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Psychology - do profession and race play a major part in categorizing ppl

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i find it fun, but it's true that raging comes out more from specific classes, so there must be a relation between the class you like to play and your personality.

Classes wich usualy brings out a rage and stop playing in ranked, are usualy in order:

  1. Guardian (and DH especialy )users - they are in general big ego people and in general childish.
  2. Ranger users - this is coming from the fact their class is so easy to play that they think their level is higher than other players. They don't like team play in general and like to play side nodes, so the raging is coming from the fact that they are loosing because of the team.
  3. Thief - if they rotate bad or fail to burst, they start accusing theyr team for not sustain enough.

In my experience in pvp ranked, i've never found a revenant toxic user. Followed by probably mesmer users, but last one is probably because they are so overpowered that they have nothing to blame to-

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@"Fortus.6175" said:The best way to describe this phenomenon is this: imagine a black cat. Whatever came to your mind is probably very different to mine; it could have been a literal black cat, or maybe thought about bad luck, or maybe thought of your pet, or maybe a bar called Black Cat, or maybe your GF likes to dress in tight black latex, or maybe your childhood friends and you played a game of black cat, etc etc..

You posted about black cat and the next immediate post is from a user named "bad cat" coincidence? :p

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@Vagrant.7206 said:I've never noticed a correlation between race of the character and behavior.

However, I can say that people who play certain classes tend to have greater egos, while others who play other classes to be a little more humble. :tongue: The biggest egos I see in PvP typically come from warriors, thieves, and mesmers. I see more humility in guardians and eles.

no humility in guardians or eles. look at any ALF post or the current BEST ELE NA post lmao

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I’d guess that the class or build you play influences your behavior, just as your personality influences the kind of build you play (e.g, people who are very competitive will always play the best builds).

From my experience it looks something like this:People that play classes that are bad at 1v1 or are heavily countered by a variety of other builds are more likely to rage or complain about the opponent or balance.People who play classes that heavily rely on teammates (e.g. all types of necro, firebrand) are more likely to rage or complain about their teammates or balance.People who play builds that excel at 1v1 are more likely to suffer from being over confident in their own abilities as they will win more duels than classes that do not. They are also likely to complain about their teammates (e.g. when they lose the match despite winning all their duels).People who play a +1 class are likely to complain about their teammates as they rely on them in order to rotate properly. They are also likely to think of themselves too highly as you will obviously get a lot of kills and only rarely die when you outnumber fights most of the time and have superior mobility so you disengage should things get messy.

I don’t think race really changes that. At least not since the introduction of standard models.

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@Erzian.5218 said:I don’t think race really changes that. At least not since the introduction of standard models.

Standard models is how you perceive it... Not how they perceive themselves...They still chose that profession and race in the character creation screen... And they look at their character Everytime, the way they created it... Even when activating standard models, their own character doesn't get standardized.

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Necros tended to be the bigest ragers, with legends like Vingador, Ziltoid and Vimbi all maining it. My theory is that the fact you will get constantly focussed without many immunity or stunbreaks is detrimental to your mental health in the long run, especially if you play Qs every day and rarely with premades. Either you become Zen level relaxed and PMA, like Pancake, or the exact opposite.

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Most people play PVP with standardised character models (at least for the enemy team) which makes it easier to spot professions.

Correct me if I'm wrong but this turns everyone into a generic human with profession specific armor?

This would make your observations pointless to the vast majority of serious pvpers ?

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