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Shared Empowerment & Quickness


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@Virdo.1540 said:sorry, was in thoughts.... FB and Renegade is still worse than mesmer and druid

not true ^^the removed of goe (glyph of empowerment) was the final killingblow to duid+chrono in 5 man content (after the allready spirit-rework)spirit can be taken by a soulbeast, making druid obsoletemight can be stacked by others, as you allready mentioned yourself, making druid obsoletehealing done is higher on other healers, making druid obsoletedps is higher on fb+ren compared to druid+chrono since fb+ren have higher personnal dps

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@melandru.3876 said:

@melandru.3876 said:and lucky we have the bannerslave, who runs tactics and uses phalanx strenght,so group 1 can be druid as "main healer" which stacks the might to its sub-groupand group 2 can have bs + herald to stack might for their subgroup

Wait... What year is this comment from?

PS War hasn't been a thing people have used since 2017 when GotL got changed... And speaking of GotL, Druid easily gives 25 stacks of might to both sub groups--one dr00d is literally all you need for might and problem solved.

ps wars are still used in t4's...why do you think core war bs, runs it?
10 days ago, sounds pretty recent to me

i still carry and use my greatsword with superior sigil of strenght, and my runes of aristocracy when i have to

drood still meta? what year is this?haven't you heard fb+ren is meta now?

If you're talking fractals, fb+ren is meta yeah, but fractals don't have two subgroups, so don't even pretend that's what you were talking about...

gonna quote my own post, which you haven't read

@Virdo.1540 said:tbh thats what said the cooldowns... but Draconic Echo+ Aspect of Strength together with the Shared Empowerment is still only a 8-9Might to 10this isnt really great and should be left to the herald counterpart imoherald alone cap keep up 14 stacks of mightand lucky we have the bannerslave, who runs tactics and uses phalanx strenght,

so group 1 can be druid as "main healer" which stacks the might to its sub-groupand group 2 can have bs + herald to stack might for their subgroup

removing the need for 2 druids, opening a second healer spot for fb/ren/tempest/scourge

can you see how i wrote 2 clear subgroups?don't pretend you didn't

Like I said, it's clear you're talking about raids there, not fractals... And in raids, druid is the only might source you need and nobody has used PS since 2017. But after I pointed that out you backpedaled and started talking about the fractal meta.

wait what?

@Virdo.1540 said:Also for example in raids or fracs...

this discussion was including fractals before you invited yourself into it though

Why would a discussion about 10 man boons and distributing classes across two subgroups have anything to do with fractals? Yes that guy brought it up, but your comment that I actually replied to, clearly had nothing to do with fractals. This is simple stuff, I feel like I need a translator here or something. :astonished:

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Shared Empowerment is honestly underwhelming and deserves to be buffed. Same for Shining Aspects, I feel no use in ever having either because even when you try to improve the traits with boon duration or healing, they still remain bad due to their hard drawbacks compared Hardened Persistence that even without a shield you still benefit from extra damage reduction.

If Sharing Empowerment has to be this low in Might duration then they should make it so each Boon that you give it grants Might at each. Therefor making high Might stacks possible again at the cost of more facets active which will encourage more plays around energy plus in PvP it can justify the nerf on Incensed Response.

Shining Aspects should have no cooldown period, looking at you Guardian Meditation skills that heal for so much more when traited and still have no internal cooldown for the heal.

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