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Leaderboard should be removed from soloranked and only applied to TA


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@Arheundel.6451 said:

Law of Averages. The more games you play, the more it evens out. If your build and skill level truly make you better than the competition at your current rating level, you will tend to move up in rating. If not, you will tend to move down. In any given match you may be at the mercy of the matchmaking system, but over many matches you will make the difference in enough of them to move either up or down in rating. All players are playing under the same system here (except cheaters, I guess?).

^ this 100%...your average player complains about MM and yet the better players consitently end up at the top every season.Honestly, the only people who should be complaining are those top 50 or so who are consistently at the top because they (myself included) are always the ones carrying games. I’m not saying those top 50 players are playing perfectly 100% of the time, if they are saying that they are pompous and wrong, (I’m CERTAINLY not a perfect player lol), but what I am saying is that players would rather complain about MM then identify the inherent flaws in their own gameplay that are probably keeping them at a low MMR.

Players that understand this, understand that solo Q really doesn’t mean much in terms of skill. I still solo Q a kitten ton because 1). I find this game fun and enjoyable and 2). Because I still get practice and try to get better for team games that actually matter like ATs and AG tournaments.

The only thing I would like to see anet do is reward players for actually playing well, and not with gold or ascended gear because that just makes PvErs complain and who kitten cares about gear and gold in PvP? We need EXCLUSIVE PvP titles, gear, weapons, auras, and even mounts. They gave us this cool HoTm to afk in to show off our gear, but don’t give us a wide variety of anything exclusive to choose from. The only exclusive and cool reward is from winning AT and those 5 players are .0001% of the community.

To this day nobody has yet been able to explain how exactly "their" gameplay influence a game to the point where they decide when to lose and win:

1) Do you consistently win 1vs32) Win every teamfight by merely showing up?

-So if you get 3 players who manage to lose to a single necro...it's my fault for being bad?
  • You get players who act like a bot , dieing/respawn and rush only to lose again without ever changing tactics
  • -You get wintraders, people who simply don't care....

I'd really love to put you on the other side of the spectrum and show us how your gameplay brings you higher

I put myself in a position to be the most effective. I do consistenly hold and sometimes even win 1v2s to give my team an advantage. I do heavily impact a teamfight by marking/focusing targets and peeling for my teammates. I play multiple classes to fill in for specific roles that would make the most impact for the team comp I am given.

All of these things I have learned over time and taken the time, my personal time, to improve on.

Everyone who solo queues gets the bots, the bads, the ignorant, and the Wintraders. Everyone. Not just you.Everyone is on the same playing field because we all queue into the same MM system with the same variables.

You don't do more than the people who complain...do you realise that while you can hold even 1v3..your entire team can get farmed by 2 enemies forcing you to go and help them out vs 2? Now the system consistently gives you these players and you tell me it's my fault for getting them.

The system is the same for everyone, if the MMR system truly is designed to make the teams most balanced based off of personal MMRs, (which Anet has told us that that is the way that it is done), then you have an equal chance of getting good players and getting bad players; the same as everyone else. Everyone gets unwinnable games and everyone similarly gets games where the enemy team has absolutely no chance of winning. Both have an equal chance of happening. The only variable you can control is you.

Please explain to me how the same players end up on top consistently? You're telling me that the same players get consistently lucky with who is on their team EVERY season? Come on... there has to be something that they are doing to consistently and effectively impact their games. And no, not ALL of those players are cheating and win trading. That's not only speculation, but it's also insulting to the players who do try hard to play and carry their games.

You can't carry anything unless the system place decent players in your team all the time or at least 8 times out of 10..players who can actually win their own duel time to time, that can rotate from a losing fight, that can peel and so on..if i do understand these concepts...I don't understand why the system give me consistently players who don't..it doesn't make any bloody sense

This is just exactly my point. It’s this victim mentality of, ‘well I’m losing so it must be my team and not my own gameplay, better blame Anet!’ ?The game is NOT going out of it’s way to give you bad players in particular. Lol. I’ve noticed this idea spreading in the community and it’s just not healthy.

Maybe instead of immediately blaming the MMR system, look at what your doing personally. Are you doing everything you can to win? Are you playing your class 100%, 100% of the time? Multiple classes? I doubt it.

