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RIP weapon swapping in rotation


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@Pyroatheist.9031 said:

@Jaydos.4751 said:Weapon Swap was all timing, making sure you can fit your skills in the 7 second window.

You say that like swapping weapons then hitting SoI, a shatter or two, and shield 5 was some groundbreaking esports mlg combo.

Or I’m explaining it as it is. Timing based rather then using skills on cooldown. While making sure to sync everything up with the next c split.

No it’s not that “MLG esports” as you say. but is anything “MLG esports” in gw2? Logging on will soon be the most challenging part of the game.

You already just use skills off cooldown. It's not like you delay them to sync up with weapon swap. There's only 3s of downtime if you swap every 10 seconds, so it's really not that hard to do.

I don't understand all this masturbatory back patting going on here between all you guys claiming that support Chrono is this hyper-skilled build that requires precise timing and exacting play. It doesn't. It's not that hard. The rotation is sinple and forgiving. The buff uptime is easy to sustain without having obvious vulnerable points that would disrupt it for a long period of time. Additionally, this build has been various levels of this easy to play for a very long time.

Literally the only time that Chrono was exceedingly difficult to play was when squad-swapping worked in combat, and the Chrono would be swapping themselves between sub-squads every other SoI to cover full 10-target buffs as 1 person. That
required precise timing and exacting execution or it would all fall apart.

Exactly this. Chrono is not hard so kowering dificulty makes no sence.

That's a little disingenuous too though. Chrono is not hard, therefore removing one semi-inconsequential mechanic is not a big deal, particularly if it enables the balance team to better control stat allocation.

The obvious problem here is that sigil of concentration provides an absolutely titanic amount of boon duration for extremely little investment. It's way out of line with anything else in the game that provides boon duration. The obvious intent of the sigil was to lock that boon duration behind an appropriately challenging mechanic, but that clearly didn't work out as intended. Therefor, they're toning it down to a more reasonable power level.

I agree that sigil of concentration was indeed wery efficient and I have no problem with the nerf. I just think that 15% boon duration for 4 seconds after swap would be much better then flat 10%

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@ButcherofMalakir.4067 said:

@Jaydos.4751 said:Weapon Swap was all timing, making sure you can fit your skills in the 7 second window.

You say that like swapping weapons then hitting SoI, a shatter or two, and shield 5 was some groundbreaking esports mlg combo.

Or I’m explaining it as it is. Timing based rather then using skills on cooldown. While making sure to sync everything up with the next c split.

No it’s not that “MLG esports” as you say. but is anything “MLG esports” in gw2? Logging on will soon be the most challenging part of the game.

You already just use skills off cooldown. It's not like you delay them to sync up with weapon swap. There's only 3s of downtime if you swap every 10 seconds, so it's really not that hard to do.

I don't understand all this masturbatory back patting going on here between all you guys claiming that support Chrono is this hyper-skilled build that requires precise timing and exacting play. It doesn't. It's not that hard. The rotation is sinple and forgiving. The buff uptime is easy to sustain without having obvious vulnerable points that would disrupt it for a long period of time. Additionally, this build has been various levels of this easy to play for a very long time.

Literally the only time that Chrono was exceedingly difficult to play was when squad-swapping worked in combat, and the Chrono would be swapping themselves between sub-squads every other SoI to cover full 10-target buffs as 1 person. That
required precise timing and exacting execution or it would all fall apart.

Exactly this. Chrono is not hard so kowering dificulty makes no sence.

That's a little disingenuous too though. Chrono is not hard, therefore removing one semi-inconsequential mechanic is not a big deal, particularly if it enables the balance team to better control stat allocation.

The obvious problem here is that sigil of concentration provides an absolutely titanic amount of boon duration for extremely little investment. It's way out of line with anything else in the game that provides boon duration. The obvious intent of the sigil was to lock that boon duration behind an appropriately challenging mechanic, but that clearly didn't work out as intended. Therefor, they're toning it down to a more reasonable power level.

I agree that sigil of concentration was indeed wery efficient and I have no problem with the nerf. I just think that 15% boon duration for 4 seconds after swap would be much better then flat 10%

100% this. As simple as weapon swapping is. Its far more interesting than just gaining a passive 10% for buying a sigil, putting said sigil on a weapon then never thinking about it again.

