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If a "No Elite Spec" tournament was held, where would Revenant stand up compared to other classes?


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Was thinking of something like this for fun. But in your opinion, how would a core Revenant stand in a tournament against other core classes? Where would you rank core Revenant with no elite specs against these other classes without their elite specs?

Worded it two different ways to make sure my question is clear, since on another board people included Herald in the core since they came at the same time. But no elite specs == Core.

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Im pretty confident with our changes we could hold our own, It would depend on the skill of the player and honestly when it comes to core specs if you bring ventari into it by any form or means you will be hard to kill.

Mallyx is nothing but boon-corrupt and condi, as well resistance so any condi-class will have a bad day if you run it (Vs its core form anyhow.)

I actually feel core power would be our weakest link, as without glint shiro kind of suffers. And the nerfs to off-hand sword still really hurt but its on the fence so to speak and could go either way really. Again im unsure but Im pretty positive we could still put up a fight; Im sure warrior would smash our face in but that is just because warrior so far during this games lifespan has never been unplayable or downright crap in pvp.

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