 6/8 class out of 10 every pvp match and I never seen a wvw 50 man zerg where you'd see 30 eles out of 50.

Interesting, I'm guessing you weren't around for that 1 entire year when everyone was stacking eles and a 5 D/D ele team actually won an ESL tournament. I think it was because of ele that anti-class stacking rules had to be introduced, or was it rev?

So accordingly to your "logic" it would be high time to nerf current OP specs to near destruction for the next 4-5 years because they've been OP since HoT launch, how that sound for you?

Never said what
be done, merely pointed out that Anet is probably still hesitant to buff certain specs because of what happened in the past.

An entire year wow
what about necro/warrior/mesmer being stacked everywhere for the last 4 years since HoT launch? and what about the whole year of 6-8 dh per match? I guess you were not around for that but do realise that you're not the only one having a strong bias against a certain class....in the end of the days you're no more right than me because current broken spec do the same as past d/d ele if not more so the whole "the devs are afraid" holds no ground...it's called bias

Warriors were trash-tier at HoT release.DH has never been in the winning team in a real tournament, ever.Necros nor mesmers were ever stacked. (Until PoF)People stacked revs at HoT release.

Nice try though.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@witcher.3197 said:Ele was broken during vanilla and Rev was broken at HoT release to the point where teams took 3-5 of them at their peak, they are too afraid to go back to those days probably.

Extremely wrong!

-Elementalist was considered absolutely garbage at launch

Who cares about launch? Vanilla means everything pre-HoT. Ele spent the second half of that period dominating everything any everyone to the point where it became a meme.

half Pre-HoT? that was kitten 7 years ago almost

HoT released in 2011? Didn't know that!

and I fail to remember when ele was used that much in pvp that was banned from tournies or appear to be 6/8 class out of 10 every pvp match and I never seen a wvw 50 man zerg where you'd see 30 eles out of 50.

Interesting, I'm guessing you weren't around for that 1 entire year when everyone was stacking eles and a 5 D/D ele team actually won an ESL tournament. I think it was because of ele that anti-class stacking rules had to be introduced, or was it rev?

So accordingly to your "logic" it would be high time to nerf current OP specs to near destruction for the next 4-5 years because they've been OP since HoT launch, how that sound for you?

Never said what
be done, merely pointed out that Anet is probably still hesitant to buff certain specs because of what happened in the past.

An entire year wow
what about necro/warrior/mesmer being stacked everywhere for the last 4 years since HoT launch? and what about the whole year of 6-8 dh per match? I guess you were not around for that but do realise that you're not the only one having a strong bias against a certain class....in the end of the days you're no more right than me because current broken spec do the same as past d/d ele if not more so the whole "the devs are afraid" holds no ground...it's called bias

Warriors were trash-tier at HoT release.DH has never been in the winning team in a real tournament, ever.Necros nor mesmers were ever stacked. (Until PoF)People stacked revs at HoT release.

Nice try though.

Mesmers were never stacked?Two Mantra mes was meta for a short while in vanilla and in HoT double Chrono was a staple for months alongside with stacking revs.

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