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Fav Black Lion Weapon Skin?


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I love so many of the weapons. Especially at first glance. Then after a while I realize I'm only using the more realistic ones, or for my less icly combative characters, the most unobtrusive ones since we can't go to town clothes to hide weapons any more. Eg I use Touch of Madness torch so as to completely hide it when out of combat.

So the Cavalier set is wonderful, as are a number of the Gallant weapons, and my go-to scepter is the Privateer one since it's just a small wand that disappears into my garments when stowed. Before I made HOPE I loved the Aetherblade pistol for my Daredevil. Too many game pistols are bloated wide-barrelled toys, the long thin barrel is such a relief. I adore many of the Merciless ones for my norn reaper. And when my angry street rat warrior goes Spellbreaker, she's getting the Improvised Dagger.

So what's my favorite? Anything realistically designed, sized and shaped :)

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Chaos Axe is a classic and will remain so for me.

Stormbow is a must have for GW1 veteran

Choya hammer is so cute, but kinda hard to make a decent theme out of it

equinox staff, torch is amazing

Kasmeer staff is also very pretty without being overblown

Stormdagger is also OK

Volcanus is great too as an alternate to a legendary flashyness

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