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asian faces

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  • 2 years later...

@"Reincarnatie.7254" said:Good news, everyone~ with the Canthan-expansion, there will probably be an addition of East-Asian faces (like with the addition of African-faces that came with the PoF).

<--- Official Sunqua Peak Fractal teaser.

If that happens and none of the other playable races get anything, we know for a fact that people playing humans pay 10x more than all the others combined.

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@"Reincarnatie.7254" said:Good news, everyone~ with the Canthan-expansion, there will probably be an addition of East-Asian faces (like with the addition of African-faces that came with the PoF).

<--- Official Sunqua Peak Fractal teaser.

So something no one like me, who doesn't play humans likely would care about. Again. Fantastic. (Love the reused mount-skin btw.)

@Yggranya.5201 said:

@"Reincarnatie.7254" said:Good news, everyone~ with the Canthan-expansion, there will probably be an addition of East-Asian faces (like with the addition of African-faces that came with the PoF).

<--- Official Sunqua Peak Fractal teaser.

If that happens and none of the other playable races get anything, we know for a fact that people playing humans pay 10x more than all the others combined.

Only because humans have been catered too for so long, I mean really Im sure if you dumped some GOOD faces/hairs/beards/tats/fur-patterns and so on in the little kit we'd have waaaaay more people taking a solid look. (The elonian faces/hairs were made base-line so when you make a human character those options are there, you don't even NEED a make-over kit. So the argument is moot at this stage.)

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:Only because humans have been catered too for so long, I mean really Im sure if you dumped some GOOD faces/hairs/beards/tats/fur-patterns and so on in the little kit we'd have waaaaay more people taking a solid look. (The elonian faces/hairs were made base-line so when you make a human character those options are there, you don't even NEED a make-over kit. So the argument is moot at this stage.)

part of the reason i think is, the content designers for characters are humans/people (i mean seriously) so there's a lot of references (based on one's own image/others) and you can just google up a photo of a random person's (of a specific race/age_group/gender/etc.) face so there's so much variety to use as a reference once the limits of one's imagination is reached.... the norn and sylvari have it lucky they have human features (for faces for example).

meanwhile you can only design so many asuran/charr faces before the next new one doesn't look as asuran/charr enough anymore (or doesnt do it justice) i mean they still can do a great job at it, there's still a lot more they can potentially cook up for faces/fur patterns/etc. and we definitely need more customization for non-human races but it's really so much more easier to just design something human-like.

(like i know some may want it, but a dog/wolf-like face instead of a feline-like face for charr wouldn't be charr in my book)

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@"Reincarnatie.7254" said:Good news, everyone~ with the Canthan-expansion, there will probably be an addition of East-Asian faces (like with the addition of African-faces that came with the PoF).

<--- Official Sunqua Peak Fractal teaser.

So something no one like me, who doesn't play humans likely would care about. Again. Fantastic. (Love the reused mount-skin btw.)

@"Reincarnatie.7254" said:Good news, everyone~ with the Canthan-expansion, there will probably be an addition of East-Asian faces (like with the addition of African-faces that came with the PoF).

<--- Official Sunqua Peak Fractal teaser.

If that happens and none of the other playable races get anything, we know for a fact that people playing humans pay 10x more than all the others combined.

Only because humans have been catered too for so long, I mean really Im sure if you dumped some GOOD faces/hairs/beards/tats/fur-patterns and so on in the little kit we'd have waaaaay more people taking a solid look. (The elonian faces/hairs were made base-line so when you make a human character those options are there, you don't even NEED a make-over kit. So the argument is moot at this stage.)

you're ignoring the one problem allot of ppl seem to miss, humans are the only race without anything extra.norn - tattoosylvari - underglow, skin pattern, earsasura - ears, skin patterncharr - ears, fur pattern, hornshumans - ..........

if anything, humans need facial changes like make up and patterns.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@"Reincarnatie.7254" said:Good news, everyone~ with the Canthan-expansion, there will probably be an addition of East-Asian faces (like with the addition of African-faces that came with the PoF).

<--- Official Sunqua Peak Fractal teaser.

So something no one like me, who doesn't play humans likely would care about. Again. Fantastic. (Love the reused mount-skin btw.)

@"Reincarnatie.7254" said:Good news, everyone~ with the Canthan-expansion, there will probably be an addition of East-Asian faces (like with the addition of African-faces that came with the PoF).

<--- Official Sunqua Peak Fractal teaser.

If that happens and none of the other playable races get anything, we know for a fact that people playing humans pay 10x more than all the others combined.

Only because humans have been catered too for so long, I mean really Im sure if you dumped some GOOD faces/hairs/beards/tats/fur-patterns and so on in the little kit we'd have waaaaay more people taking a solid look. (The elonian faces/hairs were made base-line so when you make a human character those options are there, you don't even NEED a make-over kit. So the argument is moot at this stage.)

you're ignoring the one problem allot of ppl seem to miss, humans are the only race without anything extra.norn - tattoosylvari - underglow, skin pattern, earsasura - ears, skin patterncharr - ears, fur pattern, hornshumans - ..........

if anything, humans need facial changes like make up and patterns.

Since i mostly use the same hair and ears on asura, because most of the others hairs either look terrible or clip through all ear choises, it isn't like it's well made or anything.

Still don't see the benefit of tattoos/skin pattern/fur pattern when you are (at least on a male) mostly covered (depending on which of the heavy/medium/light armor you can choose from). It's pretty bad all around really. Humans still have the most options, by a mile.

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

@"Reincarnatie.7254" said:Good news, everyone~ with the Canthan-expansion, there will probably be an addition of East-Asian faces (like with the addition of African-faces that came with the PoF).

<--- Official Sunqua Peak Fractal teaser.

So something no one like me, who doesn't play humans likely would care about. Again. Fantastic. (Love the reused mount-skin btw.)

@"Reincarnatie.7254" said:Good news, everyone~ with the Canthan-expansion, there will probably be an addition of East-Asian faces (like with the addition of African-faces that came with the PoF).

<--- Official Sunqua Peak Fractal teaser.

If that happens and none of the other playable races get anything, we know for a fact that people playing humans pay 10x more than all the others combined.

Only because humans have been catered too for so long, I mean really Im sure if you dumped some GOOD faces/hairs/beards/tats/fur-patterns and so on in the little kit we'd have waaaaay more people taking a solid look. (The elonian faces/hairs were made base-line so when you make a human character those options are there, you don't even NEED a make-over kit. So the argument is moot at this stage.)

you're ignoring the one problem allot of ppl seem to miss, humans are the only race without anything extra.norn - tattoosylvari - underglow, skin pattern, earsasura - ears, skin patterncharr - ears, fur pattern, hornshumans - ..........

if anything, humans need facial changes like make up and patterns.

Since i mostly use the same hair and ears on asura, because most of the others hairs either look terrible or clip through all ear choises, it isn't like it's well made or anything.

Still don't see the benefit of tattoos/skin pattern/fur pattern when you are (at least on a male) mostly covered (depending on which of the heavy/medium/light armor you can choose from). It's pretty bad all around really. Humans still have the most options, by a mile.

wrong, humans have more choices, not more options.you might not like the choices but they are still there.

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