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home garden blossoms still not storable

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The four blossoms from the new home garden plants still can’t be add to the storage. These are basic material, which only can be used in recipes. Didn’t you say, that only certain refined materials shall not be added to storage? So, why not these four? They take so much space, but you also need much of them for the recipes they are used in (8 at least!).Please add

to the storage.

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Since you can opt to not grow these plants from an option you don’t have to buy in the Gemstore, I don’t think Anet will add these to material storage. They may be basic material, but not for anything outside of the Flasks or an account bound guaranteed dye, which only affects those who bought the plots in the first place. They don’t affect the majority of the player base to consider putting into storage. Grow/use what you need.

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  • 2 years later...

They should be added to the storage. I do not see why they shouldn't. Just bought a garden plot on sale and was happy to get 2 per harvest (not only one) - with the other plot from the cooking achievement I can make 8 of each every 2 days (to create 1 of each of the 2 special items ... minor versionf of the primer items).


Probably will not buy another garden plot - since the other stuff is not really unique and I wanted it to get those special plants that are exlusive here. But I do not like them to take additional inventory space.


So I would say it is "super duper important" if it is tied to the gem store sales (and gem sales) - at least not less important compared to some other stuff. I mean there are even beads from some karma vendor that have room in the storage: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sun_Bead


And they are really cheap to buy and you don't farm them by harvesting. Instead you can just buy them as needed. (So they should not take up much inventory space. No need for storage actually.)


Of course there is the reason to have certain stuff not available for storage - to get people to buy more inventory bags and bank storage. But with my main that already carries tons of other stuff (cause he is the main) and has all the bag slots unlocked ... I would not want to run to the bank every time (it is about convenience). I just place them in the inventory now ... until I have full stacks - then doing crafing to convert them in to the 2 other small primer version types.


Since here it conflicts with other gem store sales (people maybe less inclinded to buy garden plots) I would argue that it makes sense to add them to the storage. If it really is limited from the system (I do not know they they just can't increase the limit) then remove some other less important stuff. For example the sun beads. 😉

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6 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

There's a bank (if you do the quest) right in the Home Instance with the Garden Plot.  So, no need to run to the bank.

Only if you always gather your home instane with the character that have maxed cooking profession.

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That's why I gather the Home Instance with my Chef.

Much convenience.  Used to have to 'run to the bank' whenever I ran out of Gathering Tools, as well, (though it isn't difficult, and porting is instant in the Grove). 


Regardless, it's not a bug, as it is intended. 

OP could try posting in the QoL Suggestion Sticky.


Good luck.

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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