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Holo and SB kinda ruin the favor of the classes aren' they ?


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back even before HoT. the good engi would play 2 - 3 kit sand use all the tools effectively.nowadays just pop holo and that's it

same thing for warrior ... back in the day u actually have to land ur Burst to be effective. now u just wait for them to hit ......back in the day i was amazed by how Tarcis landed the burst precisely

what it's done is donefor the future as good as this game combat is if u keep making these easy stuffs it's gonna ruin the favor of the game

just my 2 cent from someone who played the game a lot back before HoT.

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Both Spellbreaker and Holosmith have destroyed the reputation and image that the professions had.

When you think about a warrior profession, you think of a high damage dealing gladiator, someone who's an expert with so many different weapons. Landing an Eviscerate as a core warrior is one of the most satisfying things to do when you play the profession as well as seeing those high critical damage numbers. Now we have Spellbreaker, a specialization that takes everything that makes the warrior what it is away. It turned the warrior into a coward that uses a bubble as a crutch to daze enemies because they can't be bothered to learn when to time their Eviscerate. It's bad enough that they have lots of sustain with Full Counter forcing players to not hit them so that they don't take damage, but they need yet another way to proc Adrenal Health. "But Spellbreaker is good for removing boons!", yeah sure, meanwhile the thief around the corner shouts: "That's my job, a**hole!". Stealing boons isn't a warrior's job.

As for Holosmith... sigh if you know me, you'd realize how much I despise the specialization. It turned the engineer from an intelligent inventor, one who is prepared for nearly any combat situation, having a little bit of everything to help out allies into a bumbling idiot who swings his weapon without a care in the world. All of the kit knowledge, all of the cooldown memorization, swapping from one kit to another, wasted, gone. The Holosmith is basically ArenaNet flipping off the people who played engineer even before elite specializations were introduced. "What's that? You've spent hours, days, weeks and even months and years playing with kits and memorizing cooldown rotations in order to be good? Well, too bad because now we have this specialization that throws all of the hard work you did to be good as engineer into the trash can." Also in the 28th of August balance patch, they nerfed Thermal Vision, further proving that they hate core engineer and they don't want it to be good in PvP and even in PvE.

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@Liza.2758 said:back even before HoT. the good engi would play 2 - 3 kit sand use all the tools effectively.nowadays just pop holo and that's it

same thing for warrior ... back in the day u actually have to land ur Burst to be effective. now u just wait for them to hit ......back in the day i was amazed by how Tarcis landed the burst precisely

what it's done is donefor the future as good as this game combat is if u keep making these easy stuffs it's gonna ruin the favor of the game

just my 2 cent from someone who played the game a lot back before HoT.

You know soulbeast is ranger right?

You talk about holosmith(engineer) and full counter(warrior)

I haven't seen you mention what you don't like about soulbeast yet.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Liza.2758 said:back even before HoT. the good engi would play 2 - 3 kit sand use all the tools effectively.nowadays just pop holo and that's it

same thing for warrior ... back in the day u actually have to land ur Burst to be effective. now u just wait for them to hit ......back in the day i was amazed by how Tarcis landed the burst precisely

what it's done is donefor the future as good as this game combat is if u keep making these easy stuffs it's gonna ruin the favor of the game

just my 2 cent from someone who played the game a lot back before HoT.

You know soulbeast is ranger right?

You talk about holosmith(engineer) and full counter(warrior)

I haven't seen you mention what you don't like about soulbeast yet.

my SB is actually spell breaker.

i personally think soul breast mechanic is fine.

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