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do you people even play chrono? i mean seriously? the 7 second window was -juuust- enough to squeeze in well of action before weapon swapping, mimic soi , tides of time, soi ->split end, tides of time, and then weapon swap. which is also -juuuust- enough for a 2 clone split, what point or challenge is there when the window time is shorter, and by default cause of that you can only cast as much as any simpleton can easily do. if there is no window....what fun is there left then.

the mimic change, horrid, tbh, and some people call it more freedom here, lol. no...seriously, thats not lol, thats just worth crying over.now this...Anet Logic: "If it works and people are content with it, we'll change it, if it doesn't work, we'll cheer you up with more sittable chairs"

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@"Lolivia.3219" said:do you people even play chrono? i mean seriously? the 7 second window was -juuust- enough to squeeze in well of action before weapon swapping, mimic soi , tides of time, soi ->split end, tides of time, and then weapon swap. which is also -juuuust- enough for a 2 clone split, what point or challenge is there when the window time is shorter, and by default cause of that you can only cast as much as any simpleton can. easily do. if there is no window....what fun is there left then.

the mimic change, horrid, tbh, and some people call it more freedom here, lol. no...seriously, thats not lol, thats just worth crying over.now this...Anet Logic: "If it works and people are content with it, we'll change it, if it doesn't work, we'll cheer you up with more sittable chairs"

Looks like you dont play chrono if you need 2 clones cs to cast tides of time, soi, woa, mimic.

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i said 2x soi, and it was about the buff window smartass, obviously moa is in the split too, but thats not very useful mentioning cause that has nothing to do with weapon sigil. learn to read and stay on topic, thnxbye

PS: why use soi x 2 in the split? so i can start off with woa right after the split and THEN use mimic soi again, so it doesnt overcap and has better rotation cause of the cd's being more inline at the end then)

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@ButcherofMalakir.4067 said:

@"Lolivia.3219" said:do you people even play chrono? i mean seriously? the 7 second window was -juuust- enough to squeeze in well of action before weapon swapping, mimic soi , tides of time, soi ->split end, tides of time, and then weapon swap. which is also -juuuust- enough for a 2 clone split, what point or challenge is there when the window time is shorter, and by default cause of that you can only cast as much as any simpleton can. easily do. if there is no window....what fun is there left then.

the mimic change, horrid, tbh, and some people call it more freedom here, lol. no...seriously, thats not lol, thats just worth crying over.now this...Anet Logic: "If it works and people are content with it, we'll change it, if it doesn't work, we'll cheer you up with more sittable chairs"

Looks like you dont play chrono if you need 2 clones cs to cast tides of time, soi, woa, mimic.

So I'm gona be 100% serious and say that I find it difficult to get all the skills off needed in CS with two clones. Tho I don't play chrono much so it might be due to that.But please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong

Pre-cast TW -> CS (Cast ends in CS) -> (if at the start quick F1/F2 for Q/A) -> (Swap) -> SoI -> WoA -> WoR -> Tides of timeMore often then not tides is cast just as CS ends with two clones. I have more then enough with 3. From looking at logs Q/A uptime is good (95%+ on most bosses for peeps in my subgroup)

Am I doing it wrong or do I just simply need to cast the skills faster?

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@Morte de Angelis.7986 said:

@"Lolivia.3219" said:do you people even play chrono? i mean seriously? the 7 second window was -juuust- enough to squeeze in well of action before weapon swapping, mimic soi , tides of time, soi ->split end, tides of time, and then weapon swap. which is also -juuuust- enough for a 2 clone split, what point or challenge is there when the window time is shorter, and by default cause of that you can only cast as much as any simpleton can. easily do. if there is no window....what fun is there left then.

the mimic change, horrid, tbh, and some people call it more freedom here, lol. no...seriously, thats not lol, thats just worth crying over.now this...Anet Logic: "If it works and people are content with it, we'll change it, if it doesn't work, we'll cheer you up with more sittable chairs"

Looks like you dont play chrono if you need 2 clones cs to cast tides of time, soi, woa, mimic.

So I'm gona be 100% serious and say that I find it difficult to get all the skills off needed in CS with two clones. Tho I don't play chrono much so it might be due to that.But please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong

Pre-cast TW -> CS (Cast ends in CS) -> (if at the start quick F1/F2 for Q/A) -> (Swap) -> SoI -> WoA -> WoR -> Tides of timeMore often then not tides is cast just as CS ends with two clones. I have more then enough with 3. From looking at logs Q/A uptime is good (95%+ on most bosses for peeps in my subgroup)

Am I doing it wrong or do I just simply need to cast the skills faster?

You're doing it wrong.

Cs -> ToT, WoA, SoI, mimic, (shatters while you hit those 4) -> Cs end -> ToT, SoI, mimic, SoI, SoI, WoA.

WoR is no longer useful. Due to stacking mechanics, Time Warp is barely useful.