What i’m really just saying to you over and over is, learn to play.

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@Interpretor.3091What avout the two people on my team whos rating is also low and is largly the reason we lost the game? Nov 2017

@Interpretor.3091This is just exactly my point. It’s this victim mentality of, ‘well I’m losing so it must be my team Jun 2018

Such hypocrisy ...do leave pls...don't embarrass yourself any further

https://i.imgur.com/6ZkAqLH.jpgSo this is your "matchmaking"

Take a read on this thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/486589

You are a new account with less than 1k games...maybe I should really use a new account like you and will do so next season and I will come back to you in 3 months, we'll see then just how much wrong you are

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To those saying "the more you play the less bad luck or better the mm works" have almost no idea what the life like when your above 1650....

The more you play the more likely you are to fall in rating even if you go 50 /50 in wins and loses. A "skill based rating" that judges you your rating because of 4 random players either winning or losing isn't a skill based at all. 4-5 season in and from what I always see in the top 100 are players playing the minimum amount required not the most games amount because the win to Lose ratio is so off That it's not worth risking playing more then 1-2 games a day...

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Every week or so, same old tired Team Q in Rank Thread.. Even was a pole last month & peeps said NO for obvious reasons. Plz Stop posting the same old tired Team Q in rank. We all know that a minority of players in the community wants to abuse the system Plz stop!

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@pah.4931 said:

@AliamRationem.5172 said:Yeah, I think WoW has GW2 beat on this one. Casual PvPers love the battleground games like conquest, capture the flag, etc. More serious PvPers would likely prefer an arena format, with 1v1 and teams where the objective is simply to defeat the enemy team. And who wouldn't like more variety? Especially if it separates (somewhat) the casuals from the hardcore and reduces toxicity in the process!It's not really true that players in WoW think arena is a better gameplay format. Rated Battlegrounds in WoW had high interest, but the logistics of having a team of 10 with a strong class composition made it difficult to play consistently.

You're (maybe) missing the point here.Not really. I'm a huge proponent of putting 1-5man queue back in for ranked play. I was pointing out that deathmatch isn't the answer.
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@Interpretor.3091 said:

Law of Averages. The more games you play, the more it evens out. If your build and skill level truly make you better than the competition at your current rating level, you will tend to move up in rating. If not, you will tend to move down. In any given match you may be at the mercy of the matchmaking system, but over many matches you will make the difference in enough of them to move either up or down in rating. All players are playing under the same system here (except cheaters, I guess?).

^ this 100%...your average player complains about MM and yet the better players consitently end up at the top every season.Honestly, the only people who should be complaining are those top 50 or so who are consistently at the top because they (myself included) are always the ones carrying games. I’m not saying those top 50 players are playing perfectly 100% of the time, if they are saying that they are pompous and wrong, (I’m CERTAINLY not a perfect player lol), but what I am saying is that players would rather complain about MM then identify the inherent flaws in their own gameplay that are probably keeping them at a low MMR.

Players that understand this, understand that solo Q really doesn’t mean much in terms of skill. I still solo Q a kitten ton because 1). I find this game fun and enjoyable and 2). Because I still get practice and try to get better for team games that actually matter like ATs and AG tournaments.

The only thing I would like to see anet do is reward players for actually playing well, and not with gold or ascended gear because that just makes PvErs complain and who kitten cares about gear and gold in PvP? We need EXCLUSIVE PvP titles, gear, weapons, auras, and even mounts. They gave us this cool HoTm to afk in to show off our gear, but don’t give us a wide variety of anything exclusive to choose from. The only exclusive and cool reward is from winning AT and those 5 players are .0001% of the community.

To this day nobody has yet been able to explain how exactly "their" gameplay influence a game to the point where they decide when to lose and win:

1) Do you consistently win 1vs32) Win every teamfight by merely showing up?

-So if you get 3 players who manage to lose to a single necro...it's my fault for being bad?
  • You get players who act like a bot , dieing/respawn and rush only to lose again without ever changing tactics
  • -You get wintraders, people who simply don't care....

I'd really love to put you on the other side of the spectrum and show us how your gameplay brings you higher

I put myself in a position to be the most effective. I do consistenly hold and sometimes even win 1v2s to give my team an advantage. I do heavily impact a teamfight by marking/focusing targets and peeling for my teammates. I play multiple classes to fill in for specific roles that would make the most impact for the team comp I am given.

