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How about south elona? (spoilers)


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I would love to see them rework base game's map, maybe reuse them more for future xpac. After all we can glide/mount there now.Before people start saying it will be unfair for players who don't have the xpac, those people won't be able to carry on with the xpac story anyways. Most they can reach is zhaitan and silverwaste?

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It actually looks like Kralkatorrik did go south if you examine the cutscene. Looks like he went over terrain closer resembling canyons and deserts, not mountains and trees like there are directly north of where he was. It's also possible he went west... but north seems unlikely to me)

Also, there's already map files in the game displaying more southern land, so we'll probably go further south for Season 4. Here: i.imgur.com/91niSsy.jpg

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I wish people would stop accusing Anet of abandoning anything and everything which isn't already in the game. Why does it have to be one extreme or the other - either they put it in at the first possible opportunity or it's been abandoned forever?

I always find it helpful to remember that when GW1 first launched in 2005 it included a short chain of 3 quests started in an out of the way outpost where you discover that the last king of Kryta had an heir - an illegitimate daughter called Salma born to a priestess. You find proof of who she is, track her down and persuade her to join the Shining Blade and claim the throne. And then...nothing. It was 'forgotten' or 'abandoned' or whatever. Except it wasn't - they were saving it to develop an entire Guild Wars Beyond release around (sort of like the 1st games Living Story).

I suspect it's the same here. Just because southern Elona and the fate of Kralkatorrik didn't make it into the very first release in this part of the world doesn't mean it's been abandoned and will never be in the game - just like northern Elona wasn't abandoned just because it wasn't in GW2 at release. It'll come later on, in the Living Story or a future expansion.

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