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Deadeye p/p Why Nerf ?!


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Hello ArenaNet

I'm the one who started this "Deadeye p/p" build on EU PVP Rank and every other deadeye was trying to copy the build. However, most of them failed. I'm the only one who got a decent build for it and this build is not even Meta. So why nerf ?! The Deadeye p/p can be countered by "every class". It is so risky to play! If the enemy team decided to focus your Deadeye you will be deleted from the match. It's so risky playing deadeye p/p Anyone can kill this build on 1 v 1 EVEN SUPPORT CLASSES YES. This build is only strong against players who are not paying attention in the field. Also, because nobody expecting a thief to be a Deadeye p/p most of the time. Any Mesmer build can delete Deadeye p/p from the match by the way. Any good Holosmith or scrapper can delete Deadeye p/p for your information. Any Master of Pew Pew "Soulbeast" can delete p/p Deadeye. By the way, Mesmer Holosmith Soulbeast ARE META CLASSES so 70% of the time I will lose playing as Deadeye p/p.

Short explanation:

Remember Tracer from another game that character with two pistols. She Pew Pew and kite around right! =) ;) and when she gets caught by any other character dies in seconds? yeah, it is kinda the same story here =). But ArenaNet decided that she have too much ammo and removed 60% of it =).

Deadeye p/p


-You die too fast by all of the classes Warrior-Mesmer-Engineer-Ranger-Guardian-Thief-Revenant-Elementalist-Necromancer so you need to be aware of all skills + builds + combos :# .-You can't be a decent Decap class because it is so weak on 1 v 1 so if you got caught that's mean you will mostly die =) .-You need to be in stealth most of the time or you will be dead =) .-Your team will flame you in every match even if you do good =) .-Your pew pew skill triggers players so you will be the main target next fight =) .


-High burst dmg against Firebrand and Scourges in 4 v 4 team fight.-High burst dmg to make your allies rally if you are lucky enough to finish 1 Downie fast.-Can give the team a stealthy fight start.-The ultimate bait =).

Nerfing [uNLOAD] skill p/p the only source of dmg I have. If you think I can only spam it and win the fight then u are wrong. If I spam 3 3 3 the target can double dodge and waste all of my Initiative. Also, the target can hide on walls or block or shrink "Engineer" or reflect my shots to my face "Engineer - warrior - firebrand - Elementalist".

Changing [Payback] as a nerf and made it useless and pointless. Yes, the stun was a bit OP but every class has a stun break and also If they dodge my [Mark] It won't stun.

You nerf my deadeye personal build not One time Two times Why? Oh =) ;) , I know why because you were hearing cry babies Gold and Silver on forums crying about p/p."omg they only spam 3 3 3 and kill me, omg I can't sleep at night the pew pew still hunting me in my dreams :'( "But when a Soulbeast pew pew and kill them all. Nobody cares =)

If this is not the reason why. Then give me a proper explanation why ?! I demand an explanation why my personal build got nerfed two times in two seasons of PVP ranked. This is really disappointing.

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@"KumaDXL.9124" said:Hello ArenaNet

I'm the one who started this "Deadeye p/p" build on EU PVP Rank and every other deadeye was trying to copy the build. However, most of them failed. I'm the only one who got a decent build for it (...)

You're a legend, man!

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@urdriel.8496 said:I dont care about p/p thief but man, Sb is not in meta , and you cant compare it to a p/p pew pew because Ranger cant spam skills.

Spellbreaker isn't even meta ? =)

You Right! Ranger pew pew is OP I can't even compare it to deadeye pew pew =) Its 10 shots on 2 seconds the cooldown is 10 seconds but u can stealth for 3 seconds Then CC and PEW PEW AGAIN! Also, you are like a warrior 0 DMG for 3 seconds =) Then CC+Stealth+pew pew again!

Yeah sure Ranger and Warrior Isn't meta I have 217 games ranked PVP mhm OF COURSE what I'm thinking! I might be crazy or something! :joy:

Go play ranked PVP than reach top 250 than come back and talk to me <3. I just checked your PVP IMO you have nothing. :joy:

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Wow.....what a respectful behavior towards the community! I don't even understand why so many players think PvPers are toxic immature kids.

