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What will people do on these maps after few weeks?


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@Kalli.4506 said:I wonder, doesent people care about achievements, collections and stuff? Is it all about map completion, finish the story, getting the griffon and then you have finished PoF and theres nothing more to do? I dont agree with that thinking.

I think there is alot more to do than just story, map completion and mounts. You have achievements and collections to get the new armors and weapons, casino coin event if you like getting toys and stuff, finding new recipies, maxing all masteries, all lore stuff etc.. Just to mention a few.

Just be creative and stop expect to get spoon fed with content that doesnt need any thinking and effort.

Getting all PoF achievements it significantly easier and faster than getting all HoT achievements. Most new weapon and armor sets dont even have a collection. Also the whole thing gives 1168 AP vs 1700+ for HoT.

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@Vladish.3940 said:I agree that games as whole turn towards pay to win model because that's what makes them money. Thus far I have not seen that trend in GW2 is what I'm saying. As it stands, mounts do not win you nothing in game, unless they would allow them in Competitive content (which they didn't, and I hope they never will).

And sorry, I didn't meant that you in particular thought it was pay to win game (I get it was an example). I just took opportunity to counter-argument that approach as I have seen it to start pop out on the forums. It was convenient since you actively brought it up as an example. Sorry, I should have expressed that better rather than jumping into the issue itself.

And I still say your marketing approach is baseless, implying that they wasted 2 years worth of labor and resources just as an excuse to implement mounts.

Mounts imho are natural evolution of most MMOrpgs. Quite frankly, if they made new maps smaller, divided them into 10-20 smaller maps (which they could have), it would kill the immersion of the expansion as being a vast desert. Mounts simply make sense; can it make them more money down the road due to primarily skins? Yes, nothing wrong with that. Claiming though that entire expansion is made just for a single feature... if they did that, I would actually question their intelligence at that point. Is it an investment into future? Yes, as it opens up new avenues to them, but not an excuse for an entire expansion.

On the same note they have also caused themselves more hardships, as they have to get better at map design and always keep all the features in mind. But hell, IF maps will get better, all power to them.

You good don't have explain yourself, I am not a grudge holder we all here to do or say something. And or to speak our opinions. I'm a lengthy writer sometimes, ok all the time lmao. So people misunderstand and or just miss my point entirely at times. You have missed it 2x now lol on the same thing.

To be honest you still missed what i was trying to say on pay to win things. How you keep missing it I have no idea I'm not speaking at it from a business side to the people perspective. I'm talking about it from a perspective of a i need everything type of player (based on what they say and or actions they do.) that thinks they should not have to work for things and are or feel like they are entitled to get what some people pay for, but are unwilling to get it the hard way because they themselves don't want to grind for it and or don't have money to buy it. (for reference to what I'm saying find the thread griffon behind a paywall actually couple on here in complaint about that subject) In turn those types of players then pull the pay to win card when it just isn't true. (they pull it even if there is no clear advantage to said item)

If you didn't get my point this time so be it I'm not gonna break it down anymore then that, pretty much broke down as far as can be.I was never implying that you see this trend in gw2, because people honestly can't. They could, but they would get tore apart by people like me lol.They already have in the past.

Anyways, really isn't baseless least no more or better than saying it is, because neither of us can prove what every person that bought PoF bought it for.My perspective is just not the same as yours, still don't mean it's baseless nor does it mean yours is. lets just agree to disagree and move on. It's seriously not worth arguing over could go for days with nobody winning because neither of us has numbers of everyone who bought it and for what reason.

Though for rest of what you said I do agree, mounts have been huge part of mmo games for very long time and even games that had them naturally right off bat i had one. Great tool for getting around quickly safely and cheaply. I was never disagreeing on the mount concept, I welcomed them. Even if they would have been a BLTC only item I would have eventually bought one. :)Heck i got like 8 outfits most people see em pointless I like em lol. If I like something I'll spend money YOLO right? I can't take $ to heaven or hell. so spend it enjoy it while I'm alive tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Just keep a little in the bank in case tomorrow you awaken from your slumber. lol

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I don't understand what the big rush is? I don't remember the first release being such a race. Seemed we were more social and enjoying the journey.