All of these things I have learned over time and taken the time, my personal time, to improve on.

Everyone who solo queues gets the bots, the bads, the ignorant, and the Wintraders. Everyone. Not just you.Everyone is on the same playing field because we all queue into the same MM system with the same variables.

You don't do more than the people who complain...do you realise that while you can hold even 1v3..your entire team can get farmed by 2 enemies forcing you to go and help them out vs 2? Now the system consistently gives you these players and you tell me it's my fault for getting them.

The system is the same for everyone, if the MMR system truly is designed to make the teams most balanced based off of personal MMRs, (which Anet has told us that that is the way that it is done), then you have an equal chance of getting good players and getting bad players; the same as everyone else. Everyone gets unwinnable games and everyone similarly gets games where the enemy team has absolutely no chance of winning. Both have an equal chance of happening. The only variable you can control is you.

Please explain to me how the same players end up on top consistently? You're telling me that the same players get consistently lucky with who is on their team EVERY season? Come on... there has to be something that they are doing to consistently and effectively impact their games. And no, not ALL of those players are cheating and win trading. That's not only speculation, but it's also insulting to the players who do try hard to play and carry their games.

This guy is 100% right.

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@Exedore.6320 said:

@pah.4931 said:

@AliamRationem.5172 said:Yeah, I think WoW has GW2 beat on this one. Casual PvPers love the battleground games like conquest, capture the flag, etc. More serious PvPers would likely prefer an arena format, with 1v1 and teams where the objective is simply to defeat the enemy team. And who wouldn't like more variety? Especially if it separates (somewhat) the casuals from the hardcore and reduces toxicity in the process!It's not really true that players in WoW think arena is a better gameplay format. Rated Battlegrounds in WoW had high interest, but the logistics of having a team of 10 with a strong class composition made it difficult to play consistently.

You're (maybe) missing the point here.Not really. I'm a huge proponent of putting 1-5man queue back in for ranked play. I was pointing out that deathmatch isn't the answer.

Ahh. The I was miss YOUR point. Agreed. This game is a mess for death match. I think I like the CONCEPT of WoW's arena / rated battlegrounds (premade teams) as the highest form of pvp. And then a casual mode like rando battlegrounds.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:@Interpretor.3091What avout the two people on my team whos rating is also low and is largly the reason we lost the game? Nov 2017

@Interpretor.3091This is just exactly my point. It’s this victim mentality of, ‘well I’m losing so it must be my team Jun 2018

Such hypocrisy ...do leave pls...don't embarrass yourself any further

https://i.imgur.com/6ZkAqLH.jpgSo this is your "matchmaking"

Take a read on this thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/486589

You are a new account with less than 1k games...maybe I should really use a new account like you and will do so next season and I will come back to you in 3 months, we'll see then just how much wrong you are

You're just grasping at straws now man, looking through my past comments...low blow man. I thought we were friends. :-1:

Anyway,That comment of mine was made 6 months ago, before this change occurred: 'Players ranked Platinum 2 (1,600) and above can no longer duo-queue in Ranked matches while seasons are active.' Before that, it was a LOT easier to win matches with two top players queuing together and anyone who was solo-queuing was punished into the ground. The state of solo-queues is in a much better and different place then it is now, so my stance has obviously changed. Everyone is solo queuing, everyone faces the same variables....like I have said the last 3 comments. Are you even reading? I'm getting tired.

Also, lol.My account has been active since release, it is coming up on 6 YEARS old. That 'Solo Arena Games Played,' you are referring to, is from the first few ranked seasons of the game back in 2012. Those Solo Arena and Team Arena queues that you see, don't exist anymore, so it doesn't tally the games you play today in those categories.. I have over 5k ranked games played if you are interested and that doesn't even count AG/AT tournaments, qualifiers, in-houses, dueling arenas and unranked matches.

