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New to game: first build


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Building a "torment tank" on Revenant is almost contradictory because Mallyx and corruption sports the lowest sustain/defense of all the legends. However, you could play http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Herald_-_Condition_Mallyx <--- that build and it will work in open world, but you will have to level to 80 then unlock Herald.

But the good news is leveling doesn't require any specific build. In fact, minmaxing now to get the META for your level may actually result in the game becoming too easy as the leveling process is designed to assume you have a semi-random build. As far as the build you are using goes, Jalis has the second best sustain/defense after Glint, so just stick to that until you can build the meta. The only thing you should do is add Staff as your second weapon for an escape tool / block skill when needed. Also put https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigil_of_Frailty on your mace.

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What I was hoping to do was have high base defense stats and use embrace darkness to boost them high enough to tank what I couldn't dodge roll; 3000 hours of souls has made rolling an attractive feature. So far performance has been good enough to beat most players in 1v1 in unranked conquest.

elite specializations definitely seem to flat-out outperform their core counterparts.

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If you like dodge rolling then you may prefer going for a power build and dropping the mallyx /torment completely, since evasion is what Shiro is for. Riposting shadows is a long ranged dodge roll with zero cooldown. With Jalis it is also considered the best core-Rev build for open world.


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Just a note on your build, "Nefarious Momentum" in the Devastation traitline only works with Legendary Assassin Stance skills aka Shiro. So if you are using Dwarf/Demon like in the build you posted, it won't do anything.

I tried a build somewhat similar to this. It can be fun, but it's much harder to be effective than just using a power build. I understand wanting to try unique builds though, so just be aware you're putting yourself at a bit of a disadvantage. The biggest disadvantage with this setup I ran into was lack of mobility.

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@"SWI.4127" said:Just a note on your build, "Nefarious Momentum" in the Devastation traitline only works with Legendary Assassin Stance skills aka Shiro. So if you are using Dwarf/Demon like in the build you posted, it won't do anything.

I tried a build somewhat similar to this. It can be fun, but it's much harder to be effective than just using a power build. I understand wanting to try unique builds though, so just be aware you're putting yourself at a bit of a disadvantage. The biggest disadvantage with this setup I ran into was lack of mobility.

It's bugged huh?

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Assuming you’re looking for a relatively affordable, not-squishy/self-sufficient build, try these:

With this build, it’s easy to have high uptime on 25x Might, as well as fairly-permanent Fury. Having Fury and critically striking have a lot of trait synergy. 3k armor and ~20k HP means you can take some hits that full Viper meta builds can’t. With full Fervor and Might, you’ll have nearly 2.4k CD and can pump out torment, poison, bleeding and burning pretty effeciently. Build up energy and pop soulcleave and you can pretty much just autoattack facetank stuff.


This build replaces Devestation with Invocation, trading some ferocity boosting and life-steal for some added Fury synergy, increasing uptime and crit chance. It replaces the life-steal with a self-healing component in case you struggle with maintaining energy upkeep skills.


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@qeter.9376 said:What I was hoping to do was have high base defense stats and use embrace darkness to boost them high enough to tank what I couldn't dodge roll; 3000 hours of souls has made rolling an attractive feature.

Depending on which content we are talking about, toughness will be useless or close to useless to you as Revenant at the moment on gear.

PVEOpen world - you can run what everFractals - you will be a liability to your team with high toughness since you will likely be contending for a DPS spotRaids - your high toughness will create problems for your tank, you will be useless as DPS, there are no Revenant tank builds at the moment

SPVPAll stats in SPVP are governed by the amulet you chose. Gear has 0 effect on your SPVP performance or stats.

WVWThe only area where toughness might be useful or is useful. Depends on your build but currently Revenants are more mid and backline long range damage dealers, less frontline damage dealers though you could run as frontline support.

@qeter.9376 said:So far performance has been good enough to beat most players in 1v1 in unranked conquest.

See above. Experiment to your hearts desire but realize: your gear has no effect on your performance here.

@qeter.9376 said:

elite specializations definitely seem to flat-out outperform their core counterparts.