Now everyone seems to be blasting through content/collections/achievements/bounties and reports everything "done" in a few days. Are you guys who do that actually enjoying the new exploration/dialogue/music/story/lore stuff? Do you ever just wander around? Or is it that you more enjoy the challenge of getting all the boxes checked off as fast as humanly possible?

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@Zoria.1392 said:I don't understand what the big rush is? I don't remember the first release being such a race. Seemed we were more social and enjoying the journey.

Now everyone seems to be blasting through content/collections/achievements/bounties and reports everything "done" in a few days. Are you guys who do that actually enjoying the new exploration/dialogue/music/story/lore stuff? Do you ever just wander around? Or is it that you more enjoy the challenge of getting all the boxes checked off as fast as humanly possible?

We do, we are just more curious than you.

"Oh, what is this achievement over here", "Oh, what is that place over there"

And bam, we complete it all, just like that.

For the 10th time, there is a logical point to farm HoT - a hard challenge with large groups (attracts many people) or farming an endgame mats/item (attracts the other people), of course, some are attracted by both. Sadly, we don't have a hard challenge with large groups, nor highly rewarding events/world bosses in PoF.

An MMO was always about farming and hard group challenges.

You see they killed the exploration in the last legendary items. I am not saying I am 100% happy with this, but some of you are saying that GW2 is ALL about exploration - well, where is the exploration in this? Wake up, sleeping beauties - this is an MMO. Pretty good one, one of the best and to stay there it has to offer endgame challenge with endgame farming in its latest content.

The same way I will not be 100% happy if they make all maps like DS - we just want SOME events/Challenges/world bosses that can keep us on the map, rewarding and hard.

The golden middle, balance - it is all about this.

I don't want to take the candy from your mouth, I want it to be a place that all players enjoy, not just for few days or weeks.

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What does anyone do on any map after a few weeks? This game isn't Skyrim, Fallout 4 or GTA. There isn't anything interesting to discover and find. There isn't any emergent behavior. There isn't anything to interact with or build up. And with all the annoying aggro mobs you can't really faff around on the maps either.

I don't understand why PoF didn't make use of phasing to allow you to feel like you are beating back Balthie's forces and creating a new army of your own. There is no sense of accomplishment from simply running around the map killing respawns.

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@Ellisande.5218 said:What does anyone do on any map after a few weeks? This game isn't Skyrim, Fallout 4 or GTA. There isn't anything interesting to discover and find. There isn't any emergent behavior. There isn't anything to interact with or build up. And with all the annoying aggro mobs you can't really faff around on the maps either.

I don't understand why PoF didn't make use of phasing to allow you to feel like you are beating back Balthie's forces and creating a new army of your own. There is no sense of accomplishment from simply running around the map killing respawns.

Yes, and most of us hope that they will add something.

With the already introduced bounty system, I would like to see a bar that is filling and when done to activate a great event, but challenging one, similar to mini events chain (for example after killing ~100 bounties on the map)... and at the end of the events to activate the final fight with something big (similar to teq maybe? but with different mechanics ofc). Possibly adding the mounts in the picture. Add some nice rewards in that event and people will stay to farm the bounties just to spawn the event.

Just my 2 cents :)

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the new maps are as basic as core maps. these are drive-by maps: finish your quest, leave, and never have to come back.

exploration in POF is way overrated. nothing special compared to even the core maps. you've seen it once, that's enough. not very memorable.

OTOH, HoT was much more revolutionary in terms of map design and exploration--for any game ever made. GW2 is known for excellent level and world design, but HoT was whole 'nother level.

Some people fall for things like achievements and collections, but most people really don't bother. The vast majority want action, climactic events, rewarding group content.

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