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@"Lolivia.3219" said:i said 2x soi, and it was about the buff window kitten, obviously moa is in the split too, but thats not very useful mentioning cause that has nothing to do with weapon sigil. learn to read and stay on topic, thnxbye

PS: why use soi x 2 in the split? so i can start off with woa right after the split and THEN use mimic soi again, so it doesnt overcap and has better rotation cause of the cd's being more inline at the end then)

If you are talking about raid rotation then you need to w8 for 3rd and 4th soi since else it overcaps. In fractals it would overcap since you already have boons from precasting.There is 0 diference (exept number of clones required) between your" well of action before weapon swapping, mimic soi , tides of time, soi ->split end,"And well of action, swap ,soi, mimic, tides of time, cs ends soi.That proves that my way is more efficient.

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@Pyroatheist.9031 said:

@"Lolivia.3219" said:do you people even play chrono? i mean seriously? the 7 second window was -juuust- enough to squeeze in well of action before weapon swapping, mimic soi , tides of time, soi ->split end, tides of time, and then weapon swap. which is also -juuuust- enough for a 2 clone split, what point or challenge is there when the window time is shorter, and by default cause of that you can only cast as much as any simpleton can. easily do. if there is no window....what fun is there left then.

the mimic change, horrid, tbh, and some people call it more freedom here, lol. no...seriously, thats not lol, thats just worth crying over.now this...Anet Logic: "If it works and people are content with it, we'll change it, if it doesn't work, we'll cheer you up with more sittable chairs"

Looks like you dont play chrono if you need 2 clones cs to cast tides of time, soi, woa, mimic.

So I'm gona be 100% serious and say that I find it difficult to get all the skills off needed in CS with two clones. Tho I don't play chrono much so it might be due to that.But please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong

Pre-cast TW -> CS (Cast ends in CS) -> (if at the start quick F1/F2 for Q/A) -> (Swap) -> SoI -> WoA -> WoR -> Tides of timeMore often then not tides is cast just as CS ends with two clones. I have more then enough with 3. From looking at logs Q/A uptime is good (95%+ on most bosses for peeps in my subgroup)

Am I doing it wrong or do I just simply need to cast the skills faster?

You're doing it wrong.

Cs -> ToT, WoA, SoI, mimic, (shatters while you hit those 4) -> Cs end -> ToT, SoI, mimic, SoI, SoI, WoA.

WoR is no longer useful. Due to stacking mechanics, Time Warp is barely useful.

Stacking mechanics?

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@Morte de Angelis.7986 said:

@"Lolivia.3219" said:do you people even play chrono? i mean seriously? the 7 second window was -juuust- enough to squeeze in well of action before weapon swapping, mimic soi , tides of time, soi ->split end, tides of time, and then weapon swap. which is also -juuuust- enough for a 2 clone split, what point or challenge is there when the window time is shorter, and by default cause of that you can only cast as much as any simpleton can. easily do. if there is no window....what fun is there left then.

the mimic change, horrid, tbh, and some people call it more freedom here, lol. no...seriously, thats not lol, thats just worth crying over.now this...Anet Logic: "If it works and people are content with it, we'll change it, if it doesn't work, we'll cheer you up with more sittable chairs"

Looks like you dont play chrono if you need 2 clones cs to cast tides of time, soi, woa, mimic.

So I'm gona be 100% serious and say that I find it difficult to get all the skills off needed in CS with two clones. Tho I don't play chrono much so it might be due to that.But please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong

Pre-cast TW -> CS (Cast ends in CS) -> (if at the start quick F1/F2 for Q/A) -> (Swap) -> SoI -> WoA -> WoR -> Tides of timeMore often then not tides is cast just as CS ends with two clones. I have more then enough with 3. From looking at logs Q/A uptime is good (95%+ on most bosses for peeps in my subgroup)

Am I doing it wrong or do I just simply need to cast the skills faster?

You're doing it wrong.

Cs -> ToT, WoA, SoI, mimic, (shatters while you hit those 4) -> Cs end -> ToT, SoI, mimic, SoI, SoI, WoA.

WoR is no longer useful. Due to stacking mechanics, Time Warp is barely useful.

Stacking mechanics?

Quickness stacks 5 times. In the CS combo, you use well of action twice and SoI 4 times. All 6 of those stacks are longer than the time warp stacks, so almost nothing from time warp actually sticks around to be useful.