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@Interpretor.3091 said:

@Arheundel.6451 said:@Interpretor.3091What avout the two people on my team whos rating is also low and is largly the reason we lost the game? Nov 2017

@Interpretor.3091This is just exactly my point. It’s this victim mentality of, ‘well I’m losing so it must be my team Jun 2018

Such hypocrisy ...do leave pls...don't embarrass yourself any further

So this is your "matchmaking"

Take a read on this thread

You are a new account with less than 1k games
...maybe I should really use a new account like you and will do so next season and I will come back to you in 3 months, we'll see then just how much wrong you are

You're just grasping at straws now man, looking through my past comments...low blow man. I thought we were friends. :-1:

Anyway,That comment of mine was made 6 months ago, before this change occurred:
'Players ranked Platinum 2 (1,600) and above can no longer duo-queue in Ranked matches while seasons are active.
' Before that, it was a LOT easier to win matches with two top players queuing together and anyone who was solo-queuing was punished into the ground. The state of solo-queues is in a much better and different place then it is now, so my stance has obviously changed. Everyone is solo queuing, everyone faces the same variables....like I have said the last 3 comments. Are you even reading? I'm getting tired.

Also, lol.My account has been active since release, it is coming up on 6 YEARS old. That 'Solo Arena Games Played,' you are referring to, is from the first few ranked seasons of the game back in 2012. Those Solo Arena and Team Arena queues that you see, don't exist anymore, so it doesn't tally the games you play today in those categories.. I have over 5k ranked games played if you are interested and that doesn't even count AG/AT tournaments, qualifiers, in-houses, dueling arenas and unranked matches.

You keep going with the same arguments but what matters doesn't change at all:

1) you win not because you're a god..but because your teams sucks less than the opponents otherwise you'd lose not matter how godlike you dream to be

2) the matchmaking gives you decent teams based on w/l ratios ...gained from the outcomes of random matches

3) don't go around assuming to know other people's mechanical skill which encompass both keyboard/mouse ability and map awareness - if you do think my mechanical skill is inferior to yours..then you can duel me and see how it goes then we can set up mirror team game and see how I fare when I get people who have the bare min level of tactic.

You have no way otherwise to assume what other people deserve or not and by the record : I have done ag/at tournaments too in the past and qualifiers with ele, duel arena in custom arena , 1vx pvp/wvw etc etc tc etc..again you did nothing more than me or many others who may sit in my same situation

i get messages like this few timeshttps://imgur.com/a/EJU9YNu

You say I don't make my presence be known during matches....https://imgur.com/a/k9O3mov

and what about this timehttps://imgur.com/a/bMFzarj

I have been up there...i am not a pve newb who sit in bronze and then "dare" to come and complain about your "holy" matchmakinghttps://imgur.com/a/F6q8YcP

I am not an ESL players and neither I am perfect, I do bad rotations sometimes, I get too sloppy with stomping other times...still should I deserve the kind of players I am getting?.....I have screenshots and videos to prove that I deserve just a tad better treatment than now and if that's not possible then they should remove the leaderboard as it's not an indication of personal skill, you play spellbreaker....except @Vans and other warriors from [cake]...I killed spellbreakers by the dozen from pvp to wvw

I am not legendary material but neither I deserve teams of players who insta die 1m in the match to a dh trap...a single one and I am the one going around full marauder glass soulbeast dps downing the enemy during teamfights, winning duels while sitting on 5% HP.

Now if your pompous attitude is all you can bring to this thread....there would be nothing else to say

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@Arheundel.6451 said:@Interpretor.3091What avout the two people on my team whos rating is also low and is largly the reason we lost the game? Nov 2017

@Interpretor.3091This is just exactly my point. It’s this victim mentality of, ‘well I’m losing so it must be my team Jun 2018

Such hypocrisy ...do leave pls...don't embarrass yourself any further

So this is your "matchmaking"

Take a read on this thread

You are a new account with less than 1k games
...maybe I should really use a new account like you and will do so next season and I will come back to you in 3 months, we'll see then just how much wrong you are

You're just grasping at straws now man, looking through my past comments...low blow man. I thought we were friends. :-1:

Anyway,That comment of mine was made 6 months ago, before this change occurred:
'Players ranked Platinum 2 (1,600) and above can no longer duo-queue in Ranked matches while seasons are active.
' Before that, it was a LOT easier to win matches with two top players queuing together and anyone who was solo-queuing was punished into the ground. The state of solo-queues is in a much better and different place then it is now, so my stance has obviously changed. Everyone is solo queuing, everyone faces the same variables....like I have said the last 3 comments. Are you even reading? I'm getting tired.

