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Basically this is the reason why sic'em must be an AoE reveal.


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Ranger LB has far greater range than DE rifle even if DE is kneeling. Just out range them, use blocks, gap closer, stealth, etc. For a DE running with rifle mobility is pretty bad and since stealth is all DE really has, getting damages them a lot since they are super squishy. Essentially they are a stealthy glass cannon.

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Do the only other thing Thieves are good at, other than Stealthing.Run away.Thieves are terrible fighters, that's why they don't normally do actual 1v1's.(No, being able to run away does in no way add up to being a good fighter)

Really, Thieves who built like that can't do anything against you.Run away, reset the mark. Return after that if you're so inclined.

You got an extra ~350 range on him due the way your arrows arc on flat terrain, compared to DE's Rifle, which actually really does stop at a max range of 1500. You can squeeze more ranged advantage out of it by looking for a clever elevated spot (preferably one, where he can't use any form of Shadowsteps to get to you for that Backstab), so you can pew pew from a 1970 range distance with your LB while he can't get to you.Sic'Em already provides more than enough as it is, I'm actually quite sure that making it into a 360 or even 600 radius Reveal would actually feel like a nerf. Not to mention, it wouldn't have helped you here in any way whatsoever.

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You guys do realize that in the case the ranger in the video used signet of stone, line of sighted, ran into the camp, the thief would simply continue to perma stealth until he moves out? And even if he was running, He can continue following you forever and there's nothing you can do about it, And the moment anything else distracts you hes just going to burst you. And in the case that it doesn't one shot, He just goes back to stealth and the entire process loops. And don't tell me to use stealth traps because the moment he gets hit by one hes going to shadowstep away and use the elite which clears revealed.

And how is good game design when the only thing you can do against another class in a 1v1 is to run away?

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@Velran.1052 said:You guys do realize that in the case the ranger in the video used signet of stone, line of sighted, ran into the camp, the thief would simply continue to perma stealth until he moves out? And even if he was running, He can continue following you forever and there's nothing you can do about it, And the moment anything else distracts you hes just going to burst you. And in the case that it doesn't one shot, He just goes back to stealth and the entire process loops. And don't tell me to use stealth traps because the moment he gets hit by one hes going to shadowstep away and use the elite which clears revealed.

And how is good game design when the only thing you can do against another class in a 1v1 is to run away?

Pretty sure mostly everyone is saying that this a bad game desinge, but they are also saying what he did wrong and what could be done instead. Ofc, that's easier said than done as you said the thief can stay in stealth indefinitely and i have previously said in another thread that there is only so much predicting you can do vs something like a shadow arts de in wvw.

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@"Silverkung.9127" said:1Answer direct your questionNo need to "REVEAL" all skill that make target "REVEAL" swap spec to "Veil Sight" as NPC we fight at Queen-G player can see stalth enemy,Problem solve.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Veil_Sight

i like this one as it also doesnt cut the thieves ability to fight back as much. reveal currently disables use of stealth attacks and all the bonus from SA traitline. with veil sight i would still have dmg reduction, heal etc and the ability to burst back. also it only gives the person using the ability the option to attack me easily not the other people standing by. it would turn an unreliable hardcounter into a reliable softcounter. not sure what deadeye elite is good for then, maybe that will get veil sight too so we can hunt each other.

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