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@Pyroatheist.9031 said:

@"Lolivia.3219" said:do you people even play chrono? i mean seriously? the 7 second window was -juuust- enough to squeeze in well of action before weapon swapping, mimic soi , tides of time, soi ->split end, tides of time, and then weapon swap. which is also -juuuust- enough for a 2 clone split, what point or challenge is there when the window time is shorter, and by default cause of that you can only cast as much as any simpleton can. easily do. if there is no window....what fun is there left then.

the mimic change, horrid, tbh, and some people call it more freedom here, lol. no...seriously, thats not lol, thats just worth crying over.now this...Anet Logic: "If it works and people are content with it, we'll change it, if it doesn't work, we'll cheer you up with more sittable chairs"

Looks like you dont play chrono if you need 2 clones cs to cast tides of time, soi, woa, mimic.

So I'm gona be 100% serious and say that I find it difficult to get all the skills off needed in CS with two clones. Tho I don't play chrono much so it might be due to that.But please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong

Pre-cast TW -> CS (Cast ends in CS) -> (if at the start quick F1/F2 for Q/A) -> (Swap) -> SoI -> WoA -> WoR -> Tides of timeMore often then not tides is cast just as CS ends with two clones. I have more then enough with 3. From looking at logs Q/A uptime is good (95%+ on most bosses for peeps in my subgroup)

Am I doing it wrong or do I just simply need to cast the skills faster?

You're doing it wrong.

Cs -> ToT, WoA, SoI, mimic, (shatters while you hit those 4) -> Cs end -> ToT, SoI, mimic, SoI, SoI, WoA.

WoR is no longer useful. Due to stacking mechanics, Time Warp is barely useful.

Stacking mechanics?

Quickness stacks 5 times. In the CS combo, you use well of action twice and SoI 4 times. All 6 of those stacks are longer than the time warp stacks, so almost nothing from time warp actually sticks around to be useful.

doesnt matter. anet just released the patch notes. the nerfs are worse than i feared, and our rotation is now braindead like 90% of the other professions. rip

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@Pyroatheist.9031 said:

@"Lolivia.3219" said:do you people even play chrono? i mean seriously? the 7 second window was -juuust- enough to squeeze in well of action before weapon swapping, mimic soi , tides of time, soi ->split end, tides of time, and then weapon swap. which is also -juuuust- enough for a 2 clone split, what point or challenge is there when the window time is shorter, and by default cause of that you can only cast as much as any simpleton can. easily do. if there is no window....what fun is there left then.

the mimic change, horrid, tbh, and some people call it more freedom here, lol. no...seriously, thats not lol, thats just worth crying over.now this...Anet Logic: "If it works and people are content with it, we'll change it, if it doesn't work, we'll cheer you up with more sittable chairs"

Looks like you dont play chrono if you need 2 clones cs to cast tides of time, soi, woa, mimic.

So I'm gona be 100% serious and say that I find it difficult to get all the skills off needed in CS with two clones. Tho I don't play chrono much so it might be due to that.But please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong

Pre-cast TW -> CS (Cast ends in CS) -> (if at the start quick F1/F2 for Q/A) -> (Swap) -> SoI -> WoA -> WoR -> Tides of timeMore often then not tides is cast just as CS ends with two clones. I have more then enough with 3. From looking at logs Q/A uptime is good (95%+ on most bosses for peeps in my subgroup)

Am I doing it wrong or do I just simply need to cast the skills faster?

You're doing it wrong.

Cs -> ToT, WoA, SoI, mimic, (shatters while you hit those 4) -> Cs end -> ToT, SoI, mimic, SoI, SoI, WoA.

WoR is no longer useful. Due to stacking mechanics, Time Warp is barely useful.

Stacking mechanics?

Quickness stacks 5 times. In the CS combo, you use well of action twice and SoI 4 times. All 6 of those stacks are longer than the time warp stacks, so almost nothing from time warp actually sticks around to be useful.

Ah, ty

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@Carighan.6758 said:

@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:There should be a significant amount of additional choices, particularly for deeply niche builds and top end variations.

So the patch has come, and there's no real additional choices. This is a class-design issue btw, not one of gear. Gear was just a balance problem, which isn't the same.

From a raiding perspective:

At the very least monk runes are even better now for chrono. Take the restorative mantras trait along with mantra of pain over well of action and you got some good healing per second without losing out on boons since both chronos can 10 man soi spam. With that there's three rune sets for boon support chrono (leadership, durability and monk). That's three variants for the conventional chaos boon support build, a condition version of the support build, dueling/illusions when you don't need the cc (especially if there's a detonate plasma/other chrono is still running chaos) and a power dps build which got buffed due to the added ferocity that phantasms benefit from the new scholar runes. Defender runes also look promising for Deimos hand kiting (granted this hasn't been tested yet). That looks like a lot of choices for the chronomancer traitline compared to a lot of the other specs.