@KumaDXL.9124 said:-You need to be in stealth most of the time or you will be dead =) .Yes, the stun was a bit OP but every class has a stun break and also If they dodge my [Mark] It won't stun.

How should someone dodge your Mark when you are in Stealth please?

@KumaDXL.9124 said:

@"urdriel.8496" said:I dont care about p/p thief but man, Sb is not in meta , and you cant compare it to a p/p pew pew because Ranger cant spam skills.

Spellbreaker isn't even meta ? =)

You Right! Ranger pew pew is OP I can't even compare it to deadeye pew pew =) Its 10 shots on 2 seconds the cooldown is 10 seconds but u can stealth for 3 seconds Then CC and PEW PEW AGAIN! Also, you are like a warrior 0 DMG for 3 seconds =) Then CC+Stealth+pew pew again!

Yeah sure Ranger and Warrior Isn't meta I have 217 games ranked PVP mhm OF COURSE what I'm thinking! I might be crazy or something! :joy:

Go play ranked PVP than reach top 250 than come back and talk to me <3. I just checked your PVP IMO you have nothing. :joy:Firstly,Sb- SoulbeastSpB- Spellbreaker

And yes Soulbeast wasn't as popular as thieves were. Rangers and Druids were of course meta but their Longbow skill could be countered easily. You are also complaining about them stealthing frequently. Hello? You are a Thief! The only other character which could stealth as much as a Thief is Mesmer plus has an easier time disengaging fights so yes P/P Deadeye > Longbow Ranger

You are whining that the community was "whining" about a build you used and got nerfed. Are you aware that 90% of the players could have done the same? Come here and cry about how unfair it was that their favorite build was nerfed?

Bragging about your rank like that won't make you look better or more knowledgeable. Your whole behavior and writing style shouts "TROLL" to me. So tell me...Why should anyone take you seriously?

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@Solidaris.5423 said:Wow.....what a respectful behavior towards the community! I don't even understand why so many players think PvPers are toxic immature kids.

@KumaDXL.9124 said:-You need to be in stealth most of the time or you will be dead =) .Yes, the stun was a bit OP but every class has a stun break and also If they dodge my [Mark] It won't stun.

How should someone dodge your Mark when you are in Stealth please?

@"urdriel.8496" said:I dont care about p/p thief but man, Sb is not in meta , and you cant compare it to a p/p pew pew because Ranger cant spam skills.

Spellbreaker isn't even meta ? =)

You Right! Ranger pew pew is OP I can't even compare it to deadeye pew pew =) Its 10 shots on 2 seconds the cooldown is 10 seconds but u can stealth for 3 seconds Then CC and PEW PEW AGAIN! Also, you are like a warrior 0 DMG for 3 seconds =) Then CC+Stealth+pew pew again!

Yeah sure Ranger and Warrior Isn't meta I have 217 games ranked PVP mhm OF COURSE what I'm thinking! I might be crazy or something! :joy:

Go play ranked PVP than reach top 250 than come back and talk to me <3. I just checked your PVP IMO you have nothing. :joy:Firstly,Sb- SoulbeastSpB- Spellbreaker

And yes Soulbeast wasn't as popular as thieves were. Rangers and Druids were of course meta but their Longbow skill could be countered easily. You are also complaining about them stealthing frequently. Hello? You are a Thief! The only other character which could stealth as much as a Thief is Mesmer plus has an easier time disengaging fights so yes P/P Deadeye > Longbow Ranger

You are whining that the community was "whining" about a build you used and got nerfed. Are you aware that 90% of the players could have done the same? Come here and cry about how unfair it was that their favourite build was nerfed?

Bragging about your rank like that won't make you look better or more knowledgeable. Your whole behavior and writing style shouts "TROLL" to me. So tell me...Why should anyone take you seriously?

What the ???

I didn't say nerf or complaining or whine too much about Soulbeast I was just mentioning the combos that u do! as a Soulbeast. Yes, true I can escape as a thief deadeye but not forever and not always. YES, I can stealth better than your Soulbeast as a Deadeye but I die faster RIGHT?!. Overall Soulbeast can do my DPS job better so therefore why I got nerfed that's my point I'm not saying NERF Soulbeast or whining about your beloved class. I'm saying you guys are racist towards Thieves because you hate them and you just made my point! you jumped to Defend Soulbeast! Don't bullshit me Soulbeast can escape with GS AND BLOCK. Yes, I escape better than your "Soulbeast" as Deadeye BUT I DIE FASTER THERE IS NO 0 DAMAGE SKILL!

