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Public Arena Griefing


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So I've been trying to learn soulbeast in arena but I keep getting ganked by someone who appears to get a kick out of interrupting someone else's fun. I'm just out here trying to practice and have some fun, meanwhile some guy (for whatever reason) decides he wants to do everything he can to stop that from happening. So, why am I here to discuss this? Because it's the type of behaviour that reflects badly upon the community. So whoever is doing this, I hope you are reading this. If you are, I'm not trying to start any trouble, so whatever I did to you in the past, can you just put it behind you mate? At the end of the day were all here to enjoy the game. I've got no beef with you, so just let it be.

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@Daishi.6027 said:It’s a public FFA death pit with no rules.

If you want to duel uninterrupted go to a duel server.

yes that's what I would normally do, but as I speak the arenas available right now have maybe 2-3 players and not every one of them is available or willing to duel. Literally the best way to practice right now is public arena or unranked. My point still persists, I know I'm whining but I'm hoping whoever is doing this can read this and understand that I'm not into their little games. This is is griefing, and imho it is worse than verbal abuse.

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@buzzle.9347 said:

@Daishi.6027 said:It’s a public FFA death pit with no rules.

If you want to duel uninterrupted go to a duel server.

yes that's what I would normally do, but as I speak the arenas available right now have maybe 2-3 players and not every one of them is available or willing to duel. Literally the best way to practice right now is public arena or unranked. My point still persists, I know I'm whining but I'm hoping whoever is doing this can read this and understand that I'm not into their little games. This is is griefing, and imho it is worse than verbal abuse.

Lol try to imagine this on top of verbal abuse...

Honestly at this point you are effectively feeding the troll, if they see this thread they will laugh and feel proud they got you to go this far.

You want him to stop? Shift your practice and fight him instead. If he is worse than you on your main and runs his mouth, go get your main and put him in his place.

If not well then fight him and die till you get good enough not to.

Or if someone in the arena is actively wanting to duel convince them to join an empty or duel server with you.

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@BlaqueFyre.5678 said:It’s a FFA Arena, that makes anyone in it hostile, it is not friending, it is literally going by the rules of what constitutes FFA...

This is like willing jumping into a Mosh Pit and whining about getting bumped into...

Yes, I understand it's an FFA arena so anything goes. But using your analogy, in a mosh pit people don't purposefully look for anyone to bump into, it just happens because people get in the way. So, in this instance it's like going into a mosh pit but continuously being bumped into by someone doing it because they enjoy hitting you, i.e looking for trouble and wanting to start a fight.

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@buzzle.9347 said:

@BlaqueFyre.5678 said:It’s a FFA Arena, that makes anyone in it hostile, it is not friending, it is literally going by the rules of what constitutes FFA...

This is like willing jumping into a Mosh Pit and whining about getting bumped into...

Yes, I understand it's an FFA arena so anything goes. But using your analogy, in a mosh pit people don't purposefully look for anyone to bump into, it just happens because people get in the way. So, in this instance it's like going into a mosh pit but continuously being bumped into by someone doing it because they enjoy hitting.

Again it’s a FFA just like a Mosh pit anyone and everyone in there can hit you for whatever reason, and in Mosh Pits people that are in them generally like to purposefully bump into whoever repeatedly, literally....

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@Daishi.6027 said:

@Daishi.6027 said:It’s a public FFA death pit with no rules.

If you want to duel uninterrupted go to a duel server.

yes that's what I would normally do, but as I speak the arenas available right now have maybe 2-3 players and not every one of them is available or willing to duel. Literally the best way to practice right now is public arena or unranked. My point still persists, I know I'm whining but I'm hoping whoever is doing this can read this and understand that I'm not into their little games. This is is griefing, and imho it is worse than verbal abuse.

Lol try to imagine this on top of verbal abuse...

Honestly at this point you are effectively feeding the troll, if they see this thread they will laugh and feel proud they got you to go this far.

You want him to stop? Shift your practice and fight him instead. If he is worse than you on your main and runs his mouth, go get your main and put him in his place.

If not well then fight him and die till you get good enough not to.

Or if someone in the arena is actively wanting to duel convince them to join an empty or duel server with you.

Sure maybe that is the case, I thought that it might happen. But like I said I'm hoping there's a chance this dude might look at it differently. Anyway, if you watched the video, you can see I was trying to fight the guy. It's hard to fight someone who keeps instantly killing themselves and resurrecting with full hp.

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@buzzle.9347 said:Because it's the type of behaviour that reflects badly upon the community.

Omegalul you havent seen anything yet.

Join a guild. Usually guilds ragdoll people ganking their guildmates for no particular reason for fun. Or I'd hope so.Join a -fun- guild.

Nothing like playing golf with your guildies on a banish guard, who ever ends up as our golf ball must feel frustrated at times.

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