"Class" was used and not elite spec so mirage will be included. Mirage has an axe build with two variants and a scepter build (predominately on the Soulless Horror boss). For open world, staff is also a really great weapon for them.

Back to chrono(chaos/insp). Does it have balance issues compared to other support classes? Yes, it condenses so many jobs into one role that no other class can amount to. That doesn't mean it doesn't have choices in regards to gear. Leadership is you go to for most stuff, durability if you want to make it easier to take hits from hard hitting bosses in addition to that extra resistance and monk runes for when you play the healing variant. Commander/berserker, viper and minstrel/harrier follow the same process as the runes--commander/berserker for most stuff, viper when you go condition and minstrel/harrier when you want more healing power/survivability.

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@GlobalReverse.8543 said:

@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:There should be a significant amount of additional choices, particularly for deeply niche builds and top end variations.

So the patch has come, and there's no real additional choices. This is a class-design issue btw, not one of gear. Gear was just a balance problem, which isn't the same.

From a raiding perspective:

At the very least monk runes are even better now for chrono. Take the restorative mantras trait along with mantra of pain over well of action and you got some good healing per second without losing out on boons since both chronos can 10 man soi spam. With that there's three rune sets for boon support chrono (leadership, durability and monk). That's three variants for the conventional chaos boon support build, a condition version of the support build, dueling/illusions when you don't need the cc (especially if there's a detonate plasma/other chrono is still running chaos) and a power dps build which got buffed due to the added ferocity that phantasms benefit from the new scholar runes. Defender runes also look promising for Deimos hand kiting (granted this hasn't been tested yet). That looks like a lot of choices for the chronomancer traitline compared to a lot of the other specs.

"Class" was used and not elite spec so mirage will be included. Mirage has an axe build with two variants and a scepter build (predominately on the Soulless Horror boss). For open world, staff is also a really great weapon for them.

Back to chrono(chaos/insp). Does it have balance issues compared to other support classes? Yes, it condenses so many jobs into one role that no other class can amount to. That doesn't mean it doesn't have choices in regards to gear. Leadership is you go to for most stuff, durability if you want to make it easier to take hits from hard hitting bosses in addition to that extra resistance and monk runes for when you play the healing variant. Commander/berserker, viper and minstrel/harrier follow the same process as the runes--commander/berserker for most stuff, viper when you go condition and minstrel/harrier when you want more healing power/survivability.

If i remember the name correctly sanctuary runes are now better on tank chrono then durabiliy

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@Carighan.6758 said:

@Irenio CalmonHuang.2048 said:There should be a significant amount of additional choices, particularly for deeply niche builds and top end variations.

So the patch has come, and there's no real additional choices. This is a class-design issue btw, not one of gear. Gear was just a balance problem, which isn't the same.

The context of your statement doesn't match with Ireno's. There are real additional choices if you aren't fixated on pushing the 'only one build matters' meta mentality. The best part is that if you are pushing meta builds for a class, you don't care about variation anyways. You're just building for optimization. I mean, he straight up says the choices are particularly for deeply niche or top end variation builds .... and meta are neither of those.

The new runes/sigils actually do what he says much better than the old ones did.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Irenio CalmonHuang.2048 said:There should be a significant amount of additional choices, particularly for deeply niche builds and top end variations.

So the patch has come, and there's no real additional choices. This is a class-design issue btw, not one of gear. Gear was just a balance problem, which isn't the same.

The context of your statement doesn't match with Ireno's. There
real additional choices if you aren't fixated on pushing the 'only one build matters' meta mentality. The best part is that if you are pushing meta builds for a class, you don't care about variation anyways. You're just building for optimization. I mean, he straight up says the choices are particularly for deeply niche or top end variation builds .... and meta are neither of those.

The new runes/sigils actually do what he says much better than the old ones did.

There used to be much more variation in chronos gear before this patch. But that variation didnt come from runes but from traits. Truth is there is only 1 best chrono setup for each boss but there used to be big tradeof. After this change tradofs stayed the same but nonbasic builds become closer to the basic ones so actualy players that ussd the variation are rewarding less for their effort but they are paying the same (or more)

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Right .. so if the variation was in the traits, then essentially what is being said by Ireno is still valid. If anything, I see that if sigils/runes are all equalized, then it is entirely possible that even within a meta build, there is possibility of having variation in them as well. That's actually the problem here; A very specific Sigil was so good for the build, it was the obvious default every time, no matter what the situation. It doesn't make sense to complain there isn't any real choices when their wasn't any before either and THAT is the situation meta players accepted.

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