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Lady Wisteria has been found

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I guess nobody has come up against this before... there is an item called: Feline Dispersal Unit that you can also get, which I had. One of my fine friends must have activated it because I just noticed it sitting there and hit the 'F', went out and back in and well there ya go... kitties again... go figure... sheesh again..

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@Tibicia.8315 said:Yes, I saw the emitter part. It did not bring back my missing cats. I was also hoping reset, but that was a few mins ago, and...nope. No cats. Tried the emitter again, still no cats. :/

Did you leave the instance after using the emitter? It doesn't automatically bring the cats back; instead, they'll reappear after you load back into the instance a second time. If that still doesn't do it, it might be worth submitting a support ticket.

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@Tibicia.8315 said:Yes, I saw the emitter part. It did not bring back my missing cats. I was also hoping reset, but that was a few mins ago, and...nope. No cats. Tried the emitter again, still no cats. :/

If the emitter is up then no cats.. if it's down then the cats will reappear after you exit then re-enter the home instance.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Tibicia.8315 said:Yes, I saw the emitter part. It did not bring back my missing cats.

You need to re-enter your home instance after activating the cats again. They won't just suddenly re-appear in the current instance just as they won't suddenly disappear when you deactivate them.

I did try leaving the instance, too. Tried different racial home instances. Even tried and logging out and back in. Regardless, they are back, today. I guess the little guys just decided to go on vacation! Ha!

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