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Venom Enanchement & Sevenshot


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Hi there

I am wondering whether this is a bug or whether it is intended.

I did some testing with Vemon Enhancement trait and it always appled 2 stacks of Poison when you apply torment. It does not matter whether you appy one or 5 stacks with an ability.

Now, the shortbow skill Seven Shot applies one stack of torment for each projectile which connects, but regardless of whether you connect with just one, or all 7 projectiles, you still only get two stacks of poison. so you can have anywhere from 1-7 stacks of torment on your target, but it will always be 2 poison stacks regardless. I see the way one can argue it it one ability therefore it is always 2 stacks, but at the same time, it is seven projectiles each applying torment seperately. I would have thought in this case that each projectile should count seperately and give you 14 poison stacks?

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@Omnicron.2467 said:Hi there

I am wondering whether this is a bug or whether it is intended.

I did some testing with Vemon Enhancement trait and it always appled 2 stacks of Poison when you apply torment. It does not matter whether you appy one or 5 stacks with an ability.

Now, the shortbow skill Seven Shot applies one stack of torment for each projectile which connects, but regardless of whether you connect with just one, or all 7 projectiles, you still only get two stacks of poison. so you can have anywhere from 1-7 stacks of torment on your target, but it will always be 2 poison stacks regardless. I see the way one can argue it it one ability therefore it is always 2 stacks, but at the same time, it is seven projectiles each applying torment seperately. I would have thought in this case that each projectile should count seperately and give you 14 poison stacks?

Venom Enhancement has a 10 sec ICD so it will only apply the 2 stacks of Poison

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