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Please make Mallyx and Kalla stun breakers instant cast.


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@Crinn.7864 said:What? Riposting Shadows, Gaze of Darkness, and Empty Vessel are instant, what do you mean that rev stun breaks aren't instant cast?

Those are the only 3 that are; rite of the great dwarf has 1.25 sec cast time which is absolutely absurd, pain absorption .5 sec, darkrazor .5 sec, and ventari still doesn't have a stun break for some reason. Clearly these skills would all be majorly over performing if they were instant cast like almost every other stun break.

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@ArthurDent.9538 said:

@Crinn.7864 said:What? Riposting Shadows, Gaze of Darkness, and Empty Vessel are instant, what do you mean that rev stun breaks aren't instant cast?

Those are the only 3 that are; rite of the great dwarf has 1.25 sec cast time which is absolutely absurd, pain absorption .5 sec, darkrazor .5 sec, and ventari still doesn't have a stun break for some reason. Clearly these skills would all be majorly over performing if they were instant cast like almost every other stun break.

This. Unless you pick invocation or Glint+Shiro, you have no decent stun breakers.

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I imagine it's in no small part due to our ability to have access to two different 0-cooldown stun break skills at any time, with the option of Empty Vessel giving us a 'free' one on the legend swap, to boot. Most professions have a 30-50 second cooldown on their stunbreaks, and it's usually impractical to fill one's bar with them due to there only being one per skill category.

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Empty Vessel itself is like the shortest CD stunbreak in the game and can fire off sigil effects thanks to revenant legend weapon swap.

Then we have Riposting Shadows which has no CD outside of energy and evades and gives endurance, and Gaze of Darkness which is on a short 20 seconds and pulses fury (and 25 might with Incensed Response). Infuse Light also deserves a spot in this list.

However, if you're looking at builds outside of Shiro Glint Invocation Herald, then I'd have to agree it's pretty easy to get locked down and just die.

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10 second cooldown instant stunbreak on legend swap. And you can run Shiro with any build for a spammable instant stunbreak, but ya, this is a problem. Haha

Rev has got issues, but breaking stuns is not one of them. Still I would support a change to both malix and Kalla stunbreak. Those have no real justification for having cast times. Dwarf spell is OP with the right build and needs some counterplay. You can bless your team with 50% damage reduction and break stun for all nearby allies. (With herald)

This post should be changed to please buff malix and Kalla stunbreak and I would agree. But power rev is one slippery kitten.

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@Loboling.5293 said:10 second cooldown instant stunbreak on legend swap. And you can run Shiro with any build for a spammable instant stunbreak, but ya, this is a problem. Haha

Rev has got issues, but breaking stuns is not one of them. Still I would support a change to both malix and Kalla stunbreak. Those have no real justification for having cast times. Dwarf spell is OP with the right build and needs some counterplay. You can bless your team with 50% damage reduction and break stun for all nearby allies. (With herald)

This post should be changed to please buff malix and Kalla stunbreak and I would agree. But power rev is one slippery kitten.


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