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Bug Report: Possible Beetle Collection Bug With Operating System

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Please note; I am not 100% sure this is a bug, but thought submitting might possibly be useful. (I did search on keywords and first page and could not find this particular bug reported, hope not duplicate.)I was on the second collection and attempting to get the scarab plague egg drop from the meta events. I was also trying to get the access pass. I did the meta event roughly 5-7 times and neither item would drop. I know I did everything correctly, including enough damage etc. as I am an elementalist. The operating system I was using was Windows 10 Pro (laptop.) So, just to be sure, I switched to my desktop, which has Windows 7. Upon my first try at the meta event on that machine, both items dropped right away.

Keep in mind, I am not sure if this is a bug with certain OS's or just odd coincidence. But I figured it could not hurt to give you the info in case it proved helpful, for either devs or other players having same troubles. I heard of many others having this problem. I am also not sure if today's patch fixed it. This occurred yesterday early morning.If this proves not to be a bug or is already fixed, please disregard this or delete.Hope this helps. =) (Let me know if you need any other info.)

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I don't think it has anything to do with the operation system. I did it (and got it after 3 tries) and I am using a Win10 (laptop). For me it seemed to be that I attacked the devices when everyone else did but due to probably lag due and many ppl killing it I guess the screen I saw was not updated real time. Basically me attacking something that in real time was already dead despite game showing me I am attacking it. What I did different 3rd time was to go to a machine directly after the big boss was down, right before machines spawn... I did miss out on an entrance key like this but it did give the mount collection item. Might be worth to try. Also I did the events from cannons phase to bridge phase to end (not sure this may impact something).

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  • Do your best to tag the asura, pestilent golem, and asura again.
  • After, head so the southern most plague experiments and start wailing on those, before the zerg catches up.
  • Regardless, check your inventory carefully for the access item.
  • Regardless of that, take a friendly mesmer port when they show up (and they almost always do).

The scarab egg drops from destroying the plague experiments. Go to the southern most ones first, so you get the first hits, before the zerg moves down there. (These don't show up until after the asuran and golem are dead.) It's a guaranteed drop and everyone who participates enough gets it. The only reason you wouldn't is if you get there too late to do "enough" damage. The only difference your computer would make is that it's possible that your game doesn't update progress on a particular plague experiment, so to you it seems like it has health, but to the game's servers, it's already dead (or close enough that you can't do enough damage).

You don't actually need the access pass for the beetle collection. You just need to get into the chest room after. You can get there via a friendly, neighboorhood mesmer port.

Regarding getting the access: I see conflicting reports. Some people say they haven't missed yet, and some people say they haven't gotten one yet. This might also be related to doing "enough" damage to the right foe during the fight. If you're lagging (as the response above suggests), there's a good chance you aren't doing the damage you thought and that might matter. Also because it's commonly called an "access key," some people don't notice it because it isn't a key; it's a card (like for an electronic lock). And it disappears after the meta ends, so people can't double check inventory later to see if they got it and didn't notice.

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