Also, lol.My account has been active since release, it is coming up on 6 YEARS old. That 'Solo Arena Games Played,' you are referring to, is from the first few ranked seasons of the game back in 2012. Those Solo Arena and Team Arena queues that you see, don't exist anymore, so it doesn't tally the games you play today in those categories.. I have over 5k ranked games played if you are interested and that doesn't even count AG/AT tournaments, qualifiers, in-houses, dueling arenas and unranked matches.

You keep going with the same arguments but what matters doesn't change at all:

1) you win not because you're a god..but because your teams sucks less than the opponents otherwise you'd lose not matter how godlike you dream to be

2) the matchmaking gives you decent teams based on w/l ratios ...gained from the outcomes of random matches

3) don't go around assuming to know other people's
mechanical skill
which encompass both keyboard/mouse ability and map awareness - if you do think my mechanical skill is inferior to yours..then you can duel me and see how it goes then we can set up mirror team game and see how I fare when I get people who have the bare min level of tactic.

You have no way otherwise to assume what other people deserve or not and by the record : I have done ag/at tournaments too in the past and qualifiers with ele, duel arena in custom arena , 1vx pvp/wvw etc etc tc etc..again you did nothing more than me or many others who may sit in my same situation

i get messages like this few times

You say I don't make my presence be known during matches....

and what about this time

I have been up there...i am not a pve newb who sit in bronze and then "dare" to come and complain about your "holy" matchmaking

I am not an ESL players and neither I am perfect, I do bad rotations sometimes, I get too sloppy with stomping other times...still should I deserve the kind of players I am getting?.....I have screenshots and videos to prove that I deserve
just a tad better treatment than now
and if that's not possible then they should remove the leaderboard as it's not an indication of personal skill, you play spellbreaker....except @Vans and other warriors from [cake]...I killed spellbreakers by the dozen from pvp to wvw

I am not legendary material but neither I deserve teams of players
who insta die 1m in the match to a dh trap...a single one
and I am the one going around full marauder glass soulbeast dps downing the enemy during teamfights, winning duels while sitting on 5% HP.

Now if your pompous attitude is all you can bring to this thread....there would be nothing else to say

I go with the same argument because you aren't even addressing what I am saying. It's honestly infuriating that I am taking the time to explain to you that you are wrong and yet, you aren't even reading what I am saying...honestly I don't even think you are reading what you're saying.

Ill make this quick:

1) you win not because you're a god..but because your teams sucks less than the opponents otherwise you'd lose not matter how godlike you dream to be

Never said I was a god, literally in my first post: '...I’m CERTAINLY not a perfect player...'I AM saying: I win more games then I lose because I have a consistent positive impact on the outcome of each of my games because I know what I am doing more-so then the average player. I know this because I am consistently rated at the top of the leaderboard each season. This remains true for multiple top, consistently rated players in the game. The reality is, whether you like it or not, that Solo Q does not discriminate against an individual by any means whatsoever. You are chosen and placed on a team and match based on your rating. And if you are good enough, you can positively influence the outcome of the majority of your games if you play enough. This phenomenon is called the law of averages.


YOUR argument is that some players are magically and consistently either lucky or manipulating the system in some speculative way in order to win more games than you. This is ridiculous.

2) the matchmaking gives you decent teams based on w/l ratios ...gained from the outcomes of random matches


Matchmaking gives you teams based on your rating and they are NOT random because YOU are not a random element. YOU control a percentage of a match's final outcome by how well you perform. Everyone, who plays has the SAME percentage of effecting the final outcome of winning his/her game. A player who is consistently failing to make positive impacts on their matches , will see their personal rating drop. Alternatively, a player who is consistently succeeding in making a positive impacts in their matches, will see their personal rating increase. These results vary slightly from person to person early on but, over the course of 150+ games (the minimum requirement to place each season), the random element of Solo Q diminishes, and at the same time, each players personal impact on matches will more accurately depict their final rating for the season.

3) don't go around assuming to know other people's mechanical skill which encompass both keyboard/mouse ability and map awareness - if you do think my mechanical skill is inferior to yours..then you can duel me and see how it goes then we can set up mirror team game and see how I fare when I get people who have the bare min level of tactic.

