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Thank You For Changing Master of Manipulation interaction With Mass Invisibility

K THEN.5162

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Speaking of MI, I'm going to pretend that they took my idea from the old forum, because its pretty much exactly the change they made. A long time ago I suggested making it 6 sec stealth base, and lowering CD to 75 seconds, and people cried so hard about how busted that would be, yet now here we are with an even stronger version of the skill.

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A silver lining to this patch is that 3s superspeed on Blink is pretty damn good.

For Mirror heal, not sure if I prefer the old 2s reflect or new 3s superspeed, but it's kind of useful when running and healing.

I would rather have had it like this:

Mirror: +2s reflectBlink: 3s superspeedArcane Thievery: 2 ammo chargesIllusion of Life: +5s revived duration and small stat boost per playerMimic: x% reduced cooldown of skill copiedMass Invis: anything tbh, just something different that fits.

Rather that 3s superspeed on everything which is kind of bland.

But I'm satisfied with it currently anyway.

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@OriOri.8724 said:Speaking of MI, I'm going to pretend that they took my idea from the old forum, because its pretty much exactly the change they made. A long time ago I suggested making it 6 sec stealth base, and lowering CD to 75 seconds, and people cried so hard about how busted that would be, yet now here we are with an even stronger version of the skill.

True, but given some of the other classes skills, and the amount of stealth counter play added in form of revealing skills and revealed de-buff, MI was very outdated. I mean let's be honest, sneak gyro is still superior to MI even with these buffs. The belt skill gives the engi stealth detection, the active ability gives him a point blank stealth area field which even with the gyro visible is on a shorter cd and longer (untraited) .

Now traited MI is at least on a somewhat even playing field.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:Speaking of MI, I'm going to pretend that they took my idea from the old forum, because its pretty much exactly the change they made. A long time ago I suggested making it 6 sec stealth base, and lowering CD to 75 seconds, and people cried so hard about how busted that would be, yet now here we are with an even stronger version of the skill.

True, but given some of the other classes skills, and the amount of stealth counter play added in form of revealing skills and revealed de-buff, MI was very outdated. I mean let's be honest, sneak gyro is still superior to MI even with these buffs. The belt skill gives the engi stealth detection, the active ability gives him a point blank stealth area field which even with the gyro visible is on a shorter cd and longer (untraited) .

Now traited MI is at least on a somewhat even playing field.

Oh agreed. Its still lacking compared to some other skills in the game, but I actually think that MI is near perfect balance. Anything stronger than it is, in my opinion, too strong of a skill, and should be considered for a redesign. MI does 1 thing, AoE, long duration stealth, and its good at that one thing. Sure sneak gyro is a better skill, but that doesn't make MI bad.

Plus, you can't deny that 9 seconds of stealth and 3 sec of superspeed every 48 seconds, when traited, is bad good. That's pretty damn good imo

Edit - I'm a dumb fuck and got words mixed around

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I agree that the super speed seems a bit out of place on some of the skills. However, the new mass invis is quite good, especially if you take both MoM and PU. I also agree that blink with super speed is really nice!

I'm pretty disappointed with the state of the second tier of dueling traits, though. I really think an extremely short blind on a long cooldown and a 2s reflect following evade on a 10s icd are lackluster effects.

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@OriOri.8724 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:Speaking of MI, I'm going to pretend that they took my idea from the old forum, because its pretty much exactly the change they made. A long time ago I suggested making it 6 sec stealth base, and lowering CD to 75 seconds, and people cried so hard about how busted that would be, yet now here we are with an even stronger version of the skill.

True, but given some of the other classes skills, and the amount of stealth counter play added in form of revealing skills and revealed de-buff, MI was very outdated. I mean let's be honest, sneak gyro is still superior to MI even with these buffs. The belt skill gives the engi stealth detection, the active ability gives him a point blank stealth area field which even with the gyro visible is on a shorter cd and longer (untraited) .

Now traited MI is at least on a somewhat even playing field.

Oh agreed. Its still lacking compared to some other skills in the game, but I actually think that MI is near perfect balance. Anything stronger than it is, in my opinion, too strong of a skill, and should be considered for a redesign. MI does 1 thing, AoE, long duration stealth, and its good at that one thing. Sure sneak gyro is a better skill, but that doesn't make MI bad.

Plus, you can't deny that 9 seconds of stealth and 3 sec of superspeed every 48 seconds, when traited, is bad. That's pretty kitten good imo

True, when traited MI becomes quite useful, meanwhile the mesmer running it is occupying a slot in the team which could go to a support scrapper. :'(

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:Speaking of MI, I'm going to pretend that they took my idea from the old forum, because its pretty much exactly the change they made. A long time ago I suggested making it 6 sec stealth base, and lowering CD to 75 seconds, and people cried so hard about how busted that would be, yet now here we are with an even stronger version of the skill.

True, but given some of the other classes skills, and the amount of stealth counter play added in form of revealing skills and revealed de-buff, MI was very outdated. I mean let's be honest, sneak gyro is still superior to MI even with these buffs. The belt skill gives the engi stealth detection, the active ability gives him a point blank stealth area field which even with the gyro visible is on a shorter cd and longer (untraited) .

Now traited MI is at least on a somewhat even playing field.

Oh agreed. Its still lacking compared to some other skills in the game, but I actually think that MI is near perfect balance. Anything stronger than it is, in my opinion, too strong of a skill, and should be considered for a redesign. MI does 1 thing, AoE, long duration stealth, and its good at that one thing. Sure sneak gyro is a better skill, but that doesn't make MI bad.

Plus, you can't deny that 9 seconds of stealth and 3 sec of superspeed every 48 seconds, when traited, is bad. That's pretty kitten good imo

True, when traited MI becomes quite useful, meanwhile the mesmer running it is occupying a slot in the team which could go to a support scrapper. :'(

I haven't really been playing the game for a while, I honestly don't know how mesmer's stack up against other classes right now in any content :/

This is unfortunate to hear, but I do have to say from reading patch notes that overall the balance team is heading in a much better direction that the HoT days and first few patches after PoF. So I'm hopeful that in a couple balance patches it will be looking up for mesmer as a support again

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@Koen.1327 said:

@MrPhantasia.5924 said:Now mesmers have a way better version of sneak gyro in every way. Anet cant help but pamper their little golden child.

only a better version if double traited, and then mesmer becomes a worse version of itself

superspeed on manipulations skills i find pretty useless on mirage since mirage cloak's 0.75 overrides it, and this happens all the time

I'm really enjoying my latest build which uses double traited MI along with three manipulations. There's something satisfying about being able to use over 13 seconds of stealth during which I can also take advantage of up to 9 seconds of super speed plus teleports!

I don't know how strong my new build is relative to the old, but it is probably the most fun I've had on a mesmer to date!

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The change is great for MI although the better buff was to MI itself, to be honest. Overall, I'm more upset than pleased because I feel like Superspeed is overrated (unless it can be traited to more) and Mirror on my Heal and Blink were much more useful. Losing out on Evasive Mirror and bascially not having any personal reflects anymore is quite disappointing. Yet another unique characteristic gone from Mesmers.

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