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Lv80 Newbie

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Hi guys.I recently hit lv 80 with my first character,a warrior.Now I need to get better gear to do events and similar things.I was just guessing where I could get them.I haven't used gold during my lv up run so I have like 75g in case I need to use and 105k karma point.So my question is:Where do I find the better Price/quality gear for my level? Thanks

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Hello. There are 2 options of gear for warrior in pve: viper (condition) and berserker (power). Since viper is tied to HoT it is not tradable and so you need to craft it which is very expensive (especialy for new player). That leaves you with berserker.There are few ways to get it. You can buy it for karma in orr maps, from citadel of flames dungeon or from trading post. Since you have 75g i would suggest trading bost. Try to look for lowest prices (usualy gear with berserker in name will be more expensive that that with same stats but without berserker in name since players dont bother to look).Go for exotic (orange) quality and lvl 80. Idealy you want full armor and greatsword + 2 axes. If you have spare gold then you can buy runes and sigils. Runes would be supperior runes of scholar and sigils supperior rune of force and supperior rune of accuracy. This gear should be more then enough for start.After that i suggest you should go to fractals and buy 2 ascended (pink) rings there after few runs (ring of red death and cristaline band). As for other trinkets buy call of the wild or Mark of the Tethyos Houses from laurel vendor (you can get it in multiple ways like guild missions but i prefer laurels) and from that same vendor Althea's Ashes and Magister's Field Journal.You can get ascended backpack after some time in fractals for relics.

Hopefuly this was helpful to you. There are other ways to get geared but this one is the one i would you if i started new accound. For example if you enjoy pvp then i am sure you can get something there. GL with your journey and if you have more questions feel free to ask.

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Thanks you very much for your advices.Yeah I'd like to start doing Fractals and Pvp Hoping not to be a burden to other players since I don't understand everything about this game.However I have still some dubts,like if I use a Superior Rune,it says 6 effects,but I think not everyone is unlocked,so I have to have 6 pieces of the same rune and then apply to the item to have all the other effects?

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@SoftPlayer.4361 said:Thanks you very much for your advices.Yeah I'd like to start doing Fractals and Pvp Hoping not to be a burden to other players since I don't understand everything about this game.However I have still some dubts,like if I use a Superior Rune,it says 6 effects,but I think not everyone is unlocked,so I have to have 6 pieces of the same rune and then apply to the item to have all the other effects?

Yes, 1 rune for each piece of armor to unlock each tier. As for gear, you can start with exotics. Orr temples sell exotic gears and accessories for karma. You'll have to buy/craft weapons. If you want to get into fractals, you'll need to eventually get asc gear for t3 and 4, t1 and 2 you can use the tears of alba for the most part.

For pvp, none of this matters as all stats there come from pvp amulets.

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@SoftPlayer.4361 said:Thanks you very much for your advices.Yeah I'd like to start doing Fractals and Pvp Hoping not to be a burden to other players since I don't understand everything about this game.However I have still some dubts,like if I use a Superior Rune,it says 6 effects,but I think not everyone is unlocked,so I have to have 6 pieces of the same rune and then apply to the item to have all the other effects?

When you have 1 rune you get first effect, when you have 3 runes you get first 3 effects. When you have all 6 runes you have all 6 effects. Obviously higher effects are more powerful. But dont bother with runes if you dont have right armor to put them on. Gear is more important.As for fractals they are separated to 4 groups based on dificulty. If you get everythnig i wrote then you are more then ready for fractals. I would say that you can easily go in once you have just exotic armor and weapons. If you get everything i said then your gear is enough to go to half of T3 (2nd highest dificulty). DOnt be afraid, early fractals are not hard for begginer.

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Yeah,I just bought Dragonic set off trade post and GS+2axes.I Have courrently 12 gold,so I save them up again to buy runes in the future but the runes will cost so much more if I have to gather all 6 pieces of them and putting in every single part of the dragonic set and weapons..

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Just go to fractals. Look in lfg for tier 1 daily and join. If you struggle try to look for example at wiki after run but i guess that will not be a problem. After you finish you want to buy keys from one of the robots to open your encriptions you get, then open them and sell stuff to vendor. You will get few gold for this. After few day you will not have a problem to buy runes and sigils

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@crepuscular.9047 said:the karma vendor inside Cathedral of Silence gives Berserker gear is a pretty good set for new starters, you replace the runes with the ones you wantIf you want a bit more survivability, the vendor just outside Arah sells the Soldier ones.