Mark yes you can dodge even if you can't see me. You can dodge it. You need to feel it like any experienced PVP player and there is a lot of em who CAN dodge my mark. Yes, it is possible to dodge that even steal on Thief Is possible to dodge.

"has an easier time disengaging fights so yes P/P Deadeye > Longbow Ranger"

P/P Deadeye < Longbow Ranger ??? Hello ??? CC on number 4 Longbow can catch me off guard Even If Break stun with shadow step u still can follow with 1200 range on the longbow. Hello ??? I fought Soulbeast many times he can 1 v 1 me anytime.

Yes, sometimes I can run but I'm not going back on a Soulbeast its a lost If I do. I'm not saying nerf it! I'm just saying there is a better alternative for my Deadeye build. I'M JUST Saying my deadeye Build p/p WAS weak already so why double nerf it ?! yes it is one of my favourite classes I have the right to defend it as YOU did on your Soulbeast class you JUMPED ON my forum to defend it! RIGHT?!

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The game is lopsided right now in terms of balance and thieves don't have it easy outside of condi by any means, but objectively 3-3-3 on a build that can refresh all its init still gives too much reward for the effort required to execute it.

Them's the breaks. Now if only they would treat Mesmers with the evenhandedness they give thief.

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@KumaDXL.9124 said:

@urdriel.8496 said:I dont care about p/p thief but man, Sb is not in meta , and you cant compare it to a p/p pew pew because Ranger cant spam skills.

Spellbreaker isn't even meta ? =)

You Right! Ranger pew pew is OP I can't even compare it to deadeye pew pew =) Its 10 shots on 2 seconds the cooldown is 10 seconds but u can stealth for 3 seconds Then CC and PEW PEW AGAIN! Also, you are like a warrior 0 DMG for 3 seconds =) Then CC+Stealth+pew pew again!

Yeah sure Ranger and Warrior Isn't meta I have 217 games ranked PVP mhm OF COURSE what I'm thinking! I might be crazy or something! :joy:

Go play ranked PVP than reach top 250 than come back and talk to me <3. I just checked your PVP IMO you have nothing. :joy:

i was thinking Sb as soulbeast ,me bad xDD

btw rapid fire 10 shots in 2,5 sec with 10 sec cooldown untraited , unload 8 shots in 1,5 sec plus you can spam at least 3-4 of them plus you obtain 1 might for each shot, im sure that unload have more dps than rapid fire, and if you stealth after using rapid fire ,well dunno what could you accomplish with that , with a thief you only need to use a utility to have 100% of stealth , with ranger you have to actually combo with smokescale or hit with Lb#3.

Spellbreaker is meta, soulbest isnt.........you should know it.

Spvp comunity of this game is so small that , to be between the first 250 means nothing.

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@KumaDXL.9124 said:

@urdriel.8496 said:I dont care about p/p thief but man, Sb is not in meta , and you cant compare it to a p/p pew pew because Ranger cant spam skills.

Spellbreaker isn't even meta ? =)

You Right! Ranger pew pew is OP I can't even compare it to deadeye pew pew =) Its 10 shots on 2 seconds the cooldown is 10 seconds but u can stealth for 3 seconds Then CC and PEW PEW AGAIN! Also, you are like a warrior 0 DMG for 3 seconds =) Then CC+Stealth+pew pew again!

Yeah sure Ranger and Warrior Isn't meta I have 217 games ranked PVP mhm OF COURSE what I'm thinking! I might be crazy or something! :joy:

Go play ranked PVP than reach top 250 than come back and talk to me <3. I just checked your PVP IMO you have nothing. :joy:

Usually is SB soulBeast and SpB spellbreaker.

