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Looking for advice on PvP


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Hopefully some experienced players can chime in here. I am still learning PvP, as I consider myself more PvE player but got into PvP a bit.

Only played the game itself few months now. Last season started late got gold(first time doing season), nothing amazing. Started this season hit little over plat 1530 skill level. Then just went on like an 8 match losing streak. Blew my mind, tried my best to help where needed and teamwork but alas didn't prevail and now lost a bunch of rating and hit gold.

That being said I am clueless as to what to try improve on besides just playing I suppose....It is killing my desire to play PvP or least ranked for certain.

After while it is starting to feel, watered down, is that a good way to put it? Its the same builds and strats over, over, and over again. I play the metabattle builds make sure I got best setup and all. Maybe tweak here and there but alas it doesn't seem to matter.

I guess I am just getting burned out on PvP and going on losing streaks is a huge downer. Generally speaking the matches never feel balanced it is either full out win or lost (most of the the time, rarely get an intense evenly felt match) I am playing solo maybe thats my problem? I don't know.

Thinking about this made me realize I am investing time into something that isn't fun anymore or that rewarding. Maybe PvP just isn't for me and time to shift focus back on PvE content.

I am getting to the point where I don't really care to try or care about the rank anymore just get my dailies, reward tracks and move on. PvP starts to feel very gimmicky. Its probably just me and I am sure I'll get ripped apart for saying all this, but just sharing my thoughts. If you have advice to share, I am all ears.

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@FyzE.3472 said:Run.... you fool... (not calling names, it's just a Lord of the rings reference)

Wait isn't Fly he says in the movie?

Guess you are right, best to just stay away from PvP and focus on other content is what I've decided. I'll do it for rewards and move on. Taking it serious and competitively not worth the time/investment. Least not in this game anyways.

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@SatdeNecro.2395 said:

@FyzE.3472 said:Run.... you fool... (not calling names, it's just a Lord of the rings reference)

Wait isn't Fly he says in the movie?

Guess you are right, best to just stay away from PvP and focus on other content is what I've decided. I'll do it for rewards and move on. Taking it serious and competitively not worth the time/investment. Least not in this game anyways.

You, sir, just saved yourself a ton of time and nerves! And this is the only way to win in this PvP mode too (at least as it is at the moment, there is still, wait for it... mid-season balance patch! woohoo!)

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@SatdeNecro.2395 said:Only played the game itself few months now. Last season started late got gold(first time doing season), nothing amazing. Started this season hit little over plat 1530 skill level. Then just went on like an 8 match losing streak. Blew my mind, tried my best to help where needed and teamwork but alas didn't prevail and now lost a bunch of rating and hit gold.

Getting a losing streak right after Placements usually means that you were placed above your actual level. It happens.

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@SatdeNecro.2395 said:Hopefully some experienced players can chime in here. I am still learning PvP, as I consider myself more PvE player but got into PvP a bit.

Only played the game itself few months now. Last season started late got gold(first time doing season), nothing amazing. Started this season hit little over plat 1530 skill level. Then just went on like an 8 match losing streak. Blew my mind, tried my best to help where needed and teamwork but alas didn't prevail and now lost a bunch of rating and hit gold.

That being said I am clueless as to what to try improve on besides just playing I suppose....It is killing my desire to play PvP or least ranked for certain.

Ugh, I hear yah, I'm having a similar experience. I last played in the Solo Arena days before taking a long haitus when HoT came out, then jumped in mid-season 12 and ended up in Gold. I actually had a really good time with lots of fun matches, but my placement run this time has been one floor-mopping after another. I haven't even made it through the placement yet because of how terrible matches have been. I know I make mistakes and try to take the high road when team chat blows up because I genuinely want to get better...but ya know, when your teammate gives you the Target of Shame, it would be nice to know why XD. Everyone else in my guild loathes pvp so I rely on articles and videos to learn rotations, but those are so situational and vary based on your role. If there are any PVP guilds out there that do training camps or mentorships, I'd love to know!

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@"eksn.7264" said:Review some of the more advanced sections on here, might help a bit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lb1p7SMYTF8AkBPB1E_iTV2hKergpQKgECKOeCjWkC0/edit?usp=sharing

Useful guide, but I have shifted focus on other content in GW2 now. I spoke to a lot of guild mates and other players, PvP is a dying game mode with a dwindling population and taking it too seriously is a wasted investment and time. I plan on playing it here and there still because I enjoy it plus some nice rewards, but that will be it.

Good luck and thanks folks.

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@SatdeNecro.2395 said:Hopefully some experienced players can chime in here. I am still learning PvP, as I consider myself more PvE player but got into PvP a bit.

Only played the game itself few months now. Last season started late got gold(first time doing season), nothing amazing. Started this season hit little over plat 1530 skill level. Then just went on like an 8 match losing streak. Blew my mind, tried my best to help where needed and teamwork but alas didn't prevail and now lost a bunch of rating and hit gold.

That being said I am clueless as to what to try improve on besides just playing I suppose....It is killing my desire to play PvP or least ranked for certain.

After while it is starting to feel, watered down, is that a good way to put it? Its the same builds and strats over, over, and over again. I play the metabattle builds make sure I got best setup and all. Maybe tweak here and there but alas it doesn't seem to matter.

I guess I am just getting burned out on PvP and going on losing streaks is a huge downer. Generally speaking the matches never feel balanced it is either full out win or lost (most of the the time, rarely get an intense evenly felt match) I am playing solo maybe thats my problem? I don't know.

Thinking about this made me realize I am investing time into something that isn't fun anymore or that rewarding. Maybe PvP just isn't for me and time to shift focus back on PvE content.

I am getting to the point where I don't really care to try or care about the rank anymore just get my dailies, reward tracks and move on. PvP starts to feel very gimmicky. Its probably just me and I am sure I'll get ripped apart for saying all this, but just sharing my thoughts. If you have advice to share, I am all ears.

My only advice is to keep playing and never give up. I've had 20+ lose streaks and always managed to recover from those. But it doesn't matter what rating you have anymore. They took the titles and with them any reason to be willing to improve away. So my advice for this season would be just play for fun and gold, don't look at what rating you have or if you win or lose a match :)

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