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Renegade need more sources of fury


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I will be short.

Renegade specialization very depends on critical hits, because crits is main source of Kalla's Fervor. Not every build runs lots of precision.

Traits: "Blood Fury" and "Ferocious Aggression" needs fury to being functional.

The only sources of Fury is two minor traits "Invoker's Rage", that give 5 seconds Fury, that obviously not enough. The second one is "Endless Enmity", it gives you fury only after you CRITICALLY hit foe below 50% health.

Solution is simple. Let Invoker's Rage produce at least 8-9 seconds or Fury in PVE.

Also "Razorclaw's Rage" or "Soulcleave's Summit" could have some fury too. With internal CD or course.

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@Aeolus.3615 said:Team up with a class that provides it to u.

In raids, maybe, 10 people and strict attitude to meta will give you all boons you need. But what about other content?

Fractals as example. Very often my walkthrough (not only my) passes without chrono and druid. Not everyone ready to wait until support will make an honor and join our humble party.People will give some boons to each other of course, but that's not always fury.

What about open world? In open world you are always on your own. A little independence will not hurt.

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As someone whose dedicated more time to rev than any class in the past few years,I say nay.

This change would not really help renegade at all. I'd much rather they provide some better buffs. However, I do like the idea of providing some additional purpose to razor claws rage. That skill needs something else added to it. Its useful in just about one scenario. Fury would not be great imo, but I'll concede that is better than nothing.

People above me are right, use your runes to get fury if you need. Rev has lots of fury sources and a default 40% Crit chance when at full endurance with renegade.

But good luck with your build.

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@Loboling.5293 said:As someone whose dedicated more time to rev than any class in the past few years,I say nay.

This change would not really help renegade at all. I'd much rather they provide some better buffs. However, I do like the idea of providing some additional purpose to razor claws rage. That skill needs something else added to it. Its useful in just about one scenario. Fury would not be great imo, but I'll concede that is better than nothing.

People above me are right, use your runes to get fury if you need. Rev has lots of fury sources and a default 40% Crit chance when at full endurance with renegade.

But good luck with your build.

If you are playing renegade condi build, rev has no access to fury except after you get target below 75%. Basically, you are relying on some one else to provide consistent fury. Then there this weird crap where you need fury to gain vigor, but lose damage 33% critic hit chance if you dodge. In PvP (not sure why you play renegade there) you technically have no fury access unless you use off hand sword.

I can only explain renegade fury/vigor/dodge by two words “Stupid design.”

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@Loboling.5293 said:

This change would not really help renegade at all.It will. At least for solo playes.Renegade, especially builded around invocation, depends on high uptime of fury.Allies with fury is not a pet, they will not be with you forever.People above me are right, use your runes to get fury if you need.Condition renegade don't really want use Runes of Rage. This runes not provide any condition damage, and, most importantly, duration.Rev has lots of fury sources and a default 33% Crit chance when at full endurance with renegade.Only power Renegade that use offhand sword have adequate uptime of fury. 33% crit is nice, but it will not activate related traits.But good luck with your build.Thanks.

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