1 well im not into Spvp but i have a 67% of victories this season, i dont look at your Spvp rank because, honestly, i dont care.......2 The fact that you say SB is meta means that you have no idea of Spvp, i dont care about your rank, Spvp rank in a game with a small Spvp community means nothing.3 VV--Pew Pew-zero damage-stealth , , man you should stop using Practice Golem, any normal person would evade , move or attack you, is not that easy for a ranger to pew pew , you only have 2 sources of stealth and you must use a combo or land a skill.4 Normally a good player would never say something like what you said (argumentum ad hominem) in your last phrase, you are a FOTM player, so, i dont care about you or your p/p thief but im really happy that you are unhappy about this change.

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@Tails.9372 said:

@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:objectively 3-3-3 on a build that can refresh all its init still gives too much reward for the effort required to execute it.It's not as easy as you want to make it out to be, mindless unload spam doesn't get you far. The risk / reward was fine considering how much counterplay there was.

Not trying to make it sound easy. Thieves in general have to do a hell of a lot of work, but still mindless unload spam got people running it farther than it should have.

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:objectively 3-3-3 on a build that can refresh all its init still gives too much reward for the effort required to execute it.It's not as easy as you want to make it out to be, mindless unload spam doesn't get you far. The risk / reward was fine considering how much counterplay there was.

Not trying to make it sound easy. Thieves in general have to do a hell of a lot of work, but still mindless unload spam got people running it farther than it should have.Saying that "X shouldn't come that far" is still pretty subjective and ultimately can be said about anything. The questions are: is it to strong from a class balance point of view? Is there a lack of conterplay? Does it prevent the better player from winning the match? The answer to these questions is no. Things shouldn't be nerfed simply because you don't like them, there are a lot of things I don't like to face of against but you're not going to see me calling for nerfs simply because I don't like how XY performs as long as there are reasonable ways to deal with it. But I guess we have to agree to disagree here.
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It hardly as bad as stated and IN DE builds specifically P/P is more flexible now even in power.

One major issue prior was the #1 power skill relatively weak from a power perspective. You also had very limited access to stealth so as to dump malice and use the Malice attack skill . Granted that skill favors Condition builds but with the 20 percent buff to the raw damage portion this thing can hit hard. Just learn to use rotations other then using 3 all the time.

In DE changes to stolen item make it easier to stealth meaning Sneak attack and malice dump easier to achieve. Sneak attack with its damage boost and running with might from your unloads hits hard.

As to PAYBACK , that trait received a boost and is not a nerf if you are able to down people. It a Universal 20 percent cooldown decrease to all Utilities. While I do not PvP is you are in a +1 you can trigger this twice in short order with each renewing gaze decreasing that same cooldown across all skills. I only experimented with it a short time in WvW and focused on the High ICD utiltities (specifically Shadowstep and the Elites of Daggerstrom and Thieves Guild) just to see how many seconds ICD i could knock off on these and I was getting Guild down to a 60 second ICD without much work. This without traiting the trait for a lower Deception trait cooldown.

in P/P if using with BqoBk you can leverage Haste or RFI with Payback for lower ICDS getting those utilities ready to use again much quicker this increasing your oeverall quickness uptime and INI pool or fire up your heals or shadowstep quicker.

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@babazhook.6805 said:It hardly as bad as stated and IN DE builds specifically P/P is more flexible now even in power.

One major issue prior was the #1 power skill relatively weak from a power perspective. You also had very limited access to stealth so as to dump malice and use the Malice attack skill . Granted that skill favors Condition builds but with the 20 percent buff to the raw damage portion this thing can hit hard. Just learn to use rotations other then using 3 all the time.

In DE changes to stolen item make it easier to stealth meaning Sneak attack and malice dump easier to achieve. Sneak attack with its damage boost and running with might from your unloads hits hard.

As to PAYBACK , that trait received a boost and is not a nerf if you are able to down people. It a Universal 20 percent cooldown decrease to all Utilities. While I do not PvP is you are in a +1 you can trigger this twice in short order with each renewing gaze decreasing that same cooldown across all skills. I only experimented with it a short time in WvW and focused on the High ICD utiltities (specifically Shadowstep and the Elites of Daggerstrom and Thieves Guild) just to see how many seconds ICD i could knock off on these and I was getting Guild down to a 60 second ICD without much work. This without traiting the trait for a lower Deception trait cooldown.

in P/P if using with BqoBk you can leverage Haste or RFI with Payback for lower ICDS getting those utilities ready to use again much quicker this increasing your oeverall quickness uptime and INI pool or fire up your heals or shadowstep quicker.