You're right. I am assuming you are bad. Because rather than admitting that you aren't as good as you think that you are, you come on the forums and complain about a rating system that is proven in multiple popular and successful games: (like Pokémon Showdown, Lichess, Free Internet Chess Server, Chess.com, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Team Fortress 2, Guild Wars 2, and Dominion Online). <--From the Wiki. Whether you like it or not, the rating system and the leaderboard reflects some consistent skill. Are there betters ways to do it? Yeah absolutely, tournaments for one because there are no random elements, each player and class is specifically chosen. However, that is not what we are talking about, we are talking about solo Q.

You have no way otherwise to assume what other people deserve or not and by the record : I have done ag/at tournaments too in the past and qualifiers with ele, duel arena in custom arena , 1vx pvp/wvw etc etc tc etc..again you did nothing more than me or many others who may sit in my same situation

Now YOU are being hypocritical and assuming that myself and others are not deserving of their rating. This is ridiculous. I am proving to you, with facts and evidence literally on the leaderboard, that the players who are there deserve their spots because they are playing better than others.

I am not an ESL players and neither I am perfect, I do bad rotations sometimes, I get too sloppy with stomping other times...still should I deserve the kind of players I am getting?.....I have screenshots and videos to prove that I deserve just a tad better treatment than now and if that's not possible then they should remove the leaderboard as it's not an indication of personal skill, you play spellbreaker....except @Vans and other warriors from [cake]...I killed spellbreakers by the dozen from pvp to wvw

I am not legendary material but neither I deserve teams of players who insta die 1m in the match to a dh trap...a single one and I am the one going around full marauder glass soulbeast dps downing the enemy during teamfights, winning duels while sitting on 5% HP.

So you are saying, because you are SO special that you for some reason, deserve the better players, EVERY TIME? How is that fair to the rest of us? Who are you to say that you don't deserve one thing or another? No one cares about the opinions of other players either. No one cares about your opinion at all because it is glaringly wrong in the face of facts.

And just to add...you just admitted that you make bad rotations and have 'sloppy stomps' (lol). If that's true, I definitely don't want you on my team.

Now if your pompous attitude is all you can bring to this thread....there would be nothing else to say

L O L. Yeah no, I definitely have explained to you, multiple times, with facts and evidence, that you are 100% wrong. Besides, YOU were the one who wanted the explanation, so I'm giving it to you in the same attitude you gave to me in your first post:

'I'd really love to put you on the other side of the spectrum and show us how your gameplay brings you higher'

EDITED: Spelling.

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Yes the discussion is pointless because I am right! The system is luck based and all self-entitled individuals here are simply strongly delusional.

They talk about logic when their sums don't add up and make zero sense...:" 1+1=3 and it's 3 because I am a special 1"..the epitome of self-delusion .

I get a team with 4 feeders and you get a team with experienced players...you win and you assume automatically to be better than me personally when it's impossible to carry 4 feeders, you get them consistently and you lose games ending up where you don't need to be.

Do I assume that many high ranks are undeserving of their title/spot?.....ABSOLUTELY YES ..faced many of these "pro" on their own....I see much better in wvw or unranked; I faced many esl players yeah they're better than me ..but all the rest?...not a long shot in bright light

Faced personally as many ruthless legends as the trees in the amazon forest....I am not impressed...the slightest impressed..so what exactly a title on this leaderboard account for? Surely not personal skill level as far as I can see

By the way twisting my words will only attract some likes by faithful zealots : I've stated that I do mistakes like you who assume to be a pro , I am no perfect..nobody is and I all ask is to get players pretty close to my skill level , players that wouldn't insta die to a dh trap or get farmed by a condi thief

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@"Arheundel.6451" said:...

You see these kinds of players even when playing in P3 when playing during off-hours... you can't carry them all the time, but you should be sometimes.

A lot is happening between Plat1 and Plat2/3. Plat1 is often the ceiling for people not knowing roatations OR playing non-meta builds not perfectly well. There are various reasons. Also some "ruthless legends" might be learning new builds and all that and you beat them because of that.

Of course, there are some cheaters and wintraders... but you should not expect too many of those.

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