Yes, for almost all professions this is true. Elite specializations are meant to provide changes to how the class is played while keeping it's core in tact. They should be balanced against each other, unfortunately this left core builds behind on almost all classes.

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@qeter.9376 said:on a related note why is power shiro better than conditon mallyx for spvp?

For a lot of reasons. Firstly, while Demon stance has better potential damage with condis, a power build with Assassin can apply it's damage much faster, and said damage isn't nullified by a single condi Cleanse. This reason is also why, when you do play a condi build in PvP, you DON'T invest stats in condition duration. It WILL be cleansed before it's full duration pays off. Anyone that's not running condi clears/resistance in this meta is either new or insane(or a revenant indeed :lol: ).

Secondly, the skills in Shiro are over-all more beneficial in PvP than Mallyx's skills are. Same thing when you compare Sword/Sword to Mace/Axe. Glint is picked for Group support/Swiftness and the healing skill is amazing when used correctly. Staff is mostly picked for defensive purposes, mostly the block on the 3-skill. Where Dwarf offers mitigation defenses, Shiro gives you straight-up avoidance and kiting skills.

I could go on but I'm not in the mood to write novels today. Btw, you don't need to be level 80 to play an Elite Spec in PvP, you can automatically use it if you have the corresponding expansion. And seeing as you play rev, you have atleast 1 of the 2. You just need to equip it into your 3rd(bottom) specialization slot, not the 1st or 2nd one. You should do it ASAP, as revenant really wasn't designed to function WITHOUT an ESpec.

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I haven't lost to a fellow renevant in a 1v1 yet, got ganked a few times though, guess lack of conditional clears would be why. Firebrands, scourges, and chronomancers seem to best suited to countering me, warriors kill in one attack if i screw up and they hit me with their full dual axe spin to win but are generally at a disadvantage, holosmiths also seem to be either more skilled on average or just very powerful. Didn't know you had instant access to the elite specs in pvp, good to know.

things have gone pretty well so far, switched to scavengers rune due to duration being less relevant and am getting a 60-70 percent win rate in terms of matches, meta strategy could probably use work though. does the community have a good understanding of how matchmaking works?

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@qeter.9376 said:I haven't lost to a fellow renevant in a 1v1 yet, got ganked a few times though, guess lack of conditional clears would be why. Firebrands, scourges, and chronomancers seem to best suited to countering me, warriors kill in one attack if i screw up and they hit me with their full dual axe spin to win but are generally at a disadvantage, holosmiths also seem to be either more skilled on average or just very powerful. Didn't know you had instant access to the elite specs in pvp, good to know.

That's exactly as it should be if people are playing meta builds. Meta rev is a ganking build that isn't really suited for extended dueling especially against condi players, unless the dueling happens against other similar non-condition builds. And that's pretty much why you are winning the fights. What they can do is deliver 15k worth of damage before you even realize you've been jumped. So when you actually see a good rev player, they will probably stay away from you(after they realize you're condi) until you're engaged in another fight, and then jump at you out of nowhere, eating most of your health when they do it.

things have gone pretty well so far, switched to scavengers rune due to duration being less relevant and am getting a 60-70 percent win rate in terms of matches, meta strategy could probably use work though. does the community have a good understanding of how matchmaking works?

Scavenger's is a good choice, would've gone with that too. It's the baseline rune for condi builds in general.That 60-70% will even out to about a 50% win rate when you reach your personal skill level. Don't mistake it as bad matchmaking, it's just how Glicko works.

Speaking of Glicko, that's the matchmaking algorithm GW2 uses. It's a bell curve algorithm that assigns you a number between 0 and 2200 that represents your rating. Winning or losing increases or decreases that number respectively. The higher your rating is the better your opponents/teammates are. Matchmaking is based on rating but exactly how is different between Unranked and Ranked. Mostly Unranked just has wider margins. Matchmaker also checks for your class and it's rare that you would get a totally un-even match-up these days.

Tournaments on the other hand don't have(I think?) matchmaking. Instead the team you're facing is randomly chosen from all participating teams.

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