Generally speaking, Valkyrie would be a better choice than Soldier, or Carrion if you want to play a condition damage build, and you want more defense. They only have one survival stat, compared to Soldier with two, which means they have less of a damage output penalty.

Anyway, @"SoftPlayer.4361", beyond that the MetaBattle Open World section has some pretty good guides about things like gearing a character, covering the extremely wide array of paths you can follow, and also about builds people have found effective, and importantly, why they found them effective.

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@SlippyCheeze.5483 said:

@crepuscular.9047 said:the karma vendor inside Cathedral of Silence gives Berserker gear is a pretty good set for new starters, you replace the runes with the ones you wantIf you want a bit more survivability, the vendor just outside Arah sells the Soldier ones.

Generally speaking, Valkyrie would be a better choice than Soldier, or Carrion if you want to play a condition damage build, and you want more defense. They only have one survival stat, compared to Soldier with two, which means they have less of a damage output penalty.

Anyway, @"SoftPlayer.4361", beyond that
has some pretty good guides about things like gearing a character, covering the extremely wide array of paths you can follow, and also about builds people have found effective, and importantly, why they found them effective.

Yes, I would agree on thatbut considering he's only new to the game, it's better if to get the exotic gears in ways other than gold, so the gold can be put to making ascended gears so he can participate in higher tier fractalsplus if he decides to play a different heavy class the gears are transferable and stats changeable while exotic gears are soul bound and cannot change stats

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It cost 42,000 karma per piece from the Temple vendors. And you can not buy Berserker stat trinkets from any of them. Berserker armor from the Temple of Grenth will cost 252,000 karma for the 6 pieces. But this also can’t be salvaged, so be careful what runes you put in it (or any temple armor).Since the OP has less than half that karma, it’s not even worth considering a temple set.

You will be better off buying a full set of berserker Exotics from the TP (search for “Devona’s” and you’ll be able to buy the named Exotic berserker set (6 pieces) for about 12g total.) You can buy Ruby Orichalcum Earrings/Rings, and settle for a Soldier Back item from the temple of grenth.

It’s well and good saying save your gold to start Ascended crafting, but you can’t expect to progress in blue/green gear for long. Get your exotics, start doing Fractals, buy Ascended rings with the pristine relics you’ll get, do some guild missions/go to some LS3 maps to get Ascended trinkets and a back item, then start thinking about levelling Armorsmithing to craft Ascended armor.

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@Haleydawn.3764 said:It cost 42,000 karma per piece from the Temple vendors. And you can not buy Berserker stat trinkets from any of them. Berserker armor from the Temple of Grenth will cost 252,000 karma for the 6 pieces. But this also can’t be salvaged, so be careful what runes you put in it (or any temple armor).Since the OP has less than half that karma, it’s not even worth considering a temple set.

You will be better off buying a full set of berserker Exotics from the TP (search for “Devona’s” and you’ll be able to buy the named Exotic berserker set (6 pieces) for about 12g total.) You can buy Ruby Orichalcum Earrings/Rings, and settle for a Soldier Back item from the temple of grenth.

It’s well and good saying save your gold to start Ascended crafting, but you can’t expect to progress in blue/green gear for long. Get your exotics, start doing Fractals, buy Ascended rings with the pristine relics you’ll get, do some guild missions/go to some LS3 maps to get Ascended trinkets and a back item, then start thinking about levelling Armorsmithing to craft Ascended armor.


Please don't recommend to new players to buy any of the karma armors from vanilla. The amount of karma required and the time it takes to farm this karma is in no relation to how cheap the proper items on the Trading Post or via story missions are. The entire Devona set (named 80 exotic berserker heavy armor) will currently cost you around 10-12 gold. It's salvageable (thus you can recover runes) and gets traded a lot on the TP (thus you don't have to wait in purchasing it).

New players should absolutely save their Karma for must use/buy items. The Temple sets are very expensive due to their skin being a factor in the pricing.

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