Yes, I know this build but, My build has more stealth on it.

I'm not saying oh I'm the legendary player or the player that knows everything. I'm only sick and tired of crybabies even after the nerf of the p/p thief u still see a person crying about how OP it is on forums. By the way, my BUILD is still working even after the nerf. Also, I'm going to share it with people this time so I can see more crybabies on forums. By the way :joy: my build is not only 3 3 3 p/p there is also Shortbow 1 1 1 1 1 1 :joy: now show me how u going nerf that crybabies :joy:. Also when a thief stealth and auto attack you will do pew pew without casting any Initiative for 6K :Joy: don't forget to cry about that too :joy:. I will share my build if you whisper me in the game and I will link it on Battlemeta it's for fun. It can't carry the team unless if there are certain classes against you. =) Also ... Yes, it is a trolling build based on the start but it turned it out good after few tests on it. =) So @Fat Disgrace.4275 You were right kinda. =) Also thanks @Tails.9372 for explaining the point of view that I was trying to explain and failed kinda :joy:. ArenaNet can nerf my builds my classes at the end of the day I will always find a way to fix it =).

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@"KumaDXL.9124" said:

What the ???

I didn't say nerf or complaining or whine too much about Soulbeast I was just mentioning the combos that u do! as a Soulbeast. Yes, true I can escape as a thief deadeye but not forever and not always. YES, I can stealth better than your Soulbeast as a Deadeye but I die faster RIGHT?!. Overall Soulbeast can do my DPS job better so therefore why I got nerfed that's my point I'm not saying NERF Soulbeast or whining about your beloved class. I'm saying you guys are racist towards Thieves because you hate them and you just made my point! you jumped to Defend Soulbeast! Don't kitten me Soulbeast can escape with GS AND BLOCK. Yes, I escape better than your "Soulbeast" as Deadeye BUT I DIE FASTER THERE IS NO 0 DAMAGE SKILL!

Mark yes you can dodge even if you can't see me. You can dodge it. You need to feel it like any experienced PVP player and there is a lot of em who CAN dodge my mark. Yes, it is possible to dodge that even steal on Thief Is possible to dodge.

"has an easier time disengaging fights so yes P/P Deadeye > Longbow Ranger"

P/P Deadeye < Longbow Ranger ??? Hello ??? CC on number 4 Longbow can catch me off guard Even If Break stun with shadow step u still can follow with 1200 range on the longbow. Hello ??? I fought Soulbeast many times he can 1 v 1 me anytime.

Yes, sometimes I can run but I'm not going back on a Soulbeast its a lost If I do. I'm not saying nerf it! I'm just saying there is a better alternative for my Deadeye build. I'M JUST Saying my deadeye Build p/p WAS weak already so why double nerf it ?! yes it is one of my favourite classes I have the right to defend it as YOU did on your Soulbeast class you JUMPED ON my forum to defend it! RIGHT?!

Firstly I don't play Soulbeast (or Ranger) in PvP so I am not defending it.SecondlyLongbow 2 does great damage if you use a glasscanon stats and use Sic'Em with specific traits and pet combination. Also you can dodge this as you can dodge Unload.Longbow 3 stealth.... Thief can also stealth and the last time I checked you had more stealth than a Ranger.Longbow 4 CC uhm...P/P 4 Headshot Dazes or not?

You are doing the same against Soulbeast as those "crybabies" has done to your Deadeye. Instead of trying it out yourself you jump raging saying it is OP without experimenting with said class for yourself.

What I am saying is that instead of looking down on your fellow PvP players and calling them bad you should just try it yourself for some matches or custom arenas and see why they do that damage and how they can survive things and give a feedback after that instead of blindly pointing around skills.

Both Ranger and Thief has a specific role pros and cons in the game. Both of them need to know positioning and how to react to different type of situations. Thief is great as a +1 and decapper while Ranger can help out as a support or quick burst. There are classes which are doing better than others but mostly those classes can be countered by a different one (except some random butterfly which still give me epilepsy attacks when I try to fight them ugh...)

But I guess you will call me out again because I do not agree with you so just simply ignore me then. There is no point if we cannot have a discussion because we don